blob: 59f1955c018cee6ddd383dc8a3ac64ebf2dbb832 [file] [log] [blame]
TileDir = "/mnt/pd0/data/tileStore3" # Path where tiles will be placed.
GitRepoDir = "/mnt/pd0/data/skia" # Directory location for the Skia repo.
GraphiteServer = "skia-monitoring:2003" # Where is Graphite metrics ingestion server running.
DoOauth = false # Run through the OAuth 2.0 flow on startup, otherwise use a GCE service account.
Local = false # Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.
RunEvery = "5m" # How often the ingester should pull data from Google Storage.
RunTrybotEvery = "1m" # How often the ingester to pull trybot data from Google Storage.
Commits = 10 # Minimum number of commits that should be ingested.
MinDays = 1 # Minimum number of days that should be covered by the ingested commits.
StatusDir = "/mnt/pd0/data/ingest_status" # Path where the ingest process keeps its status between restarts.
MetricName = "nano-ingest" # Graphite metric name to use for this ingester
GSBucket = "chromium-skia-gm"
GSDir = "nano-json-v1" # Google storage directory to draw from
RunEvery = "5m" # How often the ingester should pull data from Google Storage.
RunTrybotEvery = "1m" # How often the ingester to pull trybot data from Google Storage.
Commits = 10 # Minimum number of commits that should be ingested.
MinDays = 1 # Minimum number of days that should be covered by the ingested commits.
StatusDir = "/mnt/pd0/data/ingest_status" # Path where the ingest process keeps its status between restarts.
MetricName = "nano-trybot" # Graphite metric name to use for this ingester
GSBucket = "chromium-skia-gm"
GSDir = "trybot/nano-json-v1" # Google storage directory to draw from