blob: 694305b830a818d26094861b885a6b058d57d2d1 [file] [log] [blame]
import './index';
import '../gold-scaffold-sk';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { deepCopy } from 'common-sk/modules/object';
import { testOnlySetSettings } from '../settings';
import { SearchPageSk } from './search-page-sk';
import { searchResponse, statusResponse, paramSetResponse, fakeNow, changeListSummaryResponse } from './demo_data';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
import { setImageEndpointsForDemos } from '../common';
import { TriageRequest } from '../rpc_types';
title: 'Skia Infra',
defaultCorpus: 'infra',
baseRepoURL: '',
}); = () => fakeNow;
fetchMock.get('/json/v1/trstatus', statusResponse);
fetchMock.get('/json/v1/paramset', paramSetResponse);
fetchMock.get('/json/v1/changelist/gerrit/123456', changeListSummaryResponse);
// We simulate the search endpoint, but only take into account the negative/positive/untriaged
// search fields to keep things simple. This is enough to demo the single/bulk triage UI components.
fetchMock.get('glob:/json/v1/search*', (url: string) => {
const filteredSearchResponse = deepCopy(searchResponse);
// Filter only by untriaged/positive/negative.
filteredSearchResponse.digests = filteredSearchResponse.digests!.filter(
(digest) =>
(digest!.status === 'untriaged' && url.includes('unt=true')) ||
(digest!.status === 'positive' && url.includes('pos=true')) ||
(digest!.status === 'negative' && url.includes('neg=true')));
filteredSearchResponse.size = filteredSearchResponse.digests.length;
return filteredSearchResponse
// The simulated triage endpoint will make changes to the results returned by the search endpoint
// so as to demo the single/bulk triage UI components.'/json/v1/triage', (_: any, req: any) => {
const triageRequest: TriageRequest = JSON.parse(req.body as string);
// Iterate over all digests in the triage request (same for single and bulk triage operations).
Object.keys(triageRequest.testDigestStatus).forEach((testName) => {
Object.keys(triageRequest.testDigestStatus[testName]).forEach((digest) => {
const label = triageRequest.testDigestStatus[testName][digest];
// Empty means "closest", which we ignore for simplicity. For more details, please see
// TODO(lovisolo): Remove this guard once the notes in the above link have been addressed.
if (label as string === '') return;
// Iterate over all search results.
searchResponse.digests?.forEach((searchResult) => {
// Update the search result if it matches the current digest.
if (searchResult?.digest === digest && searchResult.test === testName) {
searchResult.status = label;
// Update the label of the current digest if it appears in this search result's traces.
searchResult?.traces.digests?.forEach((traceDigest) => {
if (traceDigest.digest === digest) {
traceDigest.status = label;
// Update negative reference image's label if it matches the current digest.
const neg = searchResult?.refDiffs['neg'];
if (neg?.digest === digest) {
neg.status = label;
// Update positive reference image's label if it matches the current digest.
const pos = searchResult?.refDiffs['pos'];
if (pos?.digest === digest) {
pos.status = label;
return 200;
const newScaf = document.createElement('gold-scaffold-sk');
newScaf.setAttribute('testing_offline', 'true');
const body = $$('body');
body?.insertBefore(newScaf, body.childNodes[0]); // Make it the first element in body.
const page = new SearchPageSk();