blob: 5194ed8153ab3961c001b1901445caae8d8760fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Package builders builds objects from config.InstanceConfig objects.
// These are functions separate from config.InstanceConfig so that we don't end
// up with cyclical import issues.
package builders
import (
_ "" // pgx Go sql
perfgit ""
// pgxLogAdaptor allows bubbling pgx logs up into our application.
type pgxLogAdaptor struct{}
// Log a message at the given level with data key/value pairs. data may be nil.
func (pgxLogAdaptor) Log(ctx context.Context, level pgx.LogLevel, msg string, data map[string]interface{}) {
switch level {
case pgx.LogLevelTrace:
case pgx.LogLevelDebug:
case pgx.LogLevelInfo:
case pgx.LogLevelWarn:
sklog.Warningf("pgx - %s %v", msg, data)
case pgx.LogLevelError:
sklog.Errorf("pgx - %s %v", msg, data)
case pgx.LogLevelNone:
// maxPoolConnections is the MaxConns our pgxPool will maintain.
// TODO(jcgregorio) This is a guess of a good number, once later CLs land I can
// experiment with how this affects performance.
const maxPoolConnections = 300
// singletonPool is the one and only instance of *pgxpool.Pool that an
// application should have, used in newCockroachDBFromConfig.
var singletonPool *pgxpool.Pool
// singletonPoolMutex is used to enforce the singleton nature of singletonPool,
// used in newCockroachDBFromConfig
var singletonPoolMutex sync.Mutex
// newCockroachDBFromConfig opens an existing CockroachDB database.
// No migrations are applied automatically, they must be applied by the
// 'migrate' command line application. See for more details.
func newCockroachDBFromConfig(ctx context.Context, instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig) (*pgxpool.Pool, error) {
defer singletonPoolMutex.Unlock()
if singletonPool != nil {
return singletonPool, nil
cfg, err := pgxpool.ParseConfig(instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.ConnectionString)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to parse database config: %q", instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.ConnectionString)
sklog.Infof("%#v", *cfg)
cfg.MaxConns = maxPoolConnections
cfg.ConnConfig.Logger = pgxLogAdaptor{}
singletonPool, err = pgxpool.ConnectConfig(ctx, cfg)
return singletonPool, err
// NewPerfGitFromConfig return a new perfgit.Git for the given instanceConfig.
// The instance created does not poll by default, callers need to call
// StartBackgroundPolling().
func NewPerfGitFromConfig(ctx context.Context, local bool, instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig) (*perfgit.Git, error) {
if instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.ConnectionString == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("A connection_string must always be supplied.")
switch instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType {
case config.CockroachDBDataStoreType:
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Unknown datastore_type: %q", instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType)
// Now create the appropriate db.
db, err := newCockroachDBFromConfig(ctx, instanceConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
g, err := perfgit.New(ctx, local, db, instanceConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return g, nil
// NewTraceStoreFromConfig creates a new TraceStore from the InstanceConfig.
// If local is true then we aren't running in production.
func NewTraceStoreFromConfig(ctx context.Context, local bool, instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig) (tracestore.TraceStore, error) {
switch instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType {
case config.CockroachDBDataStoreType:
db, err := newCockroachDBFromConfig(ctx, instanceConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return sqltracestore.New(db, instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig)
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Unknown datastore type: %q", instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType)
// NewAlertStoreFromConfig creates a new alerts.Store from the InstanceConfig.
func NewAlertStoreFromConfig(ctx context.Context, local bool, instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig) (alerts.Store, error) {
switch instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType {
case config.CockroachDBDataStoreType:
db, err := newCockroachDBFromConfig(ctx, instanceConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return sqlalertstore.New(db)
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Unknown datastore type: %q", instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType)
// NewRegressionStoreFromConfig creates a new regression.RegressionStore from
// the InstanceConfig.
// If local is true then we aren't running in production.
func NewRegressionStoreFromConfig(ctx context.Context, local bool, instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig) (regression.Store, error) {
switch instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType {
case config.CockroachDBDataStoreType:
db, err := newCockroachDBFromConfig(ctx, instanceConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return sqlregressionstore.New(db)
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Unknown datastore type: %q", instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType)
// NewShortcutStoreFromConfig creates a new shortcut.Store from the
// InstanceConfig.
func NewShortcutStoreFromConfig(ctx context.Context, local bool, instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig) (shortcut.Store, error) {
switch instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType {
case config.CockroachDBDataStoreType:
db, err := newCockroachDBFromConfig(ctx, instanceConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return sqlshortcutstore.New(db)
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Unknown datastore type: %q", instanceConfig.DataStoreConfig.DataStoreType)
// NewSourceFromConfig creates a new file.Source from the InstanceConfig.
// If local is true then we aren't running in production.
func NewSourceFromConfig(ctx context.Context, instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig, local bool) (file.Source, error) {
switch instanceConfig.IngestionConfig.SourceConfig.SourceType {
case config.GCSSourceType:
return gcssource.New(ctx, instanceConfig, local)
case config.DirSourceType:
n := len(instanceConfig.IngestionConfig.SourceConfig.Sources)
if n != 1 {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("For a source_type of 'dir' there must be a single entry for 'sources', found %d.", n)
return dirsource.New(instanceConfig.IngestionConfig.SourceConfig.Sources[0])
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Unknown source_type: %q", instanceConfig.IngestionConfig.SourceConfig.SourceType)
// NewIngestedFSFromConfig creates a new fs.FS from the InstanceConfig which
// provides access to ingested files.
// If local is true then we aren't running in production.
func NewIngestedFSFromConfig(ctx context.Context, _ *config.InstanceConfig, local bool) (fs.FS, error) {
// We currently default to Google Cloud Storage, but Config options could be
// added to use other systems, such as S3.
return gcs.New(ctx, local)