blob: bee83170c213a064c9563544d96b89fb98f72f3a [file] [log] [blame]
// search contains the core functionality for searching for digests across a tile.
package search
import (
// AcceptFn is the callback function used by iterTile to determine whether to
// include a trace into the result or not. The second return value is an
// intermediate result that will be passed to addFn to avoid redundant computation.
// The second return value is application dependent since it will be passed
// into the call to the corresponding AddFn. Determining whether to accept a
// result might require an expensive computation and we want to avoid repeating
// that computation in the 'add' step. So we can return it here and it will
// be passed into the instance of AddFn.
type AcceptFn func(trace tiling.Trace) (bool, interface{})
// AddFn is the callback function used by iterTile to add a digest and it's
// trace to the result. acceptResult is the same value returned by the AcceptFn.
type AddFn func(test, digest, traceID string, trace tiling.Trace, acceptResult interface{})
// iterTile is a generic function to extract information from a tile.
// It iterates over the tile and filters against the given query. If calls
// acceptFn to determine whether to keep a trace (after it has already been
// tested against the query) and calls addFn to add a digest and its trace.
// acceptFn == nil equals unconditional acceptance.
func iterTile(query *Query, addFn AddFn, acceptFn AcceptFn, storages *storage.Storage, idx *indexer.SearchIndex) error {
exp, err := storages.ExpectationsStore.Get()
if err != nil {
return err
tile := idx.GetTile(query.IncludeIgnores)
if acceptFn == nil {
acceptFn = func(tr tiling.Trace) (bool, interface{}) { return true, nil }
traceTally := idx.TalliesByTrace()
lastCommitIndex := tile.LastCommitIndex()
// Iterate through the tile.
for id, tr := range tile.Traces {
// Check if the query matches.
if tiling.Matches(tr, query.Query) {
// Check if we should accept this trace.
if ok, acceptRet := acceptFn(tr); ok {
test := tr.Params()[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
digests := digestsFromTrace(id, tr, query.Head, lastCommitIndex, traceTally)
for _, digest := range digests {
cl := exp.Classification(test, digest)
if query.excludeClassification(cl) {
// Fix blamer to make this easier.
if query.BlameGroupID != "" {
if cl == types.UNTRIAGED {
b := idx.GetBlame(test, digest, tile.Commits)
if query.BlameGroupID != blameGroupID(b, tile.Commits) {
} else {
// Add the digest to the results.
addFn(test, digest, id, tr, acceptRet)
return nil