blob: 0d5f37614acfa77c1249a2e35e0afcc7aff65754 [file] [log] [blame]
package sklog
import (
logging ""
// This file acts as a wrapper around the Cloud API. Any thing a user wants to send to Cloud
// Logging is a Log Entry. From the docs:
// "In the v2 API, Stackdriver Logging associates every log entry with a monitored resource using
// the resource field in the v2 LogEntry object. A monitored resource is an abstraction used to
// characterize many kinds of objects in your cloud infrastructure."
// We create a monitored resource of the generic type logging_log, aka "Log stream". This resource
// takes one label: "name", which we supply with logGrouping [see InitCloudLogging].
// The MonitoredResource name is the first stage of grouping logs. For example, setting the
// MonitoredResource's name based on the hostname (the default) forces the logs to be broken
// apart by physical machine. One case in which this may not be desirable is when there are
// many identical machines. In this case, the logGrouping should be set to something like
// "raspberry-pis", and then logs from all raspberry pis will be grouped together. The name of
// the "virtual log file" (referred to in this api as the reportName) is the second stage of
// grouping and labels on the LogEntry allows a third stage of grouping [see CloudLog()].
// There a variety of Log Entry types, but for simplicity, we have stuck with the
// "text payload" option
const (
CLOUD_LOGGING_WRITE_SCOPE = logging.LoggingWriteScope
CLOUD_LOGGING_READ_SCOPE = logging.LoggingReadScope
// RFC3339NanoZeroPad fixes time.RFC3339Nano which only uses as many
// sub-second digits are required to represent the time, which makes it
// unsuitable for sorting. This format ensures that all 9 nanosecond digits
// are used, padding with zeroes if necessary.
RFC3339NanoZeroPad = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000Z07:00"
// CLOUD_LOGGING_URL_FORMAT is the URL, where first string is defaultReport, second is logGrouping
// WRITE_LOG_ENTRIES_REQUEST_TIMEOUT is the Timeout for making the WriteLogEntriesRequest request.
// MAX_QPS_LOG is the max number of log lines we expect to generate per second.
MAX_QPS_LOG = 10000
// LOG_WRITE_SECONDS is the time between batch writes to cloud logging, in seconds.
// MAX_LOG_SIZE is the max number of log entries we keep locally.
// REQ_SIZE_BASE is the approximate base size in bytes of an empty log
// push request in bytes.
// REQ_SIZE_MAX is the maximum size in bytes of a log push request. Give
// ourselves 20% headroom just in case our estimates are incorrect.
REQ_SIZE_MAX = int(10485760.0 * 0.80)
// ENTRY_SIZE_BASE is the approximate size in bytes of a serialized
// empty LogEntry object.
// ENTRY_SIZE_MAX is the maximum size in bytes of a serialized LogEntry
// object. Give ourselves 20% headroom just in case our estimates are
// incorrect.
ENTRY_SIZE_MAX = int(112640.0 * 0.80)
// PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX is the approximate maximum log line size in bytes.
// PreInitCloudLogging does the first step in initializing cloud logging.
// CLIENTS SHOULD NOT CALL PreInitCloudLogging directly. Instead use common.InitWith().
func PreInitCloudLogging(logGrouping, defaultReport string) error {
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not get hostname: %s", err)
if logGrouping == "" {
logGrouping = hostname
r := &logging.MonitoredResource{
Type: "logging_log",
Labels: map[string]string{
"name": logGrouping,
defaultReportName = defaultReport
logger = newLogsClient(nil, hostname, r)
return nil
// PostInitCloudLogging finishes initializing cloud logging.
// CLIENTS SHOULD NOT CALL PostInitCloudLogging directly. Instead use common.InitWith().
func PostInitCloudLogging(c *http.Client, metricsCallback MetricsCallback) error {
lc, err := logging.New(c)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Problem setting up logging.Service: %s", err)
logger.(*logsClient).service = lc
if metricsCallback != nil {
sawLogWithSeverity = metricsCallback
url := fmt.Sprintf(CLOUD_LOGGING_URL_FORMAT, defaultReportName, logger.(*logsClient).loggingResource.Labels["name"])
Cloud logging configured, see %s for rest of logs. This file will only contain errors involved with cloud logging/metrics.
=====================================================`, url)
// Make first cloud logging entry.
Info("Cloud logging configured.")
return nil
// CLIENTS SHOULD NOT CALL InitCloudLogging directly. Instead use common.InitWithCloudLogging.
// InitCloudLogging initializes the module-level logger. logGrouping refers to the
// MonitoredResource's name. If blank, logGrouping defaults to the machine's hostname.
// defaultReportName refers to the default "virtual log file" name that Log Entries will be
// associated with if no other reportName is given. If an error is returned, cloud logging will not
// be used, instead glog will.
// metricsCallback should not call any sklog.* methods, to avoid infinite recursion.
// InitCloudLogging should be called before the program creates any go routines
// such that all subsequent logs are properly sent to the Cloud.
func InitCloudLogging(c *http.Client, logGrouping, defaultReport string, metricsCallback MetricsCallback) error {
if err := PreInitCloudLogging(logGrouping, defaultReport); err != nil {
return err
return PostInitCloudLogging(c, metricsCallback)
// A CloudLogger interacts with the CloudLogging api
type CloudLogger interface {
// CloudLog writes creates a Log Entry from the log payload and sends it to Cloud Logging to be
// associated with the "virtual log file" given by reportName. Log entries will automatically be
// labeled with the machine's hostname.
// Most clients will use the convenience methods in sklog.go. The primary use case for using
// CloudLog directly is if customizing the reportName, the time, or use one of the less common
// severities.
CloudLog(reportName string, payload *LogPayload)
// BatchCloudLog works like CloudLog, but will send multiple logs at a time.
BatchCloudLog(reportName string, payloads ...*LogPayload)
// Wait until any outstanding writes to Cloud Logging have finished.
// LogPayload represents the contents of a Log Entry with a text payload.
type LogPayload struct {
// Payload is the text content of the log file.
Payload string
// Time is the when the log happened.
Time time.Time
// Severity is one of the strings found in this package, such as DEBUG, ALERT, etc.
Severity string
// Any additional labels to be added to this Log Entry. hostname is already included.
// These labels can be searched on.
ExtraLabels map[string]string
// logsClient implements the CloudLogger interface.
type logsClient struct {
// An authenticated connection to the cloud logging API.
service *logging.Service
// retrieved once and stored here to avoid constant os.Hostname() calls.
hostname string
// A MonitoredResource to associate all Log Entries with. See top of file for more information.
loggingResource *logging.MonitoredResource
// flush is a channel used to indicate that the outgoing logs in buffer
// should be sent. The passed in channel is then closed when the flush is
// complete.
flush chan chan struct{}
// A buffered input channel of LogEntry.
payloadCh chan *logging.LogEntry
// A local buffer of *logging.LogEntry's that we keep around and then push
// to cloud logging every LOG_WRITE_SECONDS.
buffer []*logging.LogEntry
func newLogsClient(service *logging.Service, hostname string, loggingResource *logging.MonitoredResource) *logsClient {
logger := &logsClient{
flush: make(chan chan struct{}),
service: service,
payloadCh: make(chan *logging.LogEntry, MAX_QPS_LOG),
buffer: make([]*logging.LogEntry, 0, LOG_WRITE_SECONDS*MAX_QPS_LOG),
loggingResource: loggingResource,
hostname: hostname,
go logger.background()
return logger
// CloudLoggingInstance returns the module-level cloud logger.
func CloudLoggingInstance() CloudLogger {
return logger
// SetCloudLoggerForTesting sets the globally available CloudLogger which will be used for
// reporting errors. This should be used only for mocking.
func SetCloudLoggerForTesting(c CloudLogger) {
logger = c
// CloudLogError writes an error to CloudLogging if the global logger has been set.
// Otherwise, it just prints it using glog.
func CloudLogError(reportName string, err error) {
log(0, ERROR, reportName, err.Error())
// See documentation on interface.
func (c *logsClient) CloudLog(reportName string, payload *LogPayload) {
if payload == nil {
glog.Warningf("Will not log nil log to %s", reportName)
c.BatchCloudLog(reportName, payload)
// See documentation on interface.
func (c *logsClient) BatchCloudLog(reportName string, payloads ...*LogPayload) {
if len(payloads) == 0 {
glog.Warningf("Will not log empty logs to %s", reportName)
for _, payload := range payloads {
labels := map[string]string{
"hostname": c.hostname,
for k, v := range payload.ExtraLabels {
labels[k] = v
c.payloadCh <- &logging.LogEntry{
// The LogName is the second stage of grouping, after MonitoredResource name. The first
// part of the following string is boilerplate to tell cloud logging what project this is.
// The logs/reportName part basically creates a virtual log file with a given name in the
// MonitoredResource. Logs made to the same MonitoredResource with the same LogName will be
// coalesced, as if they were in the same "virtual log file".
LogName: "projects/" + reportName,
// Labels allow for a third stage of grouping, after MonitoredResource name and LogName.
// These are strictly optional and can be different from LogEntry to LogEntry. There is no
// automatic coalescing of logs based on Labels, but they can be filtered upon.
Labels: labels,
TextPayload: payload.Payload,
Timestamp: payload.Time.Format(RFC3339NanoZeroPad),
// Required. See comment in logsClient struct.
Resource: c.loggingResource,
Severity: payload.Severity,
// Flush waits until all outstanding cloud logging pushes are done.
// See comment in BatchCloudLog
func (c *logsClient) Flush() {
ch := make(chan struct{})
c.flush <- ch
// entrySize returns the estimated size in bytes of the given LogEntry.
func entrySize(e *logging.LogEntry) int {
return ENTRY_SIZE_BASE + len(e.TextPayload)
// splitEntry splits the LogEntry into multiple, if necessary.
func splitEntry(e *logging.LogEntry) []*logging.LogEntry {
if entrySize(e) <= ENTRY_SIZE_MAX {
return []*logging.LogEntry{e}
lines := strings.Split(e.TextPayload, "\n")
payloads := make([]string, 0, len(lines))
for _, line := range lines {
for len(line) > PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX {
payloads = append(payloads, line[:PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX])
line = line[PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX:]
payloads = append(payloads, line)
rv := make([]*logging.LogEntry, 0, len(payloads))
for _, payload := range payloads {
rv = append(rv, &logging.LogEntry{
Labels: e.Labels,
LogName: e.LogName,
Resource: e.Resource,
Severity: e.Severity,
TextPayload: payload,
Timestamp: e.Timestamp,
return rv
func (c *logsClient) pushBatch() {
// Bail out if the cloud logging service is not finished initializing.
if c.service == nil {
glog.Infof("Logging service is still nil.")
// Divide entries into batches based on maximum request size.
entries := make([]*logging.LogEntry, 0, len(c.buffer))
for _, e := range c.buffer {
entries = append(entries, splitEntry(e)...)
batch := []*logging.LogEntry{}
batches := [][]*logging.LogEntry{}
reqSize := REQ_SIZE_BASE
for _, e := range entries {
s := entrySize(e)
if reqSize+s > REQ_SIZE_MAX {
batches = append(batches, batch)
batch = []*logging.LogEntry{}
batch = append(batch, e)
reqSize += s
if len(batch) > 0 {
batches = append(batches, batch)
// Send requests in parallel.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, batch := range batches {
go func(batch []*logging.LogEntry) {
defer wg.Done()
request := logging.WriteLogEntriesRequest{
Entries: batch,
if len(c.buffer) > 0 {
glog.Infof("Sending log entry batch of %d", len(batch))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), LOG_WRITE_SECONDS*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if resp, err := c.service.Entries.Write(&request).Context(ctx).Do(); err != nil {
// We can't use httputil.DumpResponse, because that doesn't accept *logging.WriteLogEntriesResponse
glog.Errorf("Problem writing logs \nResponse:\n%v:\n%s", spew.Sdump(resp), err)
} else if resp.HTTPStatusCode != http.StatusOK {
glog.Errorf("Response code %d", resp.HTTPStatusCode)
// If we failed to write any logs, then those lines will be lost.
c.buffer = c.buffer[:0]
func (c *logsClient) background() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(LOG_WRITE_SECONDS * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case ch := <-c.flush:
case logPayload := <-c.payloadCh:
c.buffer = append(c.buffer, logPayload)
// Validate that the concrete structs faithfully implement their respective interfaces.
var _ CloudLogger = (*logsClient)(nil)