blob: 576857ab8b5a37518ca9035454363c79eaa73a20 [file] [log] [blame]
package watcher
This file contains code related to the initial ingestion of a git repo.
import (
const (
fakeBranchPrefix = "///Fake"
gcsIdleWait = time.Second
gcsRetryWait = 3 * time.Second
// isFakeBranch returns true iff the given branch name is a fake one created by
// getFakeBranch.
func isFakeBranch(branch string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(branch, fakeBranchPrefix)
// getFakeBranch returns an unused fake branch name, given the map of existing
// branch names to commit hashes.
func getFakeBranch(existingBranches util.StringSet) string {
for {
branch := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", fakeBranchPrefix, uuid.New())
if _, ok := existingBranches[branch]; !ok {
return branch
// initialIngestCommitBatch ingests the given batch of commits by adding them to
// the Graph, ensuring that all of them are reachable from branch heads. Because
// we're dealing with an incomplete Graph at this stage, it's possible that the
// commitBatch may contain commits which are not reachable from any branch. In
// that case, initialIngestCommitBatch will create fake branches as needed to
// ensure that all commits are reachable. The commits in the batch must be in
// topological order, ie. a commit's parents must appear before the commit.
func initialIngestCommitBatch(ctx context.Context, graph *repograph.Graph, ri *repograph.MemCacheRepoImpl, cb *commitBatch) error {
// Get the current state of the branch heads.
// branchSet tracks which branches are present.
branchSet := util.NewStringSet()
// reverseBranchMap has commit hashes as keys and branch names as
// values. This will cause branches which point to the same commit to be
// deduplicated, which is desirable in the case of fake branches and is
// not a problem for real branches, because they will be fixed once the
// initial ingestion is complete.
reverseBranchMap := map[string]string{}
for _, b := range graph.BranchHeads() {
branchSet[b.Name] = true
reverseBranchMap[b.Head] = b.Name
// Loop over the commits in the commitBatch, "walking" the branch heads
// forward to account for the new commits.
for _, c := range cb.commits {
// Add the commit to the RepoImpl so that it can be found
// during graph.Update().
ri.Commits[c.Hash] = c
// Figure out which branches point to this commit's parents.
// Only keep the first real and fake branches we find; the rest
// can be thrown away. We assume that the first parent is the
// more important line of history.
var realBranch string
var fakeBranch string
for _, p := range c.Parents {
if name, ok := reverseBranchMap[p]; ok {
delete(branchSet, name)
delete(reverseBranchMap, p)
if isFakeBranch(name) {
if fakeBranch == "" {
fakeBranch = name
} else {
if realBranch == "" {
realBranch = name
var branch string
if realBranch != "" {
// If we have a real branch, use that.
branch = realBranch
} else if !branchSet[cb.branch] {
// If we haven't yet used the branch on the commitBatch,
// use that.
branch = cb.branch
} else if fakeBranch != "" {
// If we have a fake branch, fall back to that.
branch = fakeBranch
} else {
// No branch points to any of this commit's parents;
// create a fake branch to point to this commit.
branch = getFakeBranch(branchSet)
branchSet[branch] = true
reverseBranchMap[c.Hash] = branch
// Create the new set of branch heads.
branches := make([]*git.Branch, 0, len(reverseBranchMap))
for head, name := range reverseBranchMap {
branches = append(branches, &git.Branch{
Name: name,
Head: head,
ri.BranchList = branches
// Update the graph. This triggers a request to save the Graph to GCS.
if err := graph.Update(ctx); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to update Graph with new commits and branches.")
return nil
// setupInitialIngest creates a repograph.Graph and a RepoImpl to be used for
// the initial ingestion of a git repo.
func setupInitialIngest(ctx context.Context, gcsClient gcs.GCSClient, gcsPath, repoUrl string) (*repograph.Graph, *initialIngestRepoImpl, error) {
normUrl, err := git.NormalizeURL(repoUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to normalize repo URL: %s", repoUrl)
file := path.Join(gcsPath, strings.ReplaceAll(normUrl, "/", "_"))
ri := newInitialIngestRepoImpl(ctx, gcsClient, file)
r, err := gcsClient.FileReader(ctx, file)
if err != nil {
if err == storage.ErrObjectNotExist {
g, err := repograph.NewWithRepoImpl(ctx, ri)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create repo graph.")
ri.graph = g
return g, ri, nil
} else {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read Graph from GCS.")
defer util.Close(r)
g, err := repograph.NewFromGob(ctx, r, ri)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create Graph from GCS.")
ri.graph = g
return g, ri, nil
// initialIngestRepoImpl is a struct used during initial ingestion of a git repo.
type initialIngestRepoImpl struct {
file string
gcs gcs.GCSClient
graph *repograph.Graph
writeRequests int
writeRequestsMtx sync.Mutex
// newInitialIngestRepoImpl returns a repograph.RepoImpl used for initial
// ingestion of a git repo.
func newInitialIngestRepoImpl(ctx context.Context, gcsClient gcs.GCSClient, file string) *initialIngestRepoImpl {
mem := repograph.NewMemCacheRepoImpl(map[string]*vcsinfo.LongCommit{}, nil)
ri := &initialIngestRepoImpl{
MemCacheRepoImpl: mem,
file: file,
gcs: gcsClient,
go func() {
for {
writeRequests := ri.writeRequests
if writeRequests > 0 {
if err := ri.write(ctx); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to write Graph to GCS: %s; will retry in %s", err, gcsRetryWait)
} else {
ri.writeRequests -= writeRequests
} else {
return ri
// See documentation for RepoImpl interface.
func (ri *initialIngestRepoImpl) UpdateCallback(ctx context.Context, _, _ []*vcsinfo.LongCommit, _ *repograph.Graph) (rv error) {
defer ri.writeRequestsMtx.Unlock()
ri.writeRequests += 1
return nil
// Write the Graph to the backing store.
func (ri *initialIngestRepoImpl) write(ctx context.Context) error {
sklog.Infof("Backing up graph with %d commits.", ri.graph.Len())
w := ri.gcs.FileWriter(ctx, ri.file, gcs.FILE_WRITE_OPTS_TEXT)
writeErr := ri.graph.WriteGob(w)
closeErr := w.Close()
if writeErr != nil && closeErr != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(writeErr, "Failed to write Graph to GCS and failed to close GCS file with: %s", closeErr)
} else if writeErr != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(writeErr, "Failed to write Graph to GCS.")
} else if closeErr != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(closeErr, "Failed to close GCS file.")
return nil
// Wait for any push to the backing store to be finished.
func (ri *initialIngestRepoImpl) Wait() {
for {
writeRequests := ri.writeRequests
if writeRequests == 0 {