blob: 9b1e1ad6acecf2c5f90f57155a3e03069bd76d6d [file] [log] [blame]
package alerts
import (
const (
// Config represents the configuration for one alert.
type Config struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Query string `json:"query"` // The query to perform on the trace store to select the traces to alert on.
Alert string `json:"alert"` // Email address or id of a chat room to send alerts to.
Interesting float32 `json:"interesting"` // The regression interestingness threshhold.
BugURITemplate string `json:"bug_uri_template"` // URI Template used for reporting bugs. Format TBD.
Algo clustering2.ClusterAlgo `json:"algo"` // Which clustering algorithm to use.
State ConfigState `json:"state"` // The state of the config.
Owner string `json:"owner"` // Email address of the person that owns this alert.
StepUpOnly bool `json:"step_up_only"` // If true then only steps up will trigger an alert.
Radius int `json:"radius"` // How many commits to each side of a commit to consider when looking for a step. 0 means use the server default.
K int `json:"k"` // The K in k-means clustering. 0 means use an algorithmically chosen value based on the data.
func (c *Config) IdAsString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", c.ID)
func (c *Config) StringToId(s string) {
if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32); err != nil {
c.ID = -1
} else {
c.ID = int(i)
// NewConfig creates a new Config properly initialized.
func NewConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
Algo: clustering2.KMEANS_ALGO,
State: ACTIVE,