blob: 90b98c640a3c401b07da30b681102f0a9819853e [file] [log] [blame]
package goldclient
import (
const (
// jsonPrefix is the path prefix in the GCS bucket that holds JSON result files
jsonPrefix = "dm-json-v1"
// imagePrefix is the path prefix in the GCS bucket that holds images.
imagePrefix = "dm-images-v1"
// goldHostTemplate constructs the URL of the Gold instance from the instance id
goldHostTemplate = ""
// bucketTemplate constructs the name of the ingestion bucket from the instance id
bucketTemplate = "skia-gold-%s"
hostFuchsiaCorp = ""
instanceIDFuchsia = "fuchsia"
// md5Regexp is used to check whether strings are MD5 hashes.
var md5Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-f0-9]{32}$`)
// resultState is an internal container for all information to upload results
// to Gold, including the jsonio.GoldResult structure itself.
type resultState struct {
// SharedConfig is all the data that is common test to test, for example, the
// keys about this machine (e.g. GPU, OS).
SharedConfig jsonio.GoldResults
PerTestPassFail bool
FailureFile string
UploadOnly bool
InstanceID string
GoldURL string
Bucket string
KnownHashes types.DigestSet
Expectations expectations.Baseline
// newResultState creates a new instance of resultState
func newResultState(sharedConfig jsonio.GoldResults, config *GoldClientConfig) *resultState {
goldURL := config.OverrideGoldURL
if goldURL == "" {
goldURL = getGoldInstanceURL(config.InstanceID)
bucket := config.OverrideBucket
if bucket == "" {
bucket = getBucket(config.InstanceID)
ret := &resultState{
SharedConfig: sharedConfig,
PerTestPassFail: config.PassFailStep,
FailureFile: config.FailureFile,
InstanceID: config.InstanceID,
UploadOnly: config.UploadOnly,
GoldURL: goldURL,
Bucket: bucket,
return ret
// getGoldInstanceURL returns the URL for a given Gold instance id.
// This is usually a formulaic transform, but there are some special cases.
func getGoldInstanceURL(instanceID string) string {
if instanceID == instanceIDFuchsia {
return hostFuchsiaCorp
return fmt.Sprintf(goldHostTemplate, instanceID)
// getBucket returns the formulaic bucket name for a given instance id. Legacy instances may
// have a different naming scheme and would override the bucket.
func getBucket(instanceID string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(bucketTemplate, instanceID)
// loadKnownHashes loads the list of known hashes from the Gold instance.
func (r *resultState) loadKnownHashes(ctx context.Context) error {
r.KnownHashes = types.DigestSet{}
// Fetch the known hashes via http
hashesURL := r.GoldURL + shared.KnownHashesRouteV1
body, err := getWithRetries(ctx, hashesURL)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting known hashes from %s (with retries)", hashesURL)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
for scanner.Scan() {
// Ignore empty lines and lines that are not valid MD5 hashes
line := bytes.TrimSpace(scanner.Bytes())
if len(line) > 0 && md5Regexp.Match(line) {
r.KnownHashes[types.Digest(line)] = true
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "scanning response of HTTP request")
return nil
// loadExpectations fetches the expectations from Gold to compare to tests.
func (r *resultState) loadExpectations(ctx context.Context) error {
urlPath := shared.ExpectationsRouteV2
if r.SharedConfig.ChangelistID != "" {
urlPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s?issue=%s&crs=%s", urlPath, url.QueryEscape(r.SharedConfig.ChangelistID), url.QueryEscape(r.SharedConfig.CodeReviewSystem))
u := r.GoldURL + urlPath
jsonBytes, err := getWithRetries(ctx, u)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting expectations from %s (with retries)", u)
exp := &baseline.Baseline{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, exp); err != nil {
infof(ctx, "Fetched from %s\n", u)
if len(jsonBytes) > 200 {
infof(ctx, `Invalid JSON: "%s..."`, string(jsonBytes[0:200]))
} else {
infof(ctx, `Invalid JSON: "%s"`, string(jsonBytes))
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "parsing JSON; this sometimes means auth issues")
r.Expectations = exp.Expectations
return nil
// getResultFilePath returns that path in GCS where the result file should be stored.
// The path follows the path described here:
// The file name of the path also contains a timestamp to make it unique since all
// calls within the same test run are written to the same output path.
func (r *resultState) getResultFilePath(ctx context.Context) string {
now := extractNowSource(ctx).Now()
year, month, day := now.Date()
hour := now.Hour()
// Assemble a path that looks like this:
// <path_prefix>/YYYY/MM/DD/HH/<git_hash_or_cl>/<job_id>/<per_run_file_name>.json
// The first segments up to 'HH' are required so the Gold ingester can scan these prefixes for
// new files. The later segments are necessary to make the path unique within the runs of one
// hour and increase readability of the paths for troubleshooting.
// It is vital that the time segments of the path are based on UTC location.
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("dm-%d.json", now.UnixNano())
jobID := r.SharedConfig.TryJobID
if jobID == "" {
jobID = r.SharedConfig.Builder
if jobID == "" {
jobID = "waterfall"
gitHashOrCL := r.SharedConfig.GitHash
if r.SharedConfig.ChangelistID != "" {
gitHashOrCL = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%d", r.SharedConfig.ChangelistID, r.SharedConfig.PatchsetID, r.SharedConfig.PatchsetOrder)
segments := []interface{}{
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%04d/%02d/%02d/%02d/%s/%s/%s", segments...)
if r.SharedConfig.ChangelistID != "" {
path = "trybot/" + path
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.Bucket, path)
// getGCSImagePath returns the path in GCS where the image with the given hash should be stored.
func (r *resultState) getGCSImagePath(imgHash types.Digest) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("gs://%s/%s/%s.png", r.Bucket, imagePrefix, imgHash)
// loadStateFromJSON loads a serialization of a resultState instance that was previously written
// via the save method.
func loadStateFromJSON(fileName string) (*resultState, error) {
ret := &resultState{}
exists, err := loadJSONFile(fileName, ret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !exists {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("The state file %q doesn't exist.", fileName)
return ret, nil