blob: 3e42ad7a8c6a187d0928b6d7b14a120c68772437 [file] [log] [blame]
package sqltjstore
import (
lru ""
ci ""
type StoreImpl struct {
db *pgxpool.Pool
// keyValueCache keeps track of which Traces, Groupings, and Options have been already created
// and thus don't need to be created again.
keyValueCache *lru.Cache
// New returns a SQL-backed tjstore.Store.
func New(db *pgxpool.Pool) *StoreImpl {
// 10 million should be sufficient to avoid many unnecessary puts to the Traces, Groupings,
// and Options tables without taking up too much RAM.
kc, err := lru.New(10_000_000) // ~20 bytes per entry = 200M
if err != nil {
panic(err) // this should only happen if the value passed into New is negative
return &StoreImpl{
db: db,
keyValueCache: kc,
// getGrouping returns a grouping for a given set of params. If we need to make grouping dependent
// on, for example, the corpus, this is where we could affect that (probably passed in to the
// creation of this store.
func (s *StoreImpl) getGrouping(traceParams paramtools.Params) paramtools.Params {
return paramtools.Params{
types.CorpusField: traceParams[types.CorpusField],
types.PrimaryKeyField: traceParams[types.PrimaryKeyField],
// GetTryJobs implements the tjstore.Store interface.
func (s *StoreImpl) GetTryJobs(ctx context.Context, cID tjstore.CombinedPSID) ([]ci.TryJob, error) {
clID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.CL)
psID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.PS)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, `
SELECT tryjob_id, system, display_name, last_ingested_data FROM Tryjobs
WHERE changelist_id = $1 AND patchset_id = $2
ORDER by display_name`, clID, psID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching tryjobs for %#v", cID)
defer rows.Close()
var rv []ci.TryJob
for rows.Next() {
var row schema.TryjobRow
err := rows.Scan(&row.TryjobID, &row.System, &row.DisplayName, &row.LastIngestedData)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "when fetching tryjobs for %#v", cID)
rv = append(rv, ci.TryJob{
SystemID: sql.Unqualify(row.TryjobID),
System: row.System,
DisplayName: row.DisplayName,
Updated: row.LastIngestedData.UTC(),
return rv, nil
// GetTryJob implements the tjstore.Store interface.
func (s *StoreImpl) GetTryJob(ctx context.Context, id, cisName string) (ci.TryJob, error) {
qID := sql.Qualify(cisName, id)
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, `
SELECT display_name, last_ingested_data FROM Tryjobs WHERE tryjob_id = $1`, qID)
var r schema.TryjobRow
err := row.Scan(&r.DisplayName, &r.LastIngestedData)
if err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return ci.TryJob{}, tjstore.ErrNotFound
return ci.TryJob{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "querying for id %s", qID)
return ci.TryJob{
SystemID: id,
System: cisName,
DisplayName: r.DisplayName,
Updated: r.LastIngestedData.UTC(),
}, nil
// PutTryJob implements the tjstore.Store interface
func (s *StoreImpl) PutTryJob(ctx context.Context, cID tjstore.CombinedPSID, tj ci.TryJob) error {
tjID := sql.Qualify(tj.System, tj.SystemID)
clID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.CL)
psID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.PS)
const statement = `
UPSERT INTO Tryjobs (tryjob_id, system, changelist_id, patchset_id, display_name, last_ingested_data)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)`
_, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, statement, tjID, tj.System, clID, psID, tj.DisplayName, tj.Updated)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Inserting tryjob %#v", tj)
return nil
// A possible optimization for RAM usage / network would be to request the option ids only
// and then run a followup request to fetch those and re-use the maps. This is the simplest
// possible query that might work.
const resultNoTime = `SELECT Traces.keys, digest, Options.keys, SecondaryBranchValues.tryjob_id FROM
SecondaryBranchValues JOIN Traces
ON SecondaryBranchValues.secondary_branch_trace_id = Traces.trace_id
JOIN Options
ON SecondaryBranchValues.options_id = Options.options_id
WHERE branch_name = $1 AND version_name = $2`
const resultWithTime = `
SELECT Traces.keys, digest, Options.keys, SecondaryBranchValues.tryjob_id FROM
SecondaryBranchValues JOIN Traces
ON SecondaryBranchValues.secondary_branch_trace_id = Traces.trace_id
JOIN Options
ON SecondaryBranchValues.options_id = Options.options_id
JOIN Tryjobs
ON SecondaryBranchValues.tryjob_id = Tryjobs.tryjob_id
WHERE branch_name = $1 AND version_name = $2 and last_ingested_data > $3`
// GetResults implements the tjstore.Store interface. Of note, it always returns a nil GroupParams
// because the way the data is stored, there is no way to know which params were ingested together.
func (s *StoreImpl) GetResults(ctx context.Context, cID tjstore.CombinedPSID, updatedAfter time.Time) ([]tjstore.TryJobResult, error) {
clID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.CL)
psID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.PS)
statement := resultNoTime
arguments := []interface{}{clID, psID}
if !updatedAfter.IsZero() {
statement = resultWithTime
arguments = append(arguments, updatedAfter)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, arguments...)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting values for tryjobs on %#v", cID)
defer rows.Close()
var rv []tjstore.TryJobResult
for rows.Next() {
var digestBytes schema.DigestBytes
var result tjstore.TryJobResult
var qualifiedTryjobID pgtype.Text
err := rows.Scan(&result.ResultParams, &digestBytes, &result.Options, &qualifiedTryjobID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "scanning values for tryjobs %#v", cID)
result.Digest = types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(digestBytes))
if qualifiedTryjobID.Status == pgtype.Present {
parts := strings.SplitN(qualifiedTryjobID.String, "_", 2)
result.System = parts[0]
result.TryjobID = parts[1]
rv = append(rv, result)
return rv, nil
// PutResults implements the tjstore.Store interface. In exploratory design, ingesting a file
// with many results in a transaction yielded in very very slow ingestion due to a lot of contention
// on tables like Traces. As a result, we do not make all these changes in a transaction.
func (s *StoreImpl) PutResults(ctx context.Context, cID tjstore.CombinedPSID, sourceFile string, results []tjstore.TryJobResult, ts time.Time) error {
clID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.CL)
psID := sql.Qualify(cID.CRS, cID.PS)
sf := md5.Sum([]byte(sourceFile))
sourceID := sf[:]
// Put sourcefile
_, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, `
UPSERT INTO SourceFiles (source_file_id, source_file, last_ingested)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`, sourceID, sourceFile, ts)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "upserting sourcefile %x-%s", sourceID, sourceFile)
// Find all traceIDs, groupings, options
tracesToAdd := map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params{}
groupingsToAdd := map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params{}
optionsToAdd := map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params{}
rows := make([]schema.SecondaryBranchValueRow, 0, len(results))
uniqueTryjobs := map[string]bool{}
for _, result := range results {
tjID := sql.Qualify(result.System, result.TryjobID)
uniqueTryjobs[tjID] = true
digestBytes, err := sql.DigestToBytes(result.Digest)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
keyParams := paramtools.Params{}
keyParams.Add(result.GroupParams, result.ResultParams)
_, traceID := sql.SerializeMap(keyParams)
groupingParams := s.getGrouping(keyParams)
_, groupingID := sql.SerializeMap(groupingParams)
_, optionsID := sql.SerializeMap(result.Options)
if !s.keyValueCache.Contains(string(traceID)) {
tracesToAdd[sql.AsMD5Hash(traceID)] = keyParams
if !s.keyValueCache.Contains(string(groupingID)) {
groupingsToAdd[sql.AsMD5Hash(groupingID)] = groupingParams
if !s.keyValueCache.Contains(string(optionsID)) {
optionsToAdd[sql.AsMD5Hash(optionsID)] = result.Options
rows = append(rows, schema.SecondaryBranchValueRow{
BranchName: clID,
VersionName: psID,
TraceID: traceID,
Digest: digestBytes,
GroupingID: groupingID,
OptionsID: optionsID,
SourceFileID: sourceID,
TryjobID: tjID,
// Insert those all if needed (e.g. not in cache)
if err := s.batchCreateKeys(ctx, insertGroupings, groupingsToAdd); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := s.batchCreateKeys(ctx, insertOptions, optionsToAdd); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := s.batchCreateTraces(ctx, tracesToAdd); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Insert into SecondaryBranchValues
if err := s.batchInsertResultValues(ctx, rows); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Update all the Tryjobs with the correct timestamp now that everything else has succeeded.
for tjID := range uniqueTryjobs {
_, err = s.db.Exec(ctx, `
UPDATE Tryjobs SET last_ingested_data = $1 WHERE tryjob_id = $2`, ts, tjID)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "updating tryjob %s", tjID)
return nil
const insertGroupings = `INSERT INTO Groupings (grouping_id, keys) VALUES `
const insertOptions = `INSERT INTO Options (options_id, keys) VALUES `
// batchCreateKeys adds the provided groupings or options to the sql database. On success, the cache
// is updated so they aren't added again (the rows are immutable).
func (s *StoreImpl) batchCreateKeys(ctx context.Context, insert string, toCreate map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params) error {
if len(toCreate) == 0 {
return nil
type keyValue struct {
id []byte
keys paramtools.Params
createSlice := make([]keyValue, 0, len(toCreate))
for id, keys := range toCreate {
// Taking a slice of an array that is a loop variable does not work as expected.
copyID := make([]byte, md5.Size)
copy(copyID, id[:])
createSlice = append(createSlice, keyValue{id: copyID, keys: keys})
// This can be somewhat high because in the steady state case there is not a lot of contention
// on this table.
const chunkSize = 500
err := util.ChunkIter(len(createSlice), chunkSize, func(startIdx int, endIdx int) error {
batch := createSlice[startIdx:endIdx]
if len(batch) == 0 {
return nil
statement := insert
const valuesPerRow = 2
statement += sql.ValuesPlaceholders(valuesPerRow, len(batch))
arguments := make([]interface{}, 0, valuesPerRow*len(batch))
for _, value := range batch {
arguments = append(arguments,, value.keys)
// ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING because if the rows already exist, then the data we are writing
// is immutable.
statement += ` ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`
_, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, statement, arguments...)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "storing %d JSON entries with insert %s", len(toCreate), insert)
// Update the cache now that these have all landed.
for _, kv := range createSlice {
s.keyValueCache.Add(string(, true)
return nil
// batchCreateTraces adds the provided trace rows to the database. If the traces already exist,
// the new data will be ignored. On success, the cache is updated to contain the provided trace ids.
func (s *StoreImpl) batchCreateTraces(ctx context.Context, toCreate map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params) error {
if len(toCreate) == 0 {
return nil
rows := make([]schema.TraceRow, 0, len(toCreate))
for id, keys := range toCreate {
groupingParams := s.getGrouping(keys)
_, groupingID := sql.SerializeMap(groupingParams)
// Taking a slice of an array that is a loop variable does not work as expected.
copyID := make([]byte, md5.Size)
copy(copyID, id[:])
rows = append(rows, schema.TraceRow{
TraceID: copyID,
GroupingID: groupingID,
Keys: keys,
// In most cases, the trace already exists, so we go in smaller batches to avoid contention.
const chunkSize = 100
err := util.ChunkIter(len(rows), chunkSize, func(startIdx int, endIdx int) error {
batch := rows[startIdx:endIdx]
if len(batch) == 0 {
return nil
statement := `INSERT INTO Traces (trace_id, grouping_id, keys) VALUES `
const valuesPerRow = 3
statement += sql.ValuesPlaceholders(valuesPerRow, len(batch))
arguments := make([]interface{}, 0, valuesPerRow*len(batch))
for _, value := range batch {
arguments = append(arguments, value.TraceID, value.GroupingID, value.Keys)
// ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING because if the rows already exist, then the data we are writing
// is immutable.
statement += ` ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`
_, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, statement, arguments...)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "storing %d traces", len(toCreate))
for _, r := range rows {
s.keyValueCache.Add(string(r.TraceID), true)
return nil
// batchInsertResultValues inserts the provided tryjob results in batches.
func (s *StoreImpl) batchInsertResultValues(ctx context.Context, rows []schema.SecondaryBranchValueRow) error {
if len(rows) == 0 {
return nil
// Start at this chunk size for now. This table will likely receive a fair amount of data
// and smaller batch sizes can reduce the contention/retries.
const chunkSize = 300
err := util.ChunkIter(len(rows), chunkSize, func(startIdx int, endIdx int) error {
batch := rows[startIdx:endIdx]
if len(batch) == 0 {
return nil
statement := `UPSERT INTO SecondaryBranchValues
(branch_name, version_name, secondary_branch_trace_id, digest, grouping_id, options_id,
source_file_id, tryjob_id) VALUES `
const valuesPerRow = 8
statement += sql.ValuesPlaceholders(valuesPerRow, len(batch))
arguments := make([]interface{}, 0, valuesPerRow*len(batch))
for _, value := range batch {
arguments = append(arguments, value.BranchName, value.VersionName, value.TraceID,
value.Digest, value.GroupingID, value.OptionsID, value.SourceFileID, value.TryjobID)
_, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, statement, arguments...)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "storing %d tryjob results", len(rows))
return nil
// Make sure StoreImpl fulfills the tjstore.Store interface.
var _ tjstore.Store = (*StoreImpl)(nil)