blob: 6b18b0c5aea407f474bab8b2900ba33437e5ba26 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
Runs the backend portions of the fuzzer. This includes the generator and aggregator parts (see
import (
fcommon ""
fstorage ""
var (
aflOutputPath = flag.String("afl_output_path", "", "[REQUIRED] The output folder of afl-fuzz. This will have on folder for each fuzz_to_run. Each of those will have N folders named fuzzer0 - fuzzerN. Should not be in /tmp or afl-fuzz will refuse to run.")
generatorWD = flag.String("generator_working_dir", "", "[REQUIRED] The generator's working directory. Should not be in /tmp.")
aggregatorWD = flag.String("aggregator_working_dir", filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "aggregator_wd"), "The aggregator's working directory. Can be in /tmp.")
fuzzSamples = flag.String("fuzz_samples", "", "[REQUIRED] The generator's working directory. Should not be in /tmp.")
skiaRoot = flag.String("skia_root", "", "[REQUIRED] The root directory of the Skia source code. Cannot be shared with front end.")
clangPath = flag.String("clang_path", "", "[REQUIRED] The path to the clang executable.")
clangPlusPlusPath = flag.String("clang_p_p_path", "", "[REQUIRED] The path to the clang++ executable.")
depotToolsPath = flag.String("depot_tools_path", "", "The absolute path to depot_tools. Can be empty if they are on your path.")
aflRoot = flag.String("afl_root", "", "[REQUIRED] The install directory of afl-fuzz (v1.94b or later).")
architecture = flag.String("architecture", "", "[REQUIRED] The name of the architecture this machine is fuzzing (v1.94b or later).")
numBinaryFuzzProcesses = flag.Int("binary_fuzz_processes", 0, `The number of processes to run binary fuzzes per fuzz category. This should be fewer than the number of logical cores. Defaults to 0, which means "Make an intelligent guess"`)
numAPIFuzzProcesses = flag.Int("api_fuzz_processes", 0, `The number of processes to run api fuzzes per fuzz category. This should be fewer than the number of logical cores. Defaults to 0, which means "Make an intelligent guess"`)
versionCheckPeriod = flag.Duration("version_check_period", 20*time.Second, `The period used to check the version of Skia that needs fuzzing.`)
downloadProcesses = flag.Int("download_processes", 4, "The number of download processes to be used for fetching fuzzes when re-analyzing them. This is constant with respect to the number of fuzzes.")
fuzzesToRun = common.NewMultiStringFlag("fuzz_to_run", nil, fmt.Sprintf("A set of fuzzes to run. Can be one or more of the known fuzzes: %q", fcommon.FUZZ_CATEGORIES))
bucket = flag.String("bucket", "skia-fuzzer", "The GCS bucket in which to store found fuzzes.")
fuzzPath = flag.String("fuzz_path", filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "fuzzes"), "The directory to temporarily store the binary fuzzes during aggregation.")
executableCachePath = flag.String("executable_cache_path", filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "executable_cache"), "The path in which built fuzz executables can be cached. Can be safely shared with frontend.")
numAnalysisProcesses = flag.Int("analysis_processes", 0, `The number of processes to analyze fuzzes [per fuzz to run]. This should be fewer than the number of logical cores. Defaults to 0, which means "Make an intelligent guess"`)
rescanPeriod = flag.Duration("rescan_period", 60*time.Second, `The time in which to sleep for every cycle of aggregation. `)
numUploadProcesses = flag.Int("upload_processes", 0, `The number of processes to upload fuzzes [per fuzz to run]. Defaults to 0, which means "Make an intelligent guess"`)
statusPeriod = flag.Duration("status_period", 60*time.Second, `The time period used to report the status of the aggregation/analysis/upload queue. `)
analysisTimeout = flag.Duration("analysis_timeout", 5*time.Second, `The maximum time an analysis should run.`)
watchAFL = flag.Bool("watch_afl", false, "(debug only) If the afl master's output should be piped to stdout.")
skipGeneration = flag.Bool("skip_generation", false, "(debug only) If the generation step should be disabled.")
forceReanalysis = flag.Bool("force_reanalysis", false, "(debug only) If the fuzzes should be downloaded, re-analyzed, (deleted from GCS), and reuploaded.")
verboseBuilds = flag.Bool("verbose_builds", false, "If output from ninja and gyp should be printed to stdout.")
local = flag.Bool("local", false, "Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.")
promPort = flag.String("prom_port", ":20000", "Metrics service address (e.g., ':10110')")
var (
requiredFlags = []string{"afl_output_path", "skia_root", "clang_path", "clang_p_p_path", "afl_root", "generator_working_dir", "fuzz_to_run", "executable_cache_path", "architecture"}
storageClient *storage.Client = nil
issueManager *issues.IssuesManager = nil
func main() {
defer common.LogPanic()
// Calls flag.Parse()
if err := writeFlagsToConfig(); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Problem with configuration: %v", err)
if err := setupOAuth(); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Problem with OAuth: %s", err)
client := fstorage.NewFuzzerGCSClient(storageClient, config.GCS.Bucket)
if err := download_skia.AtGCSRevision(client, config.Common.SkiaRoot, &config.Common, !*local); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Problem downloading Skia: %s", err)
generators := make([]*generator.Generator, 0, len(*fuzzesToRun))
startingReports := make(map[string]<-chan data.FuzzReport)
// TODO(kjlubick) implement a sharding scheme for fuzzer to avoid running out of CPUs.
neededCPUs := 0
for _, category := range *fuzzesToRun {
if strings.HasPrefix(category, "api_") {
neededCPUs += config.Generator.NumAPIFuzzProcesses
} else {
neededCPUs += config.Generator.NumBinaryFuzzProcesses
if totalCPUs := runtime.NumCPU(); neededCPUs > totalCPUs {
sklog.Warningf("Going to run out of cpus to allocate to generator processes. Needed at least %d, but only have %d. Expect suboptimal performance", neededCPUs, totalCPUs)
} else {
sklog.Infof("Going to allocate %d cpus (could go up to %d)", neededCPUs, totalCPUs)
for _, category := range *fuzzesToRun {
gen := generator.New(category)
if err := gen.DownloadSeedFiles(client); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Problem downloading seed files: %s", err)
// If we are reanalyzing, no point in running the generator first, just to stop it, nor
// is there reason to download all of the current fuzz reports.
if !*forceReanalysis {
sklog.Infof("Starting %s generator with configuration %#v", category, config.Generator)
var err error
if err = gen.Start(); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Problem starting generator: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Downloading all bad %s fuzzes @%s to setup duplication detection", category, config.Common.SkiaVersion.Hash)
baseFolder := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/bad", category, config.Common.SkiaVersion.Hash, config.Generator.Architecture)
if startingReports[category], err = fstorage.GetReportsFromGCS(storageClient, baseFolder, category, config.Generator.Architecture, nil, config.Generator.NumDownloadProcesses); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not download previously found %s fuzzes for deduplication: %s", category, err)
} else {
sklog.Infof("Skipping %s generator and deduplication setup because --force_reanalysis is enabled", category)
generators = append(generators, gen)
sklog.Infof("Starting aggregator with configuration %#v", config.Aggregator)
agg, err := aggregator.StartAggregator(storageClient, issueManager, startingReports)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not start aggregator: %s", err)
updater := backend.NewVersionUpdater(client, agg, generators)
sklog.Info("Starting version watcher")
watcher := version_watcher.New(client, config.Common.VersionCheckPeriod, updater.UpdateToNewSkiaVersion, nil)
err = <-watcher.Status
func writeFlagsToConfig() error {
// Check the required ones and terminate if they are not provided
for _, f := range requiredFlags {
if flag.Lookup(f).Value.String() == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Required flag %s is empty.", f)
var err error
config.Generator.AflOutputPath, err = fileutil.EnsureDirExists(*aflOutputPath)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Generator.AflRoot, err = fileutil.EnsureDirExists(*aflRoot)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Generator.WorkingPath, err = fileutil.EnsureDirExists(*generatorWD)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Generator.FuzzSamples, err = fileutil.EnsureDirExists(*fuzzSamples)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Common.SkiaRoot, err = fileutil.EnsureDirExists(*skiaRoot)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Common.ExecutableCachePath, err = fileutil.EnsureDirExists(*executableCachePath)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Common.VerboseBuilds = *verboseBuilds
config.Common.ClangPath = *clangPath
config.Common.ClangPlusPlusPath = *clangPlusPlusPath
config.Common.DepotToolsPath = *depotToolsPath
config.Common.VersionCheckPeriod = *versionCheckPeriod
config.Generator.Architecture = *architecture
config.Generator.NumBinaryFuzzProcesses = *numBinaryFuzzProcesses
config.Generator.NumAPIFuzzProcesses = *numAPIFuzzProcesses
config.Generator.WatchAFL = *watchAFL
config.Generator.NumDownloadProcesses = *downloadProcesses
config.Generator.SkipGeneration = *skipGeneration
config.GCS.Bucket = *bucket
config.Aggregator.FuzzPath, err = fileutil.EnsureDirExists(*fuzzPath)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Aggregator.WorkingPath, err = fileutil.EnsureDirExists(*aggregatorWD)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Aggregator.NumAnalysisProcesses = *numAnalysisProcesses
config.Aggregator.NumUploadProcesses = *numUploadProcesses
config.Aggregator.StatusPeriod = *statusPeriod
config.Aggregator.RescanPeriod = *rescanPeriod
config.Aggregator.AnalysisTimeout = *analysisTimeout
config.Common.ForceReanalysis = *forceReanalysis
// Check all the fuzzes are valid ones we can handle
for _, f := range *fuzzesToRun {
if !fcommon.HasCategory(f) {
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown fuzz category %q", f)
config.Generator.FuzzesToGenerate = *fuzzesToRun
return nil
func setupOAuth() error {
client, err := auth.NewDefaultJWTServiceAccountClient(auth.SCOPE_READ_WRITE)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Problem setting up client OAuth: %v", err)
if storageClient, err = storage.NewClient(context.Background(), option.WithHTTPClient(client)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Problem authenticating: %v", err)
issueManager = issues.NewManager(client)
return nil