blob: 03cc898906efbf1f6ac59e73df0a133ee1e2f91a [file] [log] [blame]
package goldclient
import (
const (
// ErrorWriterKey is the context key used for the error Writer. If not provided, StdErr will
// be used.
ErrorWriterKey = contextKey("errWriter")
// LogWriterKey is the context key used for the log Writer. If not provided, StdOut will
// be used.
LogWriterKey = contextKey("logWriter")
// NowSourceKey is the context key used for the time source. If not provided, time.Now() will
// be used.
NowSourceKey = contextKey("nowSource")
gcsUploaderKey = contextKey("gcsUploader")
httpClientKey = contextKey("httpClient")
imageDownloaderKey = contextKey("imageDownloader")
type contextKey string
// WithContext returns a context with the given authenticated network clients loaded.
// By putting these values on the context, it makes it easier to stub out during tests
// and not require several extra arguments on each function call. Failure to have these set
// will result in panics when the function is called. If values have already been set on this
// context, the new value will be ignored.
func WithContext(ctx context.Context, g gcsuploader.GCSUploader, h httpclient.HTTPClient, i imagedownloader.ImageDownloader) context.Context {
if v := ctx.Value(gcsUploaderKey); v == nil {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, gcsUploaderKey, g)
if v := ctx.Value(httpClientKey); v == nil {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, httpClientKey, h)
if v := ctx.Value(imageDownloaderKey); v == nil {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, imageDownloaderKey, i)
return ctx
func extractGCSUploader(ctx context.Context) gcsuploader.GCSUploader {
g, ok := ctx.Value(gcsUploaderKey).(gcsuploader.GCSUploader)
if !ok || g == nil {
panic("GCSUploader was not set on context. Did you call WithContext?")
return g
func extractHTTPClient(ctx context.Context) httpclient.HTTPClient {
h, ok := ctx.Value(httpClientKey).(httpclient.HTTPClient)
if !ok || h == nil {
panic("HTTPClient was not set on context. Did you call WithContext?")
return h
func extractImageDownloader(ctx context.Context) imagedownloader.ImageDownloader {
i, ok := ctx.Value(imageDownloaderKey).(imagedownloader.ImageDownloader)
if !ok || i == nil {
panic("ImageDownloader was not set on context. Did you call WithContext?")
return i
func extractNowSource(ctx context.Context) NowSource {
n, ok := ctx.Value(NowSourceKey).(NowSource)
if !ok || n == nil {
return realTime{}
return n
type realTime struct{}
func (r realTime) Now() time.Time {
return time.Now()
func extractLogWriter(ctx context.Context) io.Writer {
w, ok := ctx.Value(LogWriterKey).(io.Writer)
if !ok || w == nil {
return os.Stdout
return w
func extractErrorWriter(ctx context.Context) io.Writer {
w, ok := ctx.Value(ErrorWriterKey).(io.Writer)
if !ok || w == nil {
return os.Stderr
return w