blob: 5d4237a1656df8763ede2e2132ba4146fd7ae40f [file] [log] [blame]
// The package sklog offers a way to log using glog or Google Cloud Logging in a seemless way.
// By default, the Module level functions (e.g. Infof, Errorln) will all log using glog. Simply
// call sklog.InitCloudLogging() to immediately start sending log messages to the configured
// Google Cloud Logging endpoint.
package sklog
import (
const (
// Severities used primarily by Cloud Logging.
type MetricsCallback func(severity string)
var (
// The module-level logger. If this is nil, we will just log using glog.
logger CloudLogger
// The module-level default report name. See cloud_logging.go for more information.
defaultReportName string
// used to report metrics about logs seen so we can alert if many ERRORs are seen, for example.
// This is set up to break a dependency cycle, such that sklog does not depend on metrics2.
sawLogWithSeverity MetricsCallback = func(s string) {}
// AllSeverities is the list of all severities that sklog supports.
AllSeverities = []string{
// These convenience methods will either make a Cloud Logging Entry using the current time and the
// default report name associated with the CloudLogger or log to glog if Cloud Logging is not
// configured. They are a superset of the glog interface. Info and Infoln do the same thing
// (as do all pairs), because adding a newline to the end of a Cloud Logging Entry or a glog entry
// means nothing as all logs are separate entries. InfofWithDepth allow the caller to change
// where the stacktrace starts. 0 (the default in all other calls) means to report starting at
// the caller. 1 would mean one level above, the caller's caller. 2 would be a level above that
// and so on.
func Debug(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, DEBUG, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprint(msg...))
func Debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(0, DEBUG, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func DebugfWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(depth, DEBUG, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func Debugln(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, DEBUG, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintln(msg...))
func Info(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, INFO, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprint(msg...))
func Infof(format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(0, INFO, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func InfofWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(depth, INFO, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func Infoln(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, INFO, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintln(msg...))
func Warning(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, WARNING, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprint(msg...))
func Warningf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(0, WARNING, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func WarningfWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(depth, WARNING, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func Warningln(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, WARNING, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintln(msg...))
func Error(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, ERROR, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprint(msg...))
func Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(0, ERROR, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func ErrorfWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(depth, ERROR, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func Errorln(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, ERROR, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintln(msg...))
// Fatal* uses an ALERT Cloud Logging Severity and then panics, similar to glog.Fatalf()
// In Fatal*, there is no callback to sawLogWithSeverity, as the program will soon exit
// and the counter will be reset to 0.
func Fatal(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, ALERT, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprint(msg...))
func Fatalf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(0, ALERT, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func FatalfWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
log(depth, ALERT, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func Fatalln(msg ...interface{}) {
log(0, ALERT, defaultReportName, fmt.Sprintln(msg...))
func Flush() {
if logger != nil {
// log creates a log entry. This log entry is either sent to Cloud Logging or glog if the former is
// not configured. reportName is the "virtual log file" used by cloud logging. reportName is
// ignored by glog. Both logs include file and line information.
func log(depthOffset int, severity, reportName, payload string) {
// We want to start at least 3 levels up, which is where the caller called
// sklog.Infof (or whatever). Otherwise, we'll be including unneeded stack lines.
stackDepth := 3 + depthOffset
stacks := CallStack(5, stackDepth)
prettyPayload := fmt.Sprintf("%s %v", stacks[0].String(), payload)
if logger == nil {
logToGlog(stackDepth, severity, payload)
} else {
// TODO(kjlubick): After cloud logging has baked in a while, remove the backup logs to glog
if severity != ALERT {
// ALERT, aka, Fatal* will be logged to glog after the call to CloudLog.
// If we called logToGlog with alert, it will die before reporting the fatal
// to CloudLog.
logToGlog(stackDepth, severity, payload)
stack := map[string]string{
"stacktrace_0": stacks[0].String(),
"stacktrace_1": stacks[1].String(),
"stacktrace_2": stacks[2].String(),
"stacktrace_3": stacks[3].String(),
"stacktrace_4": stacks[4].String(),
logger.CloudLog(reportName, &LogPayload{
Time: time.Now(),
Severity: severity,
Payload: prettyPayload,
ExtraLabels: stack,
// logToGlog creates a glog entry. Depth is how far up the call stack to extract file information.
// Severity and msg (message) are self explanatory.
func logToGlog(depth int, severity string, msg interface{}) {
switch severity {
case DEBUG:
glog.InfoDepth(depth, msg)
case INFO:
glog.InfoDepth(depth, msg)
glog.WarningDepth(depth, msg)
case ERROR:
glog.ErrorDepth(depth, msg)
case ALERT:
glog.FatalDepth(depth, msg)
glog.ErrorDepth(depth, msg)
type StackTrace struct {
File string
Line int
func (st *StackTrace) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", st.File, st.Line)
// CallStack returns a slice of StackTrace representing the current stack trace.
// The lines returned start at the depth specified by startAt: 1 means the call to CallStack,
// 2 means CallStack's caller, 3 means CallStack's caller's caller and so on, height means how
// many lines to include, counting deeper into the stack. If there aren't enough lines, a dummy
// value is used instead.
// Suppose the stacktrace looks like:
// sklog.go:300 <- the call to runtime.Caller in sklog.CallStack
// alpha.go:123
// beta.go:456
// gamma.go:789
// delta.go:123
// main.go: 70
// A typical call may look like sklog.CallStack(2, 6), which returns
// [{File:alpha.go, Line:123}, {File:beta.go, Line:456},...,
// {File:main.go, Line:70}, {File:???, Line:1}], omitting the not-helpful reference to
// CallStack and padding the response with a dummy value, since the stack was not tall enough to
// show 6 items, starting at the second one.
func CallStack(height, startAt int) []StackTrace {
stack := []StackTrace{}
for i := 0; i < height; i++ {
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(startAt + i)
if !ok {
file = "???"
line = 1
} else {
slash := strings.LastIndex(file, "/")
if slash >= 0 {
file = file[slash+1:]
stack = append(stack, StackTrace{File: file, Line: line})
return stack