blob: eaad0ed6fe2161dcdce703ceb613970142b524a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* This mock client exists as an alternative to fetchMock. It mocks out the calls to the
* Twirp-provided client directly, rather than cathing them on the network. This assumes Twirp
* generated code works, and is to avoid implementation details of said code, such as transport
* messages using snake_case for camelCase fields, etc.
* */
import { MockRPCsForTesting, StatusService } from '../rpc';
import * as status from '../rpc/status';
export * from './test_data';
export * from './mock_data';
* SetupMocks changes the rpc module to use the mocked client from this module.
export function SetupMocks(): MockStatusService {
const mock = new MockStatusService();
return mock;
* MockStatusService provides a mocked implementation of StatusService.
export class MockStatusService implements StatusService {
private processAddComment:
| ((req: status.AddCommentRequest)=> status.AddCommentResponse)
| null = null;
private processDeleteComment:
| ((req: status.DeleteCommentRequest)=> status.DeleteCommentResponse)
| null = null;
private processGetAutorollerStatuses:
| ((req: status.GetAutorollerStatusesRequest)=> status.GetAutorollerStatusesResponse)
| null = null;
private processGetIncrementalCommits:
| ((req: status.GetIncrementalCommitsRequest)=> status.GetIncrementalCommitsResponse)
| null = null;
private processGetBotUsage:
| ((req: status.GetBotUsageRequest)=> status.GetBotUsageResponse)
| null = null;
constructor() {}
exhausted(): boolean {
return !(
|| this.processDeleteComment
|| this.processGetIncrementalCommits
|| this.processGetAutorollerStatuses
|| this.processGetBotUsage
// Set the AddComment response.
resp: status.AddCommentResponse,
check: (req: status.AddCommentRequest)=> void = (req) => {},
): MockStatusService {
this.processAddComment = (req) => {
return resp;
return this;
// Set the DeleteComment response.
resp: status.DeleteCommentResponse,
check: (req: status.DeleteCommentRequest)=> void = (req) => {},
): MockStatusService {
this.processDeleteComment = (req) => {
return resp;
return this;
// Set the GetIncrementalCommits response.
resp: status.GetIncrementalCommitsResponse,
check: (req: status.GetIncrementalCommitsRequest)=> void = (req) => {},
): MockStatusService {
this.processGetIncrementalCommits = (req) => {
return resp;
return this;
// Set the GetAutorollerStatuses response.
resp: status.GetAutorollerStatusesResponse,
check: (req: status.GetAutorollerStatusesRequest)=> void = (req) => {},
): MockStatusService {
this.processGetAutorollerStatuses = (req) => {
return resp;
return this;
// Set the GetBotUsage response.
resp: status.GetBotUsageRequest,
check: (req: status.GetBotUsageResponse)=> void = (req) => {},
): MockStatusService {
this.processGetBotUsage = (req) => {
return resp;
return this;
req: status.GetIncrementalCommitsRequest,
): Promise<status.GetIncrementalCommitsResponse> {
const process = this.processGetIncrementalCommits;
this.processGetIncrementalCommits = null;
return process ? Promise.resolve(process(req)) : Promise.reject('No mock response set');
addComment(req: status.AddCommentRequest): Promise<status.AddCommentResponse> {
const process = this.processAddComment;
this.processAddComment = null;
return process ? Promise.resolve(process(req)) : Promise.reject('No mock response set');
deleteComment(req: status.DeleteCommentRequest): Promise<status.DeleteCommentResponse> {
const process = this.processDeleteComment;
this.processDeleteComment = null;
return process ? Promise.resolve(process(req)) : Promise.reject('No mock response set');
req: status.GetAutorollerStatusesRequest,
): Promise<status.GetAutorollerStatusesResponse> {
const process = this.processGetAutorollerStatuses;
this.processGetAutorollerStatuses = null;
return process ? Promise.resolve(process(req)) : Promise.reject('No mock response set');
getBotUsage(req: status.GetBotUsageRequest): Promise<status.GetBotUsageResponse> {
const process = this.processGetBotUsage;
this.processGetBotUsage = null;
return process ? Promise.resolve(process(req)) : Promise.reject('No mock response set');