blob: 2ecc52c9b5f3f2560f365b3479343b84f4c151f8 [file] [log] [blame]
package shared_tests
import (
assert ""
git_testutils ""
// RepoImplRefresher is an interface used for testing which notifies a RepoImpl
// that there are new commits available.
type RepoImplRefresher interface {
// CommonSetup performs common setup.
func CommonSetup(t sktest.TestingT) (context.Context, *git_testutils.GitBuilder, func()) {
ctx := context.Background()
g := git_testutils.GitInit(t, ctx)
return ctx, g, g.Cleanup
// GitSetup initializes a Git repo in a temporary directory with some commits.
// Returns the path of the temporary directory, the Graph object associated with
// the repo, and a slice of the commits which were added.
// The repo layout looks like this:
// c1--c2------c4--c5--
// \-c3-----/
func GitSetup(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, g *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) []*repograph.Commit {
c1hash := g.CommitGen(ctx, "myfile.txt")
c1details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c1hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
c1 := repo.Get("master")
assert.NotNil(t, c1)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(c1.GetParents()))
assert.False(t, util.TimeIsZero(c1.Timestamp))
c2hash := g.CommitGen(ctx, "myfile.txt")
c2details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c2hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
c2 := repo.Get("master")
assert.NotNil(t, c2)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(c2.GetParents()))
assert.Equal(t, c1, c2.GetParents()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []string{"master"}, repo.Branches())
assert.False(t, util.TimeIsZero(c2.Timestamp))
// Create a second branch.
g.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "branch2", "origin/master")
c3hash := g.CommitGen(ctx, "anotherfile.txt")
c3details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c3hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
c3 := repo.Get("branch2")
assert.NotNil(t, c3)
assert.Equal(t, c2, repo.Get("master"))
assert.Equal(t, []string{"branch2", "master"}, repo.Branches())
assert.False(t, util.TimeIsZero(c3.Timestamp))
// Commit again to master.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
c4hash := g.CommitGen(ctx, "myfile.txt")
c4details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c4hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
assert.Equal(t, c3, repo.Get("branch2"))
c4 := repo.Get("master")
assert.NotNil(t, c4)
assert.False(t, util.TimeIsZero(c4.Timestamp))
// Merge branch1 into master.
c5hash := g.MergeBranch(ctx, "branch2")
c5details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c5hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
assert.Equal(t, []string{"branch2", "master"}, repo.Branches())
c5 := repo.Get("master")
assert.NotNil(t, c5)
assert.Equal(t, c3, repo.Get("branch2"))
assert.False(t, util.TimeIsZero(c5.Timestamp))
return []*repograph.Commit{c1, c2, c3, c4, c5}
// Assert that the given Commits are in reverse topological order.
func AssertTopoSorted(t sktest.TestingT, commits []*repograph.Commit) {
// Collect all commits in a map so we can quickly check for their
// presence in the commits slice.
commitsMap := make(map[*repograph.Commit]bool, len(commits))
for _, c := range commits {
// Assert that each parent is not yet visited.
parents := c.GetParents()
for _, p := range parents {
assert.False(t, commitsMap[p])
commitsMap[c] = true
// Ensure that we don't mix lines of history. Practically this means,
// for each commit:
// - If it has one parent and its parent has one child,
// they are adjacent in the sorted slice.
// - If it has multiple parents, it is adjacent to one of them.
// - If it has multiple children, it is adjacent to one of them.
// Create a mapping from commits to their children.
children := make(map[*repograph.Commit]map[*repograph.Commit]bool, len(commits))
for _, c := range commits {
for _, p := range c.GetParents() {
// Don't include parents which aren't in the slice.
if !commitsMap[p] {
subMap, ok := children[p]
if !ok {
subMap = map[*repograph.Commit]bool{}
children[p] = subMap
subMap[c] = true
// Verify that the above cases are true for each commit in the slice.
for idx, c := range commits {
// If the commit has one parent, and its parent has one child,
// they should be adjacent.
if len(c.GetParents()) == 1 && len(children[c.GetParents()[0]]) == 1 {
// Expect that we're not at the end of the commits slice
// since the parent should be listed after the current
// commit.
assert.True(t, len(commits) > idx+1)
assert.Equal(t, c.GetParents()[0], commits[idx+1])
// If the commit has multiple parents, it should be adjacent to
// one of them.
if len(c.GetParents()) > 1 {
expectParentAdjacent := false
parentIsAdjacent := false
for _, p := range c.GetParents() {
// Only include parents which are in the slice.
if commitsMap[p] {
expectParentAdjacent = true
if len(commits) > idx+1 && commits[idx+1] == p {
parentIsAdjacent = true
assert.Equal(t, expectParentAdjacent, parentIsAdjacent)
// If the commit has multiple children, it should be adjacent
// to one of them.
if len(children[c]) > 1 {
assert.True(t, idx > 0)
childIsAdjacent := false
for child := range children[c] {
if commits[idx-1] == child {
childIsAdjacent = true
assert.True(t, childIsAdjacent)
// Assert that the given commit hashses are in reverse topological order.
func assertHashesTopoSorted(t sktest.TestingT, repo *repograph.Graph, hashes []string) {
commits := make([]*repograph.Commit, 0, len(hashes))
for _, hash := range hashes {
commits = append(commits, repo.Get(hash))
AssertTopoSorted(t, commits)
func TestGraphWellFormed(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, g *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) {
commits := GitSetup(t, ctx, g, repo, rf)
c1 := commits[0]
c2 := commits[1]
c3 := commits[2]
c4 := commits[3]
c5 := commits[4]
// Trace commits back to the beginning of time.
assert.Equal(t, []*repograph.Commit{c4, c3}, c5.GetParents())
assert.Equal(t, []*repograph.Commit{c2}, c4.GetParents())
assert.Equal(t, []*repograph.Commit{c1}, c2.GetParents())
assert.Equal(t, []*repograph.Commit(nil), c1.GetParents())
assert.Equal(t, []*repograph.Commit{c2}, c3.GetParents())
// Assert that each of the commits has the correct index.
assert.Equal(t, 0, c1.Index)
assert.Equal(t, 1, c2.Index)
assert.Equal(t, 2, c3.Index)
assert.Equal(t, 2, c4.Index)
assert.Equal(t, 3, c5.Index)
// Ensure that we can start in an empty dir and check out from scratch properly.
tmp2, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, tmp2)
repo2, err := repograph.NewLocalGraph(ctx, g.Dir(), tmp2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo2.Update(ctx))
deepequal.AssertDeepEqual(t, repo.Branches(), repo2.Branches())
m1 := repo.Get("master")
m2 := repo2.Get("master")
// Different implementations may or may not track branch info.
for _, c := range repo2.GetAll() {
c.Branches = repo.Get(c.Hash).Branches
deepequal.AssertDeepEqual(t, m1, m2)
func TestRecurse(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, g *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) {
commits := GitSetup(t, ctx, g, repo, rf)
c1 := commits[0]
c2 := commits[1]
c3 := commits[2]
c4 := commits[3]
c5 := commits[4]
// Get the list of commits using head.Recurse(). Ensure that we get all
// of the commits but don't get any duplicates.
head := repo.Get("master")
assert.NotNil(t, head)
gotCommits := map[*repograph.Commit]bool{}
assert.NoError(t, head.Recurse(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c])
gotCommits[c] = true
return nil
assert.Equal(t, len(commits), len(gotCommits))
for _, c := range commits {
assert.True(t, gotCommits[c])
// AllCommits is the same thing as the above.
allCommits, err := head.AllCommits()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(allCommits), len(gotCommits))
// Verify that we properly return early when the passed-in function
// return false.
gotCommits = map[*repograph.Commit]bool{}
assert.NoError(t, head.Recurse(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
gotCommits[c] = true
if c == c3 || c == c4 {
return repograph.ErrStopRecursing
return nil
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c1])
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c2])
// Verify that we properly exit immediately when the passed-in function
// returns an error.
gotCommits = map[*repograph.Commit]bool{}
assert.Error(t, head.Recurse(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
gotCommits[c] = true
if c == c4 {
return fmt.Errorf("STOP!")
return nil
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c1])
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c2])
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c3])
assert.True(t, gotCommits[c4])
assert.True(t, gotCommits[c5])
func TestRecurseAllBranches(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, g *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) {
commits := GitSetup(t, ctx, g, repo, rf)
c1 := commits[0]
c2 := commits[1]
c3 := commits[2]
c4 := commits[3]
test := func() {
gotCommits := map[*repograph.Commit]bool{}
assert.NoError(t, repo.RecurseAllBranches(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c])
gotCommits[c] = true
return nil
assert.Equal(t, len(commits), len(gotCommits))
for _, c := range commits {
assert.True(t, gotCommits[c])
// Get the list of commits using head.RecurseAllBranches(). Ensure that
// we get all of the commits but don't get any duplicates.
// The above used only one branch. Add a branch and ensure that we see
// its commits too.
g.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "mybranch", "origin/master")
c5 := g.CommitGen(ctx, "anotherfile.txt")
c5details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c5)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
c := repo.Get("mybranch")
assert.NotNil(t, c)
commits = append(commits, c)
// Verify that we don't revisit a branch whose HEAD is an ancestor of
// a different branch HEAD.
g.CreateBranchAtCommit(ctx, "ancestorbranch", c3.Hash)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
// Verify that we still stop recursion when requested.
gotCommits := map[*repograph.Commit]bool{}
assert.NoError(t, repo.RecurseAllBranches(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
gotCommits[c] = true
if c == c3 || c == c4 {
return repograph.ErrStopRecursing
return nil
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c1])
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c2])
// Verify that we error out properly.
gotCommits = map[*repograph.Commit]bool{}
assert.Error(t, repo.RecurseAllBranches(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
gotCommits[c] = true
// Because of nondeterministic map iteration and the added
// branches, we have to halt way back at c2 in order to have
// a sane, deterministic test case.
if c == c2 {
return fmt.Errorf("STOP!")
return nil
assert.False(t, gotCommits[c1])
assert.True(t, gotCommits[c2])
func TestLogLinear(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, g *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) {
commits := GitSetup(t, ctx, g, repo, rf)
c1 := commits[0]
c2 := commits[1]
c3 := commits[2]
c4 := commits[3]
c5 := commits[4]
gitdir := git.GitDir(g.Dir())
test := func(from, to string, checkAgainstGit bool, expect ...*repograph.Commit) {
if checkAgainstGit {
// Ensure that our expectations match actual git results.
cmd := []string{"--first-parent"}
if from == "" {
cmd = append(cmd, to)
} else {
cmd = append(cmd, "--ancestry-path", fmt.Sprintf("%s..%s", from, to))
hashes, err := gitdir.RevList(ctx, cmd...)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(hashes), len(expect))
for i, h := range hashes {
assert.Equal(t, h, expect[i].Hash)
// Ensure that we get the expected results from the Graph.
actual, err := repo.LogLinear(from, to)
assert.NoError(t, err)
deepequal.AssertDeepEqual(t, expect, actual)
// Get the full linear history from c5.
test("", c5.Hash, true, c5, c4, c2, c1)
// Get the linear history from c1 to c5. Like "git log", we don't
// include the "from" commit in the results.
test(c1.Hash, c5.Hash, true, c5, c4, c2)
// c3 is not reachable via first-parents from c5. For some reason, git
// actually returns c5.Hash, even though c5 has c4 as its first parent.
// Ignore the check against git in this case.
test(c3.Hash, c5.Hash, false)
func TestUpdateHistoryChanged(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, g *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) {
commits := GitSetup(t, ctx, g, repo, rf)
// c3 is the one commit on branch2.
c3 := repo.Get("branch2")
assert.NotNil(t, c3)
assert.Equal(t, c3, commits[2]) // c3 from setup()
// Change branch 2 to be based at c4 with one commit, c6.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "branch2")
g.Reset(ctx, "--hard", commits[3].Hash) // c4 from setup()
f := "myfile"
c6hash := g.CommitGen(ctx, f)
c6details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c6hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
c6 := repo.Get("branch2")
assert.NotNil(t, c6)
assert.Equal(t, c6hash, c6.Hash)
// Ensure that c3 is not reachable from c6.
anc, err := repo.IsAncestor(c3.Hash, c6.Hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.False(t, anc)
assert.NoError(t, c6.Recurse(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
assert.NotEqual(t, c, c3)
return nil
// Create a new branch, add some commits. Reset the old branches to
// orphan some commits. Ensure that those are removed from the graph.
g.CreateBranchAtCommit(ctx, "new", commits[0].Hash)
c7 := g.CommitGen(ctx, "blah")
c8 := g.CommitGen(ctx, "blah")
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
g.Reset(ctx, "--hard", c8)
c7details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c7)
assert.NoError(t, err)
c8details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, c8)
assert.NoError(t, err)
rf.Refresh(c7details, c8details)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
assert.NotNil(t, repo.Get(c7))
assert.NotNil(t, repo.Get(c8))
master := repo.Get("master")
assert.NotNil(t, master)
assert.Equal(t, c8, master.Hash)
assert.NoError(t, repo.RecurseAllBranches(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
assert.NotEqual(t, c.Hash, commits[2].Hash)
assert.NotEqual(t, c.Hash, commits[4].Hash)
return nil
assert.Nil(t, repo.Get(commits[2].Hash)) // Should be orphaned now.
assert.Nil(t, repo.Get(commits[4].Hash)) // Should be orphaned now.
// Delete branch2. Ensure that c6 disappears.
g.UpdateRef(ctx, "-d", "refs/heads/branch2")
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
assert.Nil(t, repo.Get("branch2"))
assert.Nil(t, repo.Get(c6hash))
// Rewind a branch. Make sure that we correctly handle this case.
removed := []string{c7, c8}
for _, c := range removed {
assert.NotNil(t, repo.Get(c))
g.UpdateRef(ctx, "refs/heads/master", commits[0].Hash)
g.UpdateRef(ctx, "refs/heads/new", commits[0].Hash)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
assert.NotNil(t, repo.Get("master"))
assert.NotNil(t, repo.Get(commits[0].Hash))
assert.Equal(t, commits[0].Hash, repo.Get(commits[0].Hash).Hash)
for _, c := range removed {
assert.Nil(t, repo.Get(c))
func TestUpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, g *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) {
GitSetup(t, ctx, g, repo, rf)
// The repo has commits, but GitSetup has already run Update(), so
// there's nothing new.
added, removed, err := repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(added), 0)
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
// No new commits.
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
// Add a few commits, ensure that they get picked up.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
f := "myfile"
new1 := g.CommitGen(ctx, f)
new2 := g.CommitGen(ctx, f)
new1details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, new1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
new2details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, new2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
rf.Refresh(new1details, new2details)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
if added[0].Hash == new1 {
assert.Equal(t, new2, added[1].Hash)
} else {
assert.Equal(t, new1, added[1].Hash)
assert.Equal(t, new2, added[0].Hash)
// Add commits on both branches, ensure that they get picked up.
new1 = g.CommitGen(ctx, f)
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "branch2")
new2 = g.CommitGen(ctx, "file2")
new1details, err = git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, new1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
new2details, err = git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, new2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
rf.Refresh(new1details, new2details)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
if added[0].Hash == new1 {
assert.Equal(t, new2, added[1].Hash)
} else {
assert.Equal(t, new1, added[1].Hash)
assert.Equal(t, new2, added[0].Hash)
// Add a new branch. Make sure that we don't get duplicate commits.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
g.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "branch3", "master")
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(repo.BranchHeads()))
// Make sure we get no duplicates if the branch heads aren't the same.
g.Reset(ctx, "--hard", "master^")
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
// Create a new branch.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
g.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "branch4", "master")
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
// Add a commit on the new branch.
new1 = g.CommitGen(ctx, f)
new1details, err = git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, new1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
assert.Equal(t, new1, added[0].Hash)
// Add a merge commit. Because there were no commits on master in
// between, the master branch head moves and now has the same hash as
// "branch4", which means that there aren't any new commits even though
// the branch head changed.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
mergeCommit := g.MergeBranch(ctx, "branch4")
mergeCommitDetails, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, mergeCommit)
assert.NoError(t, err)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
assert.Equal(t, mergeCommit, new1)
// Create a new branch.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
g.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "branch5", "master")
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
// Add a commit on the new branch.
new1 = g.CommitGen(ctx, f)
new1details, err = git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, new1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
assert.Equal(t, new1, added[0].Hash)
// Add a commit on the master branch.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
new1 = g.CommitGen(ctx, "file2")
new1details, err = git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, new1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
assert.Equal(t, new1, added[0].Hash)
// Merge "branch5" into master. This should result in a new commit.
mergeCommit = g.MergeBranch(ctx, "branch5")
mergeCommitDetails, err = git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, mergeCommit)
assert.NoError(t, err)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, len(removed), 0)
assert.Equal(t, mergeCommit, added[0].Hash)
// Reset all branches to the initial commit.
var c0 string
assert.NoError(t, repo.Get("master").Recurse(func(c *repograph.Commit) error {
if len(c.Parents) == 0 {
c0 = c.Hash
return repograph.ErrStopRecursing
return nil
for _, branch := range []string{"master", "branch2", "branch3", "branch4", "branch5"} {
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, branch)
g.Reset(ctx, "--hard", c0)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, 12, len(removed))
// Add some new commits, some of which share an ancestor. Ensure that
// the added list doesn't double-count the shared commit.
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
shared := g.CommitGen(ctx, "f")
master := g.CommitGen(ctx, "f")
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "branch2")
g.Reset(ctx, "--hard", shared)
branch2 := g.CommitGen(ctx, "f2")
sharedDetails, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, shared)
masterDetails, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, master)
branch2Details, err := git.GitDir(g.Dir()).Details(ctx, branch2)
rf.Refresh(sharedDetails, masterDetails, branch2Details)
added, removed, err = repo.UpdateAndReturnCommitDiffs(ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(added))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(removed))
func TestRevList(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, gb *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) {
commits := git_testutils.GitSetup(ctx, gb)
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, tmpDir)
d1 := path.Join(tmpDir, "1")
assert.NoError(t, os.Mkdir(d1, os.ModePerm))
co, err := git.NewCheckout(ctx, gb.Dir(), d1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
d2 := path.Join(tmpDir, "2")
assert.NoError(t, os.Mkdir(d2, os.ModePerm))
g, err := repograph.NewLocalGraph(ctx, gb.Dir(), d2)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, g.Update(ctx))
check := func(from, to string, expectOrig []string) {
expect := util.CopyStringSlice(expectOrig)
revs, err := co.RevList(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s..%s", from, to))
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Sanity check; assert that the commits returned from git are
// in reverse topological order.
assertHashesTopoSorted(t, g, revs)
// Topological sorting is not deterministic, so we can't compare
// the slices directly.
deepequal.AssertDeepEqual(t, expect, revs)
revs, err = g.RevList(from, to)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertHashesTopoSorted(t, g, revs)
deepequal.AssertDeepEqual(t, expect, revs)
check(commits[0], commits[4], commits[1:])
check(commits[1], commits[2], commits[2:3])
check(commits[1], commits[4], commits[2:5])
check(commits[2], commits[4], commits[3:5])
check(commits[3], commits[4], []string{commits[2], commits[4]})
func TestBranchMembership(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, gb *git_testutils.GitBuilder, repo *repograph.Graph, rf RepoImplRefresher) {
commits := GitSetup(t, ctx, gb, repo, rf)
c1 := commits[0]
c2 := commits[1]
c3 := commits[2]
c4 := commits[3]
c5 := commits[4]
test := func(c *repograph.Commit, branches ...string) {
assert.Equal(t, len(branches), len(c.Branches))
for _, b := range branches {
assert.True(t, c.Branches[b])
// Update branch info. Ensure that all commits were updated with the
// correct branch membership.
test(c1, "master", "branch2")
test(c2, "master", "branch2")
test(c3, "branch2") // c3 is reachable from master, but not via first-parent.
test(c4, "master")
test(c5, "master")
// Add a branch.
gb.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "b3", "master")
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
test(c1, "master", "branch2", "b3")
test(c2, "master", "branch2", "b3")
test(c3, "branch2") // c3 is reachable from b3, but not via first-parent.
test(c4, "master", "b3")
test(c5, "master", "b3")
// Reset b3 to branch2.
gb.Reset(ctx, "--hard", "branch2")
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
test(c1, "master", "branch2", "b3")
test(c2, "master", "branch2", "b3")
test(c3, "branch2", "b3")
test(c4, "master")
test(c5, "master")
// Delete b3. We should get the same results as before it was added.
gb.CheckoutBranch(ctx, "master")
gb.UpdateRef(ctx, "-d", "refs/heads/b3")
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
test(c1, "master", "branch2")
test(c2, "master", "branch2")
test(c3, "branch2")
test(c4, "master")
test(c5, "master")
// Add a commit.
c6hash := gb.CommitGen(ctx, "blah")
c6details, err := git.GitDir(gb.Dir()).Details(ctx, c6hash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repo.Update(ctx))
c6 := repo.Get(c6hash)
assert.NotNil(t, c6)
test(c1, "master", "branch2")
test(c2, "master", "branch2")
test(c3, "branch2")
test(c4, "master")
test(c5, "master")
test(c6, "master")