blob: 6d9684aa510b2f49823334b6635ba52522ab9dda [file] [log] [blame]
import './index';
import { $$ } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/dom';
import { CorpusSelectorSk } from './corpus-selector-sk';
import { TestCorpus, customTypeCorpora, stringCorpora } from './test_data';
const handleCorpusSelected = (corpusName: string) => {
const log = $$<HTMLTextAreaElement>('#event-log')!;
log.value = `${corpusName.padEnd(15) + new Date()}\n${log.value}`;
// Basic example using the default corpus render function and simple string corpora.
const basicExample = new CorpusSelectorSk();
basicExample.corpora = stringCorpora;
basicExample.selectedCorpus = 'gm';
basicExample.addEventListener('corpus-selected', (e: Event) =>
handleCorpusSelected((e as CustomEvent<string>).detail)
// Example using a more interesting corpus type and a custom corpus renderer function.
const withCustomRendererFn = new CorpusSelectorSk<TestCorpus>();
withCustomRendererFn.corpora = customTypeCorpora;
withCustomRendererFn.selectedCorpus = customTypeCorpora.find(
(c) => === 'gm'
withCustomRendererFn.corpusRendererFn = (corpus) =>
`${} : ${corpus.untriagedCount} / ${corpus.negativeCount}`;
withCustomRendererFn.addEventListener('corpus-selected', (e) =>
handleCorpusSelected((e as CustomEvent<TestCorpus>)
// Example using a custom corpus renderer function that produces long corpus names.
const withLongCorpusNames = new CorpusSelectorSk();
withLongCorpusNames.corpora = stringCorpora;
withLongCorpusNames.selectedCorpus = customTypeCorpora.find(
(c) => === 'gm'
withLongCorpusNames.corpusRendererFn = (corpus) =>
`${corpus} : yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda`;
withLongCorpusNames.addEventListener('corpus-selected', (e) =>
handleCorpusSelected((e as CustomEvent<string>).detail)