blob: ed7efdbbcbef39582773148ca29ae3865b485f33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package proxylogin implements alogin.Login when letting a reverse proxy
// handle authentication.
package proxylogin
import (
const (
// DefaultLoginURL is the default URL to use for logging in.
DefaultLoginURL = ""
// DefaultLogoutURL is the default URL to use for logging out.
DefaultLogoutURL = ""
// ProxyLogin implements alogin.Login by relying on a reverse proxy doing the
// authentication and then passing the user's logged in status via header value.
// See and
type ProxyLogin struct {
// headerName is the name of the header we expect to have the users email.
headerName string
// emailRegex is an optional regex to extract the email address from the header value.
emailRegex *regexp.Regexp
// New returns a new instance of proxyLogin.
// headerName is the name of the header that contains the proxy authentication
// information.
// emailRegex is a regex to extract the email address from the header value.
// This value can be nil. This is useful for reverse proxies that include other
// information in the header in addition to the email address, such as
// If supplied, the Regex must have a single subexpression that matches the email
// address.
func New(headerName, emailRegex string) (*ProxyLogin, error) {
var compiledRegex *regexp.Regexp = nil
var err error
if emailRegex != "" {
compiledRegex, err = regexp.Compile(emailRegex)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to compile email regex %q", emailRegex)
return &ProxyLogin{
headerName: headerName,
emailRegex: compiledRegex,
}, nil
// NewWithDefaults calls New() with reasonable default values.
func NewWithDefaults() *ProxyLogin {
return &ProxyLogin{
headerName: authproxy.WebAuthHeaderName,
emailRegex: nil,
func NewWithDomain() *ProxyLogin {
return &ProxyLogin{
headerName: authproxy.WebAuthHeaderName,
emailRegex: nil,
// LoggedInAs implements alogin.Login.
func (p *ProxyLogin) LoggedInAs(r *http.Request) alogin.EMail {
value := r.Header.Get(p.headerName)
value = strings.TrimSpace(value)
if p.emailRegex == nil {
return alogin.EMail(value)
submatches := p.emailRegex.FindStringSubmatch(value)
if len(submatches) != 2 {
sklog.Errorf("Wrong number of regex matches for %q: %q", value, submatches)
return ""
return alogin.EMail(submatches[1])
// NeedsAuthentication implements alogin.Login.
func (p *ProxyLogin) NeedsAuthentication(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Error(w, "Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
// Status implements alogin.Login.
func (p *ProxyLogin) Status(r *http.Request) alogin.Status {
return alogin.Status{
EMail: p.LoggedInAs(r),
Roles: roles.FromHeader(r.Header.Get(authproxy.WebAuthRoleHeaderName)),
// Roles implements alogin.Login.
func (p *ProxyLogin) Roles(r *http.Request) roles.Roles {
return roles.FromHeader(r.Header.Get(authproxy.WebAuthRoleHeaderName))
// HasRole implements alogin.Login.
func (p *ProxyLogin) HasRole(r *http.Request, wantedRole roles.Role) bool {
for _, role := range p.Roles(r) {
if role == wantedRole {
return true
return false
// Assert proxyLogin implements alogin.Login.
var _ alogin.Login = (*ProxyLogin)(nil)