blob: 99185c17410535014160cc01d5c7d7dd8b25cbd1 [file] [log] [blame]
package perfclient
// The perfclient package adds an interface around getting data into Perf's
// ingestion. This means it's generally a wrapper around a GCS client.
import (
// ClientInterface is the interface around getting data into Perf's ingestion.
type ClientInterface interface {
// PushToPerf puts data into a deterministically named folder based on the time
// and the given folderName and filePrefix. For example, with folderName = "My-Task"
// and filePrefix = "nanobench", and now = "2017-09-01 at 13:XX UTC", PushToPerf would put
// data in a file like:
// gs://my-bucket/foobar/2017/09/01/13/My-Task/nanobench_[hash]_[timestamp].json
PushToPerf(now time.Time, folderName, filePrefix string, data format.BenchData) error
// Client implements the ClientInterface interface
type Client struct {
storageClient gcs.GCSClient
basePath string
// New creates a new ClientInterface around the given GCSClient. It will use the
// passed-in basePath as the folder name in the bucket that GCSClient is
// configured for.
func New(basePath string, s gcs.GCSClient) *Client {
return &Client{
storageClient: s,
basePath: basePath,
// Implements ClientInterface.PushToPerf
func (pb *Client) PushToPerf(now time.Time, folderName, filePrefix string, data format.BenchData) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error converting to json: %s", err)
compressed := bytes.Buffer{}
cw := gzip.NewWriter(&compressed)
if c, err := cw.Write(b); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not compress json object, only wrote %d bytes: %s", c, err)
if err = cw.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not finish compressing json object: %s", err)
path := objectPath(&data, pb.basePath, folderName, filePrefix, now, b)
opts := gcs.FileWriteOptions{
// If we compress with gzip and then upload to GCS, GCS allows for auto
// uncompression. See
ContentEncoding: "gzip",
ContentType: "application/json",
return pb.storageClient.SetFileContents(context.Background(), path, opts, compressed.Bytes())
// ObjectPath returns the Google Cloud Storage path where the JSON serialization
// of benchData should be stored.
// gcsPath will be the root of the path.
// now is the time which will be encoded in the path.
// folderName will be the last "folder" in the path.
// filePrefix is the prefix of the json file.
// b is the source bytes of the incoming file.
func objectPath(benchData *format.BenchData, gcsPath, folderName, filePrefix string, now time.Time, b []byte) string {
hash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(b))
keyparts := []string{}
if benchData.Key != nil {
for k, v := range benchData.Key {
keyparts = append(keyparts, k, v)
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%d.json", filePrefix, hash, now.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond))
return path.Join(gcsPath, now.Format("2006/01/02/15/"), folderName, filename)