blob: 7fbbd4aad7a3ed47e06880f7808df41fd3746fd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package pstracestore is a database for Perf data.
package ptracestore
import (
const (
var (
// tileNotExist is returned from getBoltDB only if 'readonly' is true and
// the tile doesn't exist.
tileNotExist = errors.New("Tile does not exist.")
// Trace is just a slice of float32s.
type Trace []float32
// NewTrace returns a Trace of length 'traceLen' initialized to vec32.MISSING_DATA_SENTINEL.
func NewTrace(traceLen int) Trace {
ret := make([]float32, traceLen)
for i := range ret {
return ret
// TraceSet is a set of Trace's, keyed by trace id.
type TraceSet map[string]Trace
// Progress is a func that is called as Match works, passing in the steps
// completed and the total number of steps, where a 'step' is applying a query
// to a single tile.
type Progress func(step, totalSteps int)
// KeyMatches is a func that returns true if a key matches some criteria.
// Passed to Match().
type KeyMatches func(key string) bool
// PTraceStore is an interface for storing Perf data.
// PTraceStore doesn't know anything about git hashes or Rietveld issue IDs,
// that will be handled at a level above this.
// TODO(jcgregorio) How to list all the Sources?
type PTraceStore interface {
// Add new values to the datastore at the given commitID.
// values - A map from the trace id to a float32 value.
// sourceFile - The full path of the file where this information came from,
// usually the Google Storage URL.
Add(commitID *cid.CommitID, values map[string]float32, sourceFile string) error
// Retrieve the source and value for a given measurement in a given trace,
// and a non-nil error if no such point was found.
Details(commitID *cid.CommitID, traceID string) (string, float32, error)
// Match returns TraceSet that match the given Query and slice of cid.CommitIDs.
// The 'progess' callback will be called as each Tile is processed.
// The returned TraceSet will contain a slice of Trace, and that list will be
// empty if there are no matches.
Match(commitIDs []*cid.CommitID, matches KeyMatches, progress Progress) (TraceSet, error)
// BoltTraceStore is an implementation of PTraceStore that uses BoltDB.
type BoltTraceStore struct {
// mutex protects access to cache.
mutex sync.Mutex
// cache is a cache of opened tiles.
cache *lru.Cache
// queryCache is a cache of opened tiles used for queries, i.e. for Match and
// Details calls.
queryCache *lru.Cache
// dir is the directory where tiles are stored.
dir string
// cacheEntry is what's stored in the BoltTraceStore cache.
// The cacheEntry holds a bolt.DB and a WaitGroup. Every time the cacheEntry is
// requested from getBoltDB the wg is incremented. If the entry gets evicted
// from the cache we wait for the 'wg' to reach zero before closing the BoltDB,
// since there may be transactions still running against the DB.
type cacheEntry struct {
db *bolt.DB
wg sync.WaitGroup
func (c *cacheEntry) Done() {
// closer is a callback we pass to the lru cache to close bolt.DBs once they've
// been evicted from the cache.
// The call to entry.wg.Wait() is safe because the BoltTraceStore cache is
// protected by a mutex, and lru.Cache is single threaded, so no adds can
// happen concurrently. Only during an add will an entry be evicted from the
// cache, and during that eviction we can wait for the wg to decrease to 0,
// which is guaranteed since the cache is locked.
func closer(key lru.Key, value interface{}) {
if entry, ok := value.(*cacheEntry); ok {
sklog.Infof("Waiting: %v", key)
sklog.Infof("Closing: %v", key)
} else {
sklog.Errorf("Found a non-bolt.DB in the cache at key %q", key)
// New creates a new BoltTraceStore that stores tiles in the given directory.
func New(dir string) (*BoltTraceStore, error) {
cache := lru.New(MAX_CACHED_TILES)
cache.OnEvicted = closer
queryCache := lru.New(MAX_CACHED_TILES)
queryCache.OnEvicted = closer
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create %q for ptracestore: %s", dir, err)
return &BoltTraceStore{
dir: dir,
cache: cache,
queryCache: queryCache,
}, nil
// traceValue is used to encode/decode trace values.
type traceValue struct {
Index int64
Value float32
// sourceValue is used to encode/decode trace sources.
type sourceValue struct {
Index int64
Source uint64
// getBoltDB returns a new/existing bolt.DB. Already opened db's are cached.
// If 'readonly' is true then getBoltDB will fail with a tileNotExist error
// instead of creating a new DB at that location.
// Calls must call Done() on the returned cacheEntry when they are done using it.
func (b *BoltTraceStore) getBoltDB(commitID *cid.CommitID, readonly bool) (*cacheEntry, error) {
defer b.mutex.Unlock()
name := commitID.Filename()
// Look for tile in the cache.
if ientry, ok := b.cache.Get(name); ok {
if entry, ok := ientry.(*cacheEntry); ok {
return entry, nil
// Look for tile in the queryCache.
if ientry, ok := b.queryCache.Get(name); ok {
if entry, ok := ientry.(*cacheEntry); ok {
return entry, nil
filename := filepath.Join(b.dir, commitID.Filename())
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) && readonly {
return nil, tileNotExist
db, err := bolt.Open(filename, 0600, &bolt.Options{Timeout: 5 * time.Second})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to open %q: %s", filename, err)
entry := &cacheEntry{
db: db,
wg: sync.WaitGroup{},
if readonly {
b.queryCache.Add(name, entry)
} else {
b.cache.Add(name, entry)
return entry, nil
func uint64ToBytes(u uint64) []byte {
b := make([]byte, 8, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, u)
return b
func serialize(i interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, i)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("binary.Write of value failed: %s", err)
return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (b *BoltTraceStore) Add(commitID *cid.CommitID, values map[string]float32, sourceFile string) error {
sklog.Infof("Ingesting source file: %q", sourceFile)
index := commitID.Offset % constants.COMMITS_PER_TILE
entry, err := b.getBoltDB(commitID, false)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to open datastore: %s", err)
defer entry.Done()
var lastSourceIndex uint64
// Add the source and get its index.
addSource := func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
t, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(SOURCE_LIST_BUCKET_NAME))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get bucket: %s", err)
lastSourceIndex, err = t.NextSequence()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get source index: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("lastSourceIndex: %d", lastSourceIndex)
// Write the source.
if err := t.Put(uint64ToBytes(lastSourceIndex), []byte(sourceFile)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to write the source file: %s", err)
return nil
if err := entry.db.Update(addSource); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while writing source list: %s", err)
// Now that we have lastSourceIndex we can add the trace values.
addValues := func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
t, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(TRACE_VALUES_BUCKET_NAME))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get bucket: %s", err)
s, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(TRACE_SOURCES_BUCKET_NAME))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get bucket: %s", err)
// Add values and source index.
for traceID, value := range values {
// Write the value.
valueBytes, err := serialize(traceValue{
Index: int64(index),
Value: value,
if err != nil {
return err
// Append the serialized traceValue to the current trace value.
if err := t.Put([]byte(traceID), append(t.Get([]byte(traceID)), valueBytes...)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bucket.Put() of value failed: %s", err)
// Write the source.
sourceBytes, err := serialize(sourceValue{
Index: int64(index),
Source: lastSourceIndex,
if err != nil {
return err
// Append the serialized sourceValue to the current trace value.
if err := s.Put([]byte(traceID), append(s.Get([]byte(traceID)), sourceBytes...)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bucket.Put() of source failed: %s", err)
return nil
if err := entry.db.Update(addValues); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while writing values: %s", err)
return nil
func (b *BoltTraceStore) Details(commitID *cid.CommitID, traceID string) (string, float32, error) {
entry, err := b.getBoltDB(commitID, true)
if err != nil {
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("Unable to open datastore: %s", err)
defer entry.Done()
localIndex := int64(commitID.Offset % constants.COMMITS_PER_TILE)
var sourceRet string
var valueRet float32
get := func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
sl := tx.Bucket([]byte(SOURCE_LIST_BUCKET_NAME))
if sl == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get bucket: %s", SOURCE_LIST_BUCKET_NAME)
v := tx.Bucket([]byte(TRACE_VALUES_BUCKET_NAME))
if v == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get bucket: %s", TRACE_VALUES_BUCKET_NAME)
s := tx.Bucket([]byte(TRACE_SOURCES_BUCKET_NAME))
if s == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get bucket: %s", TRACE_SOURCES_BUCKET_NAME)
// Read the value.
rawValues := v.Get([]byte(traceID))
if rawValues == nil {
rawValues = []byte{}
rawValues = dup(rawValues)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(rawValues)
value := traceValue{
Index: -1,
for {
err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &value)
if err != nil {
if value.Index == localIndex {
valueRet = value.Value
// Don't break, we want the last value for index.
if value.Index == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Value not found: %q in %q", traceID, commitID.Filename())
// Read the source.
rawSource := s.Get([]byte(traceID))
if rawSource == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Source not found.")
rawSource = dup(rawSource)
buf = bytes.NewBuffer(rawSource)
source := sourceValue{
Index: -1,
var sourceIndex uint64
for {
err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &source)
if err != nil {
sklog.Infof("Failed binary.Read: %s", err)
if source.Index == localIndex {
sourceIndex = source.Source
// Don't break, we want the last value for index.
if value.Index == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Source not found: %q in %q", traceID, commitID.Filename())
// Read the sourceFullname.
sourceRet = string(sl.Get(uint64ToBytes(sourceIndex)))
return nil
if err := entry.db.View(get); err != nil {
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("Error while reading value: %s", err)
return sourceRet, valueRet, nil
type tileMap struct {
commitID *cid.CommitID
idxmap map[int]int
// buildMapper transforms the slice of commitIDs passed to Match into a mapping
// from the location of the commit in the DB to the index for that commit in
// the Trace's returned from Match. I.e. it maps tiles to a map that says where
// each value stored in the tile trace needs to be copied into the destination
// Trace.
// For example, if given:
// commitIDs := []*cid.CommitID{
// &cid.CommitID{
// Source: "master",
// Offset: 49,
// },
// &cid.CommitID{
// Source: "master",
// Offset: 50,
// },
// &cid.CommitID{
// Source: "master",
// Offset: 51,
// },
// }
// This will return the following, presuming a tile size of 50:
// map[string]*tileMap{
// "master-000000.bdb": &tileMap{
// commitID: &cid.CommitID{
// Source: "master",
// Offset: 49,
// },
// idxmap: map[int]int{
// 49: 0,
// },
// },
// "master-000001.bdb": &tileMap{
// commitID: &cid.CommitID{
// Source: "master",
// Offset: 50,
// },
// idxmap: map[int]int{
// 0: 1,
// 1: 2,
// },
// },
// }
// The returned map is used when loading traces out of tiles.
func buildMapper(commitIDs []*cid.CommitID) map[string]*tileMap {
mapper := map[string]*tileMap{}
for targetIndex, commitID := range commitIDs {
if tm, ok := mapper[commitID.Filename()]; !ok {
mapper[commitID.Filename()] = &tileMap{
commitID: commitID,
idxmap: map[int]int{commitID.Offset % constants.COMMITS_PER_TILE: targetIndex},
} else {
tm.idxmap[commitID.Offset%constants.COMMITS_PER_TILE] = targetIndex
return mapper
// dup makes a copy of a byte slice.
// Needed since values returned from BoltDB are only valid
// for the life of the transaction.
func dup(b []byte) []byte {
ret := make([]byte, len(b))
copy(ret, b)
return ret
// loadMatches loads values into 'traceSet' that match the 'matches' from the
// tile in the BoltDB 'db'. Only values at the offsets in 'idxmap' are
// actually loaded, and 'idxmap' determines where they are stored in the Trace.
func loadMatches(entry *cacheEntry, idxmap map[int]int, matches KeyMatches, traceSet TraceSet, traceLen int) error {
defer timer.New("loadMatches time").Stop()
defer entry.Done()
get := func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
defer timer.New("loadMatches TX time").Stop()
bucket := tx.Bucket([]byte(TRACE_VALUES_BUCKET_NAME))
if bucket == nil {
// If the bucket doesn't exist then we've never written to this tile, it's not an error,
// it just means it has no data.
return nil
v := bucket.Cursor()
value := traceValue{}
// Loop over the entire bucket.
for btraceid, rawValues := v.First(); btraceid != nil; btraceid, rawValues = v.Next() {
// Does the trace id match the query?
if !matches(string(btraceid)) {
// Get the trace.
trace := traceSet[string(btraceid)]
if trace == nil {
// Don't make the copy until we know we are going to need it.
traceid := string(dup(btraceid))
traceSet[traceid] = NewTrace(traceLen)
trace = traceSet[traceid]
// Decode all the [index, float32] pairs stored for the trace.
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(rawValues)
for {
if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &value); err != nil {
// Store the value in trace if the index appears in idxmap.
if offset, ok := idxmap[int(value.Index)]; ok {
trace[offset] = value.Value
// Don't break, we want the last value for index.
return nil
return entry.db.View(get)
func (b *BoltTraceStore) Match(commitIDs []*cid.CommitID, matches KeyMatches, progress Progress) (TraceSet, error) {
ret := TraceSet{}
mapper := buildMapper(commitIDs)
i := 0
for _, tm := range mapper {
if progress != nil {
progress(i, len(mapper))
entry, err := b.getBoltDB(tm.commitID, true)
if err == tileNotExist {
sklog.Infof("Skipped non-existent db: %s", tm.commitID.Filename())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to open tile from %s: %s", tm.commitID.Filename(), err)
// loadMatches calls entry.Done().
if err := loadMatches(entry, tm.idxmap, matches, ret, len(commitIDs)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to load traces from %s: %s", tm.commitID.Filename(), err)
if progress != nil {
progress(len(mapper), len(mapper))
return ret, nil
var Default *BoltTraceStore
func Init(dir string) {
if Default != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("ptracestore should only be initialized once.")
var err error
Default, err = New(dir)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("ptracestore failed to init: %s", err)
// Ensure that *BoltTraceStore implements PTraceStore.
var _ PTraceStore = &BoltTraceStore{}