blob: 4a5e8a78d39ce7d9ce99da417aca3fbd50c884fa [file] [log] [blame]
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library")
load("@bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", "gazelle")
load("@com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools//buildifier:def.bzl", "buildifier")
load("//:elements-sk-scss.bzl", "generate_tilde_prefixed_elements_sk_scss_files")
load("@exec_properties//:constants.bzl", "NETWORK_ON")
# Disable generation of go_proto_library targets. Let Gazelle use checked-in .pb.go files instead.
# We opt out of this feature for the following reasons:
# 1) Generated files are invisible to code editors and IDEs, which breaks features such as code
# completion, automated refactors, etc. This can be fixed with editor plugins (see
#, but none are available at this time.
# 2) Leveraging the preexisting, checked-in .pb.go is the fastest way to roll out Bazel as the build
# system for our repository, and is the recommended approach for already established projects, or
# for projects that also need to build with "go build". See
# In the future, we might decide to leverage Gazelle's generation of go_proto_library rules. To
# address point 1) above, a potential approach is to check in any files generated via
# go_proto_library targets. This works because if there's a source file checked in the repository,
# and a build target that generates a file of the same name, Bazel will ignore the checked in file
# and use the generated file instead. To keep the checked in and generated files in sync, a rule
# such as generated_file_test can be used, as mentioned here:
# Documentation for this directive:
# gazelle:proto disable
# This directive tells Gazelle to use a custom macro instead of rules_go's go_test rule for any
# Gazelle-generated Go test targets.
# The custom macro generates separate go_test targets for manual Go tests, which will be tagged as
# manual. The macro relies on the assumption that any manual test cases will be placed on Go source
# files ending in "_manual_test.go". This convention is enforced by unittest.ManualTest(). If the
# test target does not contain any manual test, the custom macro behaves exactly like rules_go's
# go_test rule.
# See the macro's docstring for details.
# Documentation for this directive:
# gazelle:map_kind go_test go_test //bazel/go:go_test.bzl
# Exclude directories with Bazel outputs. The "_bazel_" prefix is defined in //.bazelrc.
# Without this, Gazelle can take several minutes to complete.
# gazelle:exclude _bazel_*
# # The new_element directory has templates which do not compile/run
# gazelle:exclude new_element*
# gazelle:prefix
name = "gazelle",
# We use a custom Gazelle binary that adds support for our front-end Bazel rules and macros.
gazelle = "//bazel/gazelle",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "buildifier",
exclude_patterns = [
lint_mode = "warn",
# Custom platform for RBE. #
name = "rbe_custom_platform",
# Enable networking. Without this, tests that require network access will fail. Examples include
# go_test targets that try to clone the Skia Git repo from,
# tests that hit GCS, etc.
# See
# Note that depending on network resources breaks test hermeticity.
exec_properties = NETWORK_ON,
# Extend the platform generated with "rbe_configs_gen".
# See //bazel/rbe/generated/ for details.
parents = ["//bazel/rbe/generated/config:platform"],
# Utility tool to extract screenshots taken by Puppeteer tests under Bazel. #
# Wrapper script so we can invoke the tool from the workspace root, instead of the directory where
# the tool's go_binary target is located.
name = "extract_puppeteer_screenshots_wrapper_script",
srcs = ["//puppeteer-tests/bazel/extract_puppeteer_screenshots"],
outs = [""],
cmd = " && ".join([
# The $@ variable holds the path to the genrule's only output file. The $$@ variable is the
# shell's $@ variable ($-escaped), which is used here to pipe through to the underlying Go
# program any command-line arguments passed to the wrapper shell script.
# See
"echo '#!/bin/bash' >> $@",
"echo '$(rootpath //puppeteer-tests/bazel/extract_puppeteer_screenshots) $$@' >> $@",
# Usage: "bazel run //:extract_puppeteer_screenshots -- --output_dir=<output directory>".
name = "extract_puppeteer_screenshots",
srcs = [""],
data = ["//puppeteer-tests/bazel/extract_puppeteer_screenshots"],
# Miscellaneous. #
# Generate a copy of the elements-sk SCSS stylesheets under //_bazel_bin/~elements-sk for
# compatibility with Webpack-style tilde-prefixed SCSS imports. See the macro docstring for details.
name = "~elements-sk",
name = "infra_lib",
srcs = ["run_unittests.go"],
importpath = "",
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
deps = [
name = "infra",
embed = [":infra_lib"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# This rule is a convenient way to build all the task drivers and copy them all into a single
# place as a tar folder. Otherwise, we would need to run many separate bazel build commands and
# then fish the executables out of a deep folder structure like:
# _bazel_bin/infra/bots/task_drivers/bazel_build_all/bazel_build_all_/bazel_build_all
# After this runs, the executables will all be in //_bazel_bin/built_task_drivers.tar
# Why the tar file? Windows binaries are created with .exe and other platforms are not. However,
# outs *must* be static, thus we cannot use a select. Bazel requires us to define all outputs
# exactly, so the only way to support files with different names on different platforms is to
# package them up into a file with the same name.
# Cross compilation is handled as per
name = "all_task_drivers",
srcs = [
outs = ["built_task_drivers.tar"],
# Make a temporary directory in the output directory, as recommended by
# Reminder that $(@D) refers to that output directory and $(SRCS) refers to all
# the input files, in a space separated list.
cmd = "mkdir -p $(@D)/tmp_task_drivers && " +
# Copy all the task drivers to the same folder
"cp $(SRCS) $(@D)/tmp_task_drivers && " +
# Tar them up from that folder (so they will be in the top level of the tar directory)
# The parent directory of our temp directory is where the output tar file should go.
"cd $(@D)/tmp_task_drivers && tar --file ../built_task_drivers.tar --create . && " +
# Delete the temp folder (as per the recommendation above)
"cd .. && rm -rf tmp_task_drivers",
# Mockery #
name = "mockery",
actual = "@com_github_vektra_mockery_v2//:v2",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],