Remove old jumphost prometheus installation.

This changes the role




and drops all the Prometheus related files and tasks, which
are now covered in the



Bug: skia:13542
Change-Id: I5dad5f0541243dd4013d0f3d5245e4e0ecb172e2
Reviewed-by: Ravi Mistry <>
Commit-Queue: Joe Gregorio <>
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/jumphosts.yml b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/jumphosts.yml
index 6b29173..4891701 100644
--- a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/jumphosts.yml
+++ b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/jumphosts.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     - role: install_router_backup
         '{{ router_backup_ansible_version_override }}'
-    - role: install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub
+    - role: install_alert_to_pubsub
         '{{ alert_to_pubsub_ansible_version_override }}'
     - role: install_managed_prometheus
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/prom.yml b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/prom.yml
index 4c87a23..25f77af 100644
--- a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/prom.yml
+++ b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/prom.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Configures metrics and alerting on each jumphost.
+# Configures alert-to-pubsub on each jumphost.
-# A slimmed down playbook that just deals with Prometheus and alert_to_pubsub.
+# See the install_managed_prometheus role for how Prometheus is installed.
 # The primary jumphost playbook is jumphosts.yaml.
 - hosts: jumphosts
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
     alert_to_pubsub_ansible_version_override: ''
-    - role: install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub
+    - role: install_alert_to_pubsub
         '{{ alert_to_pubsub_ansible_version_override }}'
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/ b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/
similarity index 84%
rename from skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/
rename to skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/
index af2fbdd..72e85e5 100644
--- a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/
+++ b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 # Role Name
 ## Description
-Builds alert-to-pubsub and deploys it along with Prometheus to each of the
+Builds alert-to-pubsub and deploys it to each of the jumphosts.
 ## Arguments
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@
     - hosts: jumphosts
-        - install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub
+        - install_alert_to_pubsub
 ## Pushing a test/debug binary:
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/meta/argument_specs.yml b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/meta/argument_specs.yml
similarity index 71%
rename from skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/meta/argument_specs.yml
rename to skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/meta/argument_specs.yml
index ca36af9..32b6949 100644
--- a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/meta/argument_specs.yml
+++ b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/meta/argument_specs.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-      The main entry point for the install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub role.
+      The main entry point for the install_alert_to_pubsub role.
-        type: "str"
+        type: 'str'
         required: false
-        default: ""
+        default: ''
           'The version of alert_to_pubsub_ansible to deploy, e.g.
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/tasks/main.yml b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee1fe2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+- name: Load alert_to_pubsub_ansible executables.
+  import_role:
+    name: get_ansible_binaries
+  vars:
+    get_ansible_binaries_application: alert_to_pubsub_ansible
+    get_ansible_binaries_version: '{{ alert_to_pubsub_ansible_version }}'
+- name: Copy over alert_to_pubsub service file.
+  become: true
+  template:
+    src: templates/alert_to_pubsub.service
+    dest: /etc/systemd/system/alert_to_pubsub.service
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: '0644'
+- name: Copy over alert_to_pubsub_ansible executable.
+  become: true
+  copy:
+    src:
+      "{{ get_ansible_binaries_directory.path }}/build/{{
+      ansible_facts['system'] }}/{{ ansible_facts['architecture']
+      }}/alert_to_pubsub_ansible"
+    dest: /usr/local/bin/alert_to_pubsub_ansible
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: '0755'
+- name: restart_alert_to_pubsub
+  become: true
+  systemd:
+    enabled: true
+    state: restarted
+    name: alert_to_pubsub
+    daemon_reload: true
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/templates/alert_to_pubsub.service b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/templates/alert_to_pubsub.service
similarity index 100%
rename from skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/templates/alert_to_pubsub.service
rename to skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_alert_to_pubsub/templates/alert_to_pubsub.service
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/files/alerts.yml b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/files/alerts.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 685d59c..0000000
--- a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/files/alerts.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-  - name: general
-    rules:
-      - alert: JobDown
-        expr: up == 0
-        for: 1m
-        labels:
-          category: infra
-          severity: critical
-        annotations:
-          abbr:
-            '{{ $labels.job }} - {{ $labels.hostname }} - {{
-            $externalLabels.cluster }}'
-          description:
-            '{{ $labels.job }} on {{ $labels.hostname }} in {{
-            $externalLabels.cluster }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.'
-      - alert: TooManyGoRoutines
-        expr: go_goroutines > 3000
-        for: 2m
-        labels:
-          category: infra
-          severity: warning
-        annotations:
-          abbr: '{{ $labels.job }} - {{ $externalLabels.cluster }}'
-          description:
-            'Too many Go routines in {{ $labels.hostname }} for app {{
-            $labels.job }}.'
-      - alert: TooManyOpenFDs
-        expr: process_open_fds > 5000
-        labels:
-          category: infra
-          severity: warning
-        annotations:
-          abbr: '{{ $labels.job }} - {{ $externalLabels.cluster }}'
-          description:
-            'Too many open file handles on {{ $labels.hostname }} for app {{
-            $labels.job }}.'
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/tasks/main.yml b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9227617..0000000
--- a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-- name: Check if Prometheus binary needs to be downloaded.
-  stat:
-    path:
-      "{{ all.repo_root }}/skolo/build/{{ ansible_facts['system'] }}/{{
-      ansible_facts['architecture'] }}/prometheus-{{ all.prometheus.version
-      }}.linux-amd64/prometheus"
-  register: prometheus_binary
-- name: Download Prometheus binary.
-  delegate_to:
-  throttle: 1
-  make:
-    chdir: '{{ all.repo_root }}/skolo/'
-    target:
-      "download_prometheus_{{ ansible_facts['architecture'] }}_{{
-      ansible_facts['system'] }}"
-    params:
-      PROMETHEUS_VERSION: '{{ all.prometheus.version }}'
-  when: not prometheus_binary.stat.exists
-- name: Copy over service file.
-  become: true
-  template:
-    src: templates/prometheus.service
-    dest: /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service
-    owner: root
-    group: root
-    mode: '0644'
-- name: Copy over prometheus executable.
-  become: true
-  copy:
-    src:
-      "{{ all.repo_root }}/skolo/build/{{ ansible_facts['system'] }}/{{
-      ansible_facts['architecture'] }}/prometheus-{{ all.prometheus.version
-      }}.linux-amd64/prometheus"
-    dest: /usr/local/bin/prometheus
-    owner: root
-    group: root
-    mode: '0755'
-- name: Copy over promtool executable.
-  become: true
-  copy:
-    src:
-      "{{ all.repo_root }}/skolo/build/{{ ansible_facts['system'] }}/{{
-      ansible_facts['architecture'] }}/prometheus-{{ all.prometheus.version
-      }}.linux-amd64/promtool"
-    dest: /usr/local/bin/promtool
-    owner: root
-    group: root
-    mode: '0755'
-- name: Ensure /etc/prometheus directory exists.
-  become: true
-  file:
-    path: /etc/prometheus
-    state: directory
-    owner: chrome-bot
-    group: chrome-bot
-    mode: '0755'
-- name: Copy over prometheus config file.
-  template:
-    src: templates/prometheus.yml
-    dest: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
-    owner: chrome-bot
-    group: chrome-bot
-    mode: '0644'
-- name: Copy over alerts file.
-  copy:
-    src: files/alerts.yml
-    dest: /etc/prometheus/alerts.yml
-    owner: chrome-bot
-    group: chrome-bot
-    mode: '0644'
-- name: Ensure tsdb directory exists.
-  become: true
-  file:
-    path: /var/lib/prometheus/tsdb
-    state: directory
-    owner: chrome-bot
-    group: chrome-bot
-    mode: '0755'
-- name: Load alert_to_pubsub_ansible executables.
-  import_role:
-    name: get_ansible_binaries
-  vars:
-    get_ansible_binaries_application: alert_to_pubsub_ansible
-    get_ansible_binaries_version: '{{ alert_to_pubsub_ansible_version }}'
-- name: Copy over alert_to_pubsub service file.
-  become: true
-  template:
-    src: templates/alert_to_pubsub.service
-    dest: /etc/systemd/system/alert_to_pubsub.service
-    owner: root
-    group: root
-    mode: '0644'
-- name: Copy over alert_to_pubsub_ansible executable.
-  become: true
-  copy:
-    src:
-      "{{ get_ansible_binaries_directory.path }}/build/{{
-      ansible_facts['system'] }}/{{ ansible_facts['architecture']
-      }}/alert_to_pubsub_ansible"
-    dest: /usr/local/bin/alert_to_pubsub_ansible
-    owner: root
-    group: root
-    mode: '0755'
-- name: restart_prometheus
-  become: true
-  systemd:
-    enabled: true
-    state: restarted
-    name: prometheus
-    daemon_reload: true
-- name: restart_alert_to_pubsub
-  become: true
-  systemd:
-    enabled: true
-    state: restarted
-    name: alert_to_pubsub
-    daemon_reload: true
-- name: validate_prometheus_config
-  command: /usr/local/bin/promtool check config /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
-- name: validate_prometheus_rules
-  command: /usr/local/bin/promtool check rules /etc/prometheus/alerts.yml
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/templates/prometheus.service b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/templates/prometheus.service
deleted file mode 100644
index daa06f7..0000000
--- a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/templates/prometheus.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prometheus \
-  --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
-  --storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus/data \
-  --storage.tsdb.retention.time=60d \
-  --web.listen-address=:{{ all.prometheus.web_server_port }}
-ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/templates/prometheus.yml b/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/templates/prometheus.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9edadd1..0000000
--- a/skolo/ansible/switchboard/roles/install_prometheus_and_alert_to_pubsub/templates/prometheus.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-  scrape_interval:     15s
-  evaluation_interval: 15s
-  external_labels:
-    cluster: skolo-{{ inventory_hostname }}
-  alertmanagers:
-    - api_version: v1
-      static_configs:
-      - targets:
-        - localhost:{{ all.prometheus.alert_to_pubsub_port }}
-  - "alerts.yml"
-  - job_name: 'prometheus'
-    static_configs:
-      - targets: ['localhost:8000']
-        labels:
-          job: 'prometheus'
-          hostname: 'jumphost'
-      - targets: ['localhost:{{ all.prometheus.monitoring.ports.metadata_server_ansible  }}']
-        labels:
-          job: 'metadata_server_ansible'
-          hostname: 'jumphost'
-      - targets: ['localhost:{{ all.prometheus.monitoring.ports.router_backup_ansible  }}']
-        labels:
-          job: 'router_backup_ansible'
-          hostname: 'jumphost'
-      - targets: ['localhost:{{ all.prometheus.monitoring.ports.powercycle_server_ansible  }}']
-        labels:
-          job: 'powercycle_server_ansible'
-          hostname: 'jumphost'
-      - targets: ['localhost:{{ all.prometheus.monitoring.ports.alert_to_pubsub_ansible  }}']
-        labels:
-          job: 'alert_to_pubsub_ansible'
-          hostname: 'jumphost'
-  - job_name: 'test_machines'
-    static_configs:
-{% for hostname in hostvars['rack4']['groups'][inventory_hostname + '_machines'] %}
-      - targets: ['{{ hostname }}:{{ all.prometheus.monitoring.ports.test_machine_monitor }}']
-        labels:
-          job: 'test_machine_monitor'
-          hostname: '{{ hostname }}'
-{% endfor %}