blob: 807aa4548ce34e2c8ae11f5adedbe5026ac4cd66 [file] [log] [blame]
package memory
import (
// CommentBox implements CommentDB with in-memory storage.
type CommentBox struct {
// mtx protects comments.
mtx sync.RWMutex
// comments is map[repo_name]*types.RepoComments.
comments map[string]*types.RepoComments
modTC chan<- []*types.TaskComment
modTCClients map[chan<- []*types.TaskComment]context.Context
modTCClientsMtx sync.Mutex
modTCClientsWg sync.WaitGroup
modTSC chan<- []*types.TaskSpecComment
modTSClients map[chan<- []*types.TaskSpecComment]context.Context
modTSClientsMtx sync.Mutex
modTSClientsWg sync.WaitGroup
modCC chan<- []*types.CommitComment
modCCClients map[chan<- []*types.CommitComment]context.Context
modCCClientsMtx sync.Mutex
modCCClientsWg sync.WaitGroup
// NewCommentBox returns a CommentBox instance.
func NewCommentBox() *CommentBox {
modTC := make(chan []*types.TaskComment)
modTSC := make(chan []*types.TaskSpecComment)
modCC := make(chan []*types.CommitComment)
rv := &CommentBox{
comments: map[string]*types.RepoComments{},
modTC: modTC,
modTCClients: map[chan<- []*types.TaskComment]context.Context{},
modTSC: modTSC,
modTSClients: map[chan<- []*types.TaskSpecComment]context.Context{},
modCC: modCC,
modCCClients: map[chan<- []*types.CommitComment]context.Context{},
// These goroutines multiplex modified data out to the various clients.
go func() {
for data := range modTC {
for ch, ctx := range rv.modTCClients {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
go func(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- []*types.TaskComment, data []*types.TaskComment) {
send := make([]*types.TaskComment, 0, len(data))
for _, elem := range data {
send = append(send, elem.Copy())
select {
case ch <- send:
case <-ctx.Done():
}(ctx, ch, data)
go func() {
for data := range modTSC {
for ch, ctx := range rv.modTSClients {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
go func(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- []*types.TaskSpecComment, data []*types.TaskSpecComment) {
send := make([]*types.TaskSpecComment, 0, len(data))
for _, elem := range data {
send = append(send, elem.Copy())
select {
case ch <- send:
case <-ctx.Done():
}(ctx, ch, data)
go func() {
for data := range modCC {
for ch, ctx := range rv.modCCClients {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
go func(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- []*types.CommitComment, data []*types.CommitComment) {
send := make([]*types.CommitComment, 0, len(data))
for _, elem := range data {
send = append(send, elem.Copy())
select {
case ch <- send:
case <-ctx.Done():
}(ctx, ch, data)
return rv
// See documentation for CommentDB.GetCommentsForRepos.
func (b *CommentBox) GetCommentsForRepos(repos []string, from time.Time) ([]*types.RepoComments, error) {
defer b.mtx.RUnlock()
rv := make([]*types.RepoComments, len(repos))
for i, repo := range repos {
if rc, ok := b.comments[repo]; ok {
rv[i] = rc.Copy()
} else {
rv[i] = &types.RepoComments{Repo: repo}
return rv, nil
// getRepoComments returns the initialized *types.RepoComments for the given repo.
func (b *CommentBox) getRepoComments(repo string) *types.RepoComments {
if b.comments == nil {
b.comments = make(map[string]*types.RepoComments, 1)
rc, ok := b.comments[repo]
if !ok {
rc = &types.RepoComments{
Repo: repo,
TaskComments: map[string]map[string][]*types.TaskComment{},
TaskSpecComments: map[string][]*types.TaskSpecComment{},
CommitComments: map[string][]*types.CommitComment{},
b.comments[repo] = rc
return rc
// putTaskComment validates c and adds c to b.comments, or returns
// db.ErrAlreadyExists if a different comment has the same ID fields. Assumes b.mtx
// is write-locked.
func (b *CommentBox) putTaskComment(c *types.TaskComment) error {
if c.Repo == "" || c.Revision == "" || c.Name == "" || util.TimeIsZero(c.Timestamp) {
return fmt.Errorf("TaskComment missing required fields. %#v", c)
rc := b.getRepoComments(c.Repo)
nameMap, ok := rc.TaskComments[c.Revision]
if !ok {
nameMap = map[string][]*types.TaskComment{}
rc.TaskComments[c.Revision] = nameMap
cSlice := nameMap[c.Name]
// TODO(benjaminwagner): Would using utilities in the sort package make this
// cleaner?
if len(cSlice) > 0 {
// Assume comments normally inserted at the end.
insert := 0
for i := len(cSlice) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if cSlice[i].Timestamp.Equal(c.Timestamp) {
if *cSlice[i] == *c {
return nil
} else {
return db.ErrAlreadyExists
} else if cSlice[i].Timestamp.Before(c.Timestamp) {
insert = i + 1
// Ensure capacity for another comment and move any comments after the
// insertion point.
cSlice = append(cSlice, nil)
copy(cSlice[insert+1:], cSlice[insert:])
cSlice[insert] = c.Copy()
} else {
cSlice = []*types.TaskComment{c.Copy()}
nameMap[c.Name] = cSlice
return nil
// deleteTaskComment validates c, then finds and removes a comment matching c's
// ID fields, returning the comment if found. Assumes b.mtx is write-locked.
func (b *CommentBox) deleteTaskComment(c *types.TaskComment) (*types.TaskComment, error) {
if c.Repo == "" || c.Revision == "" || c.Name == "" || util.TimeIsZero(c.Timestamp) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("TaskComment missing required fields. %#v", c)
if rc, ok := b.comments[c.Repo]; ok {
if cSlice, ok := rc.TaskComments[c.Revision][c.Name]; ok {
// Assume linear search is fast.
for i, existing := range cSlice {
if existing.Timestamp.Equal(c.Timestamp) {
if len(cSlice) > 1 {
rc.TaskComments[c.Revision][c.Name] = append(cSlice[:i], cSlice[i+1:]...)
} else {
delete(rc.TaskComments[c.Revision], c.Name)
if len(rc.TaskComments[c.Revision]) == 0 {
delete(rc.TaskComments, c.Revision)
return existing, nil
return nil, nil
// See documentation for CommentDB.PutTaskComment.
func (b *CommentBox) PutTaskComment(c *types.TaskComment) error {
defer b.mtx.Unlock()
if err := b.putTaskComment(c); err != nil {
return err
b.modTC <- []*types.TaskComment{c.Copy()}
return nil
// See documentation for CommentDB.DeleteTaskComment.
func (b *CommentBox) DeleteTaskComment(c *types.TaskComment) error {
defer b.mtx.Unlock()
existing, err := b.deleteTaskComment(c)
if err != nil {
return err
if existing != nil {
deleted := true
c.Deleted = &deleted
existing.Deleted = &deleted
b.modTC <- []*types.TaskComment{existing.Copy()}
return nil
// See docs for CommentDB interface.
func (b *CommentBox) ModifiedTaskCommentsCh(ctx context.Context) <-chan []*types.TaskComment {
defer b.modTCClientsMtx.Unlock()
localCh := make(chan []*types.TaskComment)
rv := make(chan []*types.TaskComment)
b.modTCClients[localCh] = ctx
done := ctx.Done()
go func() {
// The DB spec states that we should pass an initial value along
// the channel.
rv <- []*types.TaskComment{}
for {
select {
case mod := <-localCh:
rv <- mod
case <-done:
// Remove the local channel. Note that we don't
// close it, because other goroutines might be
// trying to write to it.
delete(b.modTCClients, localCh)
return rv
// putTaskSpecComment validates c and adds c to b.comments, or returns
// db.ErrAlreadyExists if a different comment has the same ID fields. Assumes b.mtx
// is write-locked.
func (b *CommentBox) putTaskSpecComment(c *types.TaskSpecComment) error {
if c.Repo == "" || c.Name == "" || util.TimeIsZero(c.Timestamp) {
return fmt.Errorf("TaskSpecComment missing required fields. %#v", c)
rc := b.getRepoComments(c.Repo)
cSlice := rc.TaskSpecComments[c.Name]
if len(cSlice) > 0 {
// Assume comments normally inserted at the end.
insert := 0
for i := len(cSlice) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if cSlice[i].Timestamp.Equal(c.Timestamp) {
if *cSlice[i] == *c {
return nil
} else {
return db.ErrAlreadyExists
} else if cSlice[i].Timestamp.Before(c.Timestamp) {
insert = i + 1
// Ensure capacity for another comment and move any comments after the
// insertion point.
cSlice = append(cSlice, nil)
copy(cSlice[insert+1:], cSlice[insert:])
cSlice[insert] = c.Copy()
} else {
cSlice = []*types.TaskSpecComment{c.Copy()}
rc.TaskSpecComments[c.Name] = cSlice
return nil
// deleteTaskSpecComment validates c, then finds and removes a comment matching
// c's ID fields, returning the comment if found. Assumes b.mtx is write-locked.
func (b *CommentBox) deleteTaskSpecComment(c *types.TaskSpecComment) (*types.TaskSpecComment, error) {
if c.Repo == "" || c.Name == "" || util.TimeIsZero(c.Timestamp) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("TaskSpecComment missing required fields. %#v", c)
if rc, ok := b.comments[c.Repo]; ok {
if cSlice, ok := rc.TaskSpecComments[c.Name]; ok {
// Assume linear search is fast.
for i, existing := range cSlice {
if existing.Timestamp.Equal(c.Timestamp) {
if len(cSlice) > 1 {
rc.TaskSpecComments[c.Name] = append(cSlice[:i], cSlice[i+1:]...)
} else {
delete(rc.TaskSpecComments, c.Name)
return existing, nil
return nil, nil
// See documentation for CommentDB.PutTaskSpecComment.
func (b *CommentBox) PutTaskSpecComment(c *types.TaskSpecComment) error {
defer b.mtx.Unlock()
if err := b.putTaskSpecComment(c); err != nil {
return err
b.modTSC <- []*types.TaskSpecComment{c.Copy()}
return nil
// See documentation for CommentDB.DeleteTaskSpecComment.
func (b *CommentBox) DeleteTaskSpecComment(c *types.TaskSpecComment) error {
defer b.mtx.Unlock()
existing, err := b.deleteTaskSpecComment(c)
if err != nil {
return err
if existing != nil {
deleted := true
c.Deleted = &deleted
existing.Deleted = &deleted
b.modTSC <- []*types.TaskSpecComment{existing.Copy()}
return nil
// See docs for CommentDB interface.
func (b *CommentBox) ModifiedTaskSpecCommentsCh(ctx context.Context) <-chan []*types.TaskSpecComment {
defer b.modTSClientsMtx.Unlock()
localCh := make(chan []*types.TaskSpecComment)
rv := make(chan []*types.TaskSpecComment)
b.modTSClients[localCh] = ctx
done := ctx.Done()
go func() {
// The DB spec states that we should pass an initial value along
// the channel.
rv <- []*types.TaskSpecComment{}
for {
select {
case mod := <-localCh:
rv <- mod
case <-done:
// Remove the local channel. Note that we don't
// close it, because other goroutines might be
// trying to write to it.
delete(b.modTSClients, localCh)
return rv
// putCommitComment validates c and adds c to b.comments, or returns
// db.ErrAlreadyExists if a different comment has the same ID fields. Assumes b.mtx
// is write-locked.
func (b *CommentBox) putCommitComment(c *types.CommitComment) error {
if c.Repo == "" || c.Revision == "" || util.TimeIsZero(c.Timestamp) {
return fmt.Errorf("CommitComment missing required fields. %#v", c)
rc := b.getRepoComments(c.Repo)
cSlice := rc.CommitComments[c.Revision]
if len(cSlice) > 0 {
// Assume comments normally inserted at the end.
insert := 0
for i := len(cSlice) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if cSlice[i].Timestamp.Equal(c.Timestamp) {
if *cSlice[i] == *c {
return nil
} else {
return db.ErrAlreadyExists
} else if cSlice[i].Timestamp.Before(c.Timestamp) {
insert = i + 1
// Ensure capacity for another comment and move any comments after the
// insertion point.
cSlice = append(cSlice, nil)
copy(cSlice[insert+1:], cSlice[insert:])
cSlice[insert] = c.Copy()
} else {
cSlice = []*types.CommitComment{c.Copy()}
rc.CommitComments[c.Revision] = cSlice
return nil
// deleteCommitComment validates c, then finds and removes a comment matching
// c's ID fields, returning the comment if found. Assumes b.mtx is write-locked.
func (b *CommentBox) deleteCommitComment(c *types.CommitComment) (*types.CommitComment, error) {
if c.Repo == "" || c.Revision == "" || util.TimeIsZero(c.Timestamp) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CommitComment missing required fields. %#v", c)
if rc, ok := b.comments[c.Repo]; ok {
if cSlice, ok := rc.CommitComments[c.Revision]; ok {
// Assume linear search is fast.
for i, existing := range cSlice {
if existing.Timestamp.Equal(c.Timestamp) {
if len(cSlice) > 1 {
rc.CommitComments[c.Revision] = append(cSlice[:i], cSlice[i+1:]...)
} else {
delete(rc.CommitComments, c.Revision)
return existing, nil
return nil, nil
// See documentation for CommentDB.PutCommitComment.
func (b *CommentBox) PutCommitComment(c *types.CommitComment) error {
defer b.mtx.Unlock()
if err := b.putCommitComment(c); err != nil {
return err
b.modCC <- []*types.CommitComment{c.Copy()}
return nil
// See documentation for CommentDB.DeleteCommitComment.
func (b *CommentBox) DeleteCommitComment(c *types.CommitComment) error {
defer b.mtx.Unlock()
existing, err := b.deleteCommitComment(c)
if err != nil {
return err
if existing != nil {
deleted := true
c.Deleted = &deleted
existing.Deleted = &deleted
b.modCC <- []*types.CommitComment{existing.Copy()}
return nil
// See docs for CommentDB interface.
func (b *CommentBox) ModifiedCommitCommentsCh(ctx context.Context) <-chan []*types.CommitComment {
defer b.modCCClientsMtx.Unlock()
localCh := make(chan []*types.CommitComment)
rv := make(chan []*types.CommitComment)
b.modCCClients[localCh] = ctx
done := ctx.Done()
go func() {
// The DB spec states that we should pass an initial value along
// the channel.
rv <- []*types.CommitComment{}
for {
select {
case mod := <-localCh:
rv <- mod
case <-done:
// Remove the local channel. Note that we don't
// close it, because other goroutines might be
// trying to write to it.
delete(b.modCCClients, localCh)
return rv
// Wait for all clients to receive modified data.
func (b *CommentBox) Wait() {