blob: 7e4692b03976b54a5a29413edc1e5efae14c8431 [file] [log] [blame]
# This DEPS file checks out a read-only copy of the Chromium buildbot code at
# a revision that is known to work with the current Skia buildbot setup.
# Thus, this DEPS file is useful for:
# - users who just want to run, not modify, the Skia buildbot
# - developers who wish to make changes to the Skia buildbot config but NOT
# the underlying Chromium buildbot code
# To check out the Skia buildbot code using this DEPS file, run:
# gclient config
# gclient sync
use_relative_paths = True
vars = {
"chromium_trunk": "",
"chromium_revision": "179720",
"chromium_git": "",
"skia_git": "",
"telemetry_chromium_revision": "278114",
"webpagereplay_revision": "546",
"telemetry_webkit_trunk": "",
"telemetry_webkit_revision": "176408"
deps = {
# Utilities shared between the Skia and Skia-Buildbot repositories.
Var("skia_git") + "/common.git@c92e6d8058240b0804b28fdc4f78261b7133431d",
# Chromium trunk code for running telemetry binaries.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/perf@" + Var("telemetry_chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/telemetry@" + Var("telemetry_chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/build/android/pylib@" + Var("telemetry_chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/crx_id@" + Var("telemetry_chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/build/util@" + Var("telemetry_chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/flot@" + Var("telemetry_chromium_revision"),
Var("telemetry_webkit_trunk") + "/PerformanceTests/resources@" + Var("telemetry_webkit_revision"),
"" + Var("webpagereplay_revision"),
# build/android/pylib/ requires android_testrunner to be in third_party.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/android_testrunner@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
# chrome_remote_control/ requires webpagereplay to be in src/third_party.
"" + Var("webpagereplay_revision"),
# Chromium buildbot code, pinned at an old revision for compatibility with our
# buildbot code.
Var("chromium_trunk") + "/tools/build@" + Var("chromium_revision"),
Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/tools/command_wrapper/bin.git@2eeebba9a512cae9e4e9312f5ec728dbdad80bd0",
Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git",
# Tip-of-tree Chromium buildbot code.
Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/tools/build.git",
# Dependencies of the Chromium buildbot code.
# I tried to use From() to link to Chromium's /tools/build/DEPS dependencies,
# but I couldn't get it to work... so I have hard-coded these dependencies.
Var("chromium_git") + "/external/gsutil/src.git@b41305d0b538bae46777e1d9562ecec0149f8d44",
Var("chromium_git") + "/external/boto.git@98fc59a5896f4ea990a4d527548204fed8f06c64",