blob: 11b7f4654630de19c650c0cb133b5c6db0f29eee [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview The bulk of the Chromium Analysis Runs History page.
import 'elements-sk/icon/delete-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/redo-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/cancel-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/check-circle-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/help-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/mode-edit-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/toast-sk';
import '../pagination-sk';
import { $$, DomReady } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { fromObject } from 'common-sk/modules/query';
import { jsonOrThrow } from 'common-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow';
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { errorMessage } from 'elements-sk/errorMessage';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { PaginationSk } from '../pagination-sk/pagination-sk';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import {
getFormattedTimestamp, getGSLink, isEmptyPatch, formatRepeatAfterDays,
} from '../ctfe_utils';
import {
} from '../json';
function hideDialog(e: Event) {
const classList = ( as HTMLElement).classList;
if (classList.contains('dialog-background')) {
export class ChromiumAnalysisRunsSk extends ElementSk {
private _tasks: ChromiumAnalysisDatastoreTask[] = [];
private _constrainByUser = false;
private _constrainByTest = true;
private _running = false;
private _pagination: ResponsePagination | null = null;
constructor() {
private static template = (el: ChromiumAnalysisRunsSk) => html`
<h2>${el._constrainByUser ? 'My ' : ''}Chromium Analysis Runs</h2>
<pagination-sk @page-changed=${(e: CustomEvent) => el._pageChanged(e)}></pagination-sk>
<button id=userFilter @click=${() => el._constrainRunsByUser()}>
${el._constrainByUser ? 'View Everyone\'s Runs' : 'View Only My Runs'}
<button id=testFilter @click=${() => el._constrainRunsByTest()}>
${el._constrainByTest ? 'Include Test Run' : 'Exclude Test Runs'}
<table class="surface-themes-sk secondary-links runssummary" id=runssummary>
<th>Task Config</th>
<th>Task Repeats</th>
${, index) => ChromiumAnalysisRunsSk.taskRowTemplate(el, task, index))}
${, index) => ChromiumAnalysisRunsSk.taskDialogTemplate(task, index))}
<toast-sk id=confirm_toast duration=5000></toast-sk>
private static taskRowTemplate = (el: ChromiumAnalysisRunsSk, task: ChromiumAnalysisDatastoreTask, index: number) => html`
<!-- Id col -->
<td class=nowrap>
? html`<a href="${task.raw_output}" target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer">${}</a>`
: html`<span>${}</span>`}
<delete-icon-sk title="Delete this task" alt=Delete ?hidden=${!task.can_delete}
@click=${() => el._confirmDeleteTask(index)}></delete-icon-sk>
<redo-icon-sk title="Redo this task" alt=Redo ?hidden=${!task.can_redo}
@click=${() => el._confirmRedoTask(index)}></redo-icon-sk>
<mode-edit-icon-sk title="Edit and redo this task" alt=Edit
@click=${() => el._confirmEditTask(index)}></mode-edit-icon-sk>
<!-- User col -->
<!-- Timestamps col -->
<table class=inner-table>
<td class=nowrap>${getFormattedTimestamp(task.ts_added)}</td>
<td class=nowrap>${getFormattedTimestamp(task.ts_started)}</td>
<td class=nowrap>${getFormattedTimestamp(task.ts_completed)}</td>
<!-- Task Config col -->
<table class=inner-table>
? html`<a href="${getGSLink(task.custom_webpages_gspath)}"
target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer">Custom Webpages</a>`
: task.page_sets}
? html`<tr>
<td class=nowrap>Value Column:</td>
<td class=nowrap>${task.value_column_name}</td>
: ''}
? html`<tr>
: ''}
? html`<tr>
<td>CC List:</td>
: ''}
? html`<tr>
<td><a href="">${task.group_name}</a></td>
: ''}
? html`<tr>
<td><a href="${task.chromium_hash}">${task.chromium_hash}</a></td>
: ''}
? html`<tr>
<a href="javascript:;" class=details
@click=${() => el._showDialog('apkGsPath', index)}>
Display Path
: ''}
? html`<tr>
<a href="javascript:;" class=details
@click=${() => el._showDialog('chromeBuildGsPath', index)}>
Display Path
: ''}
? html`<tr>
<td><a href="${task.telemetry_isolate_hash}/tree">${task.telemetry_isolate_hash}</a></td>
: ''}
<!-- Description col -->
<!-- Results col -->
<td class=nowrap>
${task.failure ? html`<div class=error>Failed</div>` : ''}
${!task.task_done ? html`<div class=green>Waiting</div>` : ''}
? html`<a href="${task.raw_output}" target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer">
: ''}
? html`<br/>
<a href="${task.swarming_logs}" target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer">
Swarming Logs
: ''}
<!-- Arguments -->
<td class=nowrap>
? html`<a href="javascript:;" class=details
@click=${() => el._showDialog('gnArgs', index)}>
GN Args
: ''}
? html`<a href="javascript:;" class=details
@click=${() => el._showDialog('benchmarkArgs', index)}>
Benchmark Args
: ''}
? html`<a href="javascript:;" class=details
@click=${() => el._showDialog('browserArgs', index)}>
Browser Args
: ''}
? html`<a href="javascript:;" class=details
@click=${() => el._showDialog('matchStdoutTxt', index)}>
Match Stdout Text
: ''}
<!-- Patches -->
? html`<a href="${getGSLink(task.chromium_patch_gspath)}"
target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Chromium</a>
: ''}
? html`<a href="${getGSLink(task.skia_patch_gspath)}"
target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Skia</a>
: ''}
? html`<a href="${getGSLink(task.v8_patch_gspath)}"
target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">V8</a>
: ''}
? html`<a href="${getGSLink(task.catapult_patch_gspath)}"
target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Catapult</a>
: ''}
? html`<a href="${getGSLink(task.benchmark_patch_gspath)}"
target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Telemetry</a>
: ''}
<!-- Task Repeats -->
private static taskDialogTemplate = (task: ChromiumAnalysisDatastoreTask, index: number) => html`
<div id=${`gnArgs${index}`} class="dialog-background hidden overlay-themes-sk"
<div class="dialog-content surface-themes-sk">
<div id=${`benchmarkArgs${index}`} class="dialog-background hidden overlay-themes-sk"
<div class="dialog-content surface-themes-sk">
<div id=${`browserArgs${index}`} class="dialog-background hidden overlay-themes-sk"
<div class="dialog-content surface-themes-sk">
<div id=${`matchStdoutTxt${index}`} class="dialog-background hidden overlay-themes-sk"
<div class="dialog-content surface-themes-sk">
<div id=${`apkGsPath${index}`} class="dialog-background hidden overlay-themes-sk"
<div class="dialog-content surface-themes-sk">
<div id=${`chromeBuildGsPath${index}`} class="dialog-background hidden overlay-themes-sk"
<div class="dialog-content surface-themes-sk">
connectedCallback(): void {
if (this._running) {
this._running = true;
// We wait for everything to load so scaffolding event handlers are
// attached.
DomReady.then(() => {
this._reload().then(() => {
this._running = false;
_showDialog(type: string, index: number): void {
$$(`#${type}${index}`, this)!.classList.remove('hidden');
_pageChanged(e: CustomEvent): void {
this._pagination!.offset = e.detail.offset;
_reload(): Promise<void> {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('begin-task', { bubbles: true }));
this._tasks = [];
const queryParams = {
offset: this._pagination!.offset,
size: this._pagination!.size,
filter_by_logged_in_user: false,
exclude_dummy_page_sets: false,
if (this._constrainByUser) {
queryParams.filter_by_logged_in_user = true;
if (this._constrainByTest) {
queryParams.exclude_dummy_page_sets = true;
return fetch(`/_/get_chromium_analysis_tasks?${fromObject(queryParams)}`,
{ method: 'POST' })
.then((json: GetTasksResponse) => {
this._tasks =;
this._pagination = json.pagination;
($$('pagination-sk', this) as PaginationSk).pagination = this._pagination!;
for (let i = 0; i < this._tasks.length; i++) {
this._tasks[i].can_delete = json.permissions![i].DeleteAllowed;
this._tasks[i].can_redo = json.permissions![i].RedoAllowed;
this._tasks[i].id = json.ids![i];
.finally(() => {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('end-task', { bubbles: true }));
_confirmDeleteTask(index: number): void {
const confirmed = window.confirm('Delete this task?');
if (confirmed) {
_confirmRedoTask(index: number): void {
const confirmed = window.confirm('Reschedule this task?');
if (confirmed) {
_confirmEditTask(index: number): void {
const confirmed = window.confirm('Edit this task?');
if (confirmed) {
_deleteTask(index: number): void {
const req: DeleteTaskRequest = { id: this._tasks[index].id };
fetch('/_/delete_chromium_analysis_task', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(req) })
.then((res) => {
if (res.ok) {
window.alert(`Deleted task ${}`);
// Non-OK status. Read the response and punt it to the catch.
res.text().then((text) => { throw new Error(`Failed to delete the task: ${text}`); });
.then(() => {
_redoTask(index: number): void {
const req: RedoTaskRequest = { id: this._tasks[index].id };
fetch('/_/redo_chromium_analysis_task', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(req) })
.then((res) => {
if (res.ok) {
window.alert(`Resubmitted task ${}`);
// Non-OK status. Read the response and punt it to the catch.
res.text().then((text) => { throw new Error(`Failed to resubmit the task: ${text}`); });
.then(() => {
_editTask(index: number): void {
window.location.href = `/chromium_analysis/?template_id=${this._tasks[index].id}`;
_resetPagination(): void {
this._pagination = { offset: 0, size: 10, total: 0 };
_constrainRunsByUser(): void {
this._constrainByUser = !this._constrainByUser;
_constrainRunsByTest(): void {
this._constrainByTest = !this._constrainByTest;
define('chromium-analysis-runs-sk', ChromiumAnalysisRunsSk);