blob: c3df379bffffdc823c3556804b45265225645817 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Miscellaneous utilities needed by the Skia buildbot master."""
import difflib
import httplib2
import os
import re
# requires Google APIs client library for Python; see
from apiclient.discovery import build
from buildbot.scheduler import Dependent
from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
from buildbot.schedulers import timed
from buildbot.schedulers.filter import ChangeFilter
from config_private import TRY_SVN_BASEURL
from master import try_job_svn
from master import try_job_rietveld
from master.builders_pools import BuildersPools
from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
import builder_name_schema
import config_private
import os
import skia_vars
import subprocess
TRY_SCHEDULER_SVN = 'skia_try_svn'
TRY_SCHEDULER_RIETVELD = 'skia_try_rietveld'
def GetListFromEnvVar(name, splitstring=','):
""" Returns contents of an environment variable, as a list.
If the environment variable is unset or set to empty-string, this returns
an empty list.
name: string; name of the environment variable to read
splitstring: string with which to split the env var into list items
unsplit = os.environ.get(name, None)
if unsplit:
return unsplit.split(',')
return []
def StringDiff(expected, actual):
""" Returns the diff between two multiline strings, as a multiline string."""
return ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(expected.splitlines(1),
def _IndentStr(indent):
return ' ' * (indent + 1)
def ToString(obj, indent=0):
""" Returns a string representation of the given object. This differs from the
built-in string function in that it does not give memory locations.
obj: the object to print.
indent: integer; the current indent level.
if isinstance(obj, list):
return _ListToString(obj, indent)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
return _DictToString(obj, indent)
elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
return _ListToString(obj, indent)
elif isinstance(obj, str):
return '\'%s\'' % obj
elif obj is None:
return 'None'
return '<Object>'
def _ListToString(list_var, indent):
if not list_var:
return '[]'
indent_str = _IndentStr(indent)
val = '[\n'
indent += 1
val += ''.join(['%s%s,\n' % (indent_str, ToString(elem, indent)) \
for elem in list_var])
indent -= 1
indent_str = _IndentStr(indent - 1)
val += indent_str + ']'
return val
def _DictToString(d, indent):
if not d:
return '{}'
indent_str = _IndentStr(indent)
val = '{\n'
indent += 1
val += ''.join(['%s%s: %s,\n' % (indent_str, ToString(k, indent),
ToString(d[k], indent)) \
for k in sorted(d.keys())])
indent -= 1
indent_str = _IndentStr(indent - 1)
val += indent_str + '}'
return val
def FixGitSvnEmail(addr):
""" Git-svn tacks a git-svn-id onto email addresses. This function removes it.
For example, ""
becomes, "". Addresses containing a single '@' will be
return '@'.join(addr.split('@')[:2])
class SkiaChangeFilter(ChangeFilter):
"""Skia specific subclass of ChangeFilter."""
def __init__(self, builders, **kwargs):
self._builders = builders
ChangeFilter.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def filter_change(self, change):
"""Overrides ChangeFilter.filter_change to pass builders to filter_fn.
The code has been copied from
with one change: We pass a sequence of builders to the filter function.
if self.filter_fn is not None and not self.filter_fn(change,
return False
for (filt_list, filt_re, filt_fn, chg_attr) in self.checks:
chg_val = getattr(change, chg_attr, '')
if filt_list is not None and chg_val not in filt_list:
return False
if filt_re is not None and (
chg_val is None or not filt_re.match(chg_val)):
return False
if filt_fn is not None and not filt_fn(chg_val):
return False
return True
def _AssertValidString(var, varName='[unknown]'):
"""Raises an exception if a var is not a valid string.
A string is considered valid if it is not None, is not the empty string and is
not just whitespace.
var: the variable to validate
varName: name of the variable, for error reporting
if not isinstance(var, str):
raise Exception('variable "%s" is not a string' % varName)
if not var:
raise Exception('variable "%s" is empty' % varName)
if var.isspace():
raise Exception('variable "%s" is whitespace' % varName)
def _AssertValidStringList(var, varName='[unknown]'):
"""Raises an exception if var is not a list of valid strings.
A list is considered valid if it is either empty or if it contains at
least one item and each item it contains is also a valid string.
var: the variable to validate
varName: name of the variable, for error reporting
if not isinstance(var, list):
raise Exception('variable "%s" is not a list' % varName)
for index, item in zip(range(len(var)), var):
_AssertValidString(item, '%s[%d]' % (varName, index))
def FileBug(summary, description, owner=None, ccs=None, labels=None):
"""Files a bug to the Skia issue tracker.
summary: a single-line string to use as the issue summary
description: a multiline string to use as the issue description
owner: email address of the issue owner (as a string), or None if unknown
ccs: email addresses (list of strings) to CC on the bug
labels: labels (list of strings) to apply to the bug
A representation of the issue tracker issue that was filed or raises an
exception if there was a problem.
project_id = 'skia' # This is the project name: skia
key_file = 'key.p12' # Key file from the API console, renamed to key.p12
service_acct = ('352371350305-b3u8jq5sotdh964othi9ntg9d0pelu77'
'') # Created with the key
result = {}
if not ccs:
ccs = []
if not labels:
labels = []
if owner is not None: # owner can be None
_AssertValidString(owner, 'owner')
_AssertValidString(summary, 'summary')
_AssertValidString(description, 'description')
_AssertValidStringList(ccs, 'ccs')
_AssertValidStringList(labels, 'labels')
f = file(key_file, 'rb')
key =
# Create an httplib2.Http object to handle the HTTP requests and authorize
# it with the credentials.
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(
http = httplib2.Http()
http = credentials.authorize(http)
service = build("projecthosting", "v2", http=http)
# Insert a new issue into the project.
body = {
'summary': summary,
'description': description
insertparams = {
'projectId': project_id,
'sendEmail': 'true'
if owner is not None:
owner_value = {
'name': owner
body['owner'] = owner_value
cc_values = []
for cc in ccs:
cc_values.append({'name': cc})
body['cc'] = cc_values
body['labels'] = labels
insertparams['body'] = body
request = service.issues().insert(**insertparams)
result = request.execute()
return result
# Skip buildbot runs of a CL if its commit log message contains the following
# substring.
# If the below regex is found in a CL's commit log message, only run the
# builders specified therein.
RUN_BUILDERS_REGEX = '\(RunBuilders:(.+)\)'
def CapWordsToUnderscores(string):
""" Converts a string containing capitalized words to one in which all
characters are lowercase and words are separated by underscores.
'NexusS' becomes 'nexus_s'
'Nexus10' becomes 'nexus_10'
string: string; string to manipulate.
name_parts = []
for part in re.split('(\d+)', string):
if re.match('(\d+)', part):
name_parts.extend(re.findall('[A-Z][a-z]*', part))
return '_'.join([part.lower() for part in name_parts])
def UnderscoresToCapWords(string):
""" Converts a string lowercase words separated by underscores to one in which
words are capitalized and not separated by underscores.
'nexus_s' becomes 'NexusS'
'nexus_10' becomes 'Nexus10'
string: string; string to manipulate.
name_parts = string.split('_')
return ''.join([part.title() for part in name_parts])
# Since we can't modify the existing Helper class, we subclass it here,
# overriding the necessary parts to get things working as we want.
class SkiaHelper(object):
def __init__(self, defaults):
self._defaults = defaults
self._builders = []
self._factories = {}
self._schedulers = {}
def Builder(self, name, factory, gatekeeper=None, scheduler=None,
builddir=None, auto_reboot=False, notify_on_missing=False):
# Override the category with the first two parts of the builder name.
name_parts = name.split(builder_name_schema.BUILDER_NAME_SEP)
category = name_parts[0]
subcategory = name_parts[1] if len(name_parts) > 1 else 'default'
full_category = '|'.join((category, subcategory))
self._builders.append({'name': name,
'factory': factory,
'gatekeeper': gatekeeper,
'schedulers': scheduler.split('|'),
'builddir': builddir,
'category': full_category,
'auto_reboot': auto_reboot,
'notify_on_missing': notify_on_missing})
def PeriodicScheduler(self, name, minute=0, hour='*', dayOfMonth='*',
month='*', dayOfWeek='*'):
"""Helper method for the Periodic scheduler."""
if name in self._schedulers:
raise ValueError('Scheduler %s already exists' % name)
self._schedulers[name] = {'type': 'PeriodicScheduler',
'builders': [],
'minute': minute,
'hour': hour,
'dayOfMonth': dayOfMonth,
'month': month,
'dayOfWeek': dayOfWeek}
def Dependent(self, name, parent):
if name in self._schedulers:
raise ValueError('Scheduler %s already exists' % name)
self._schedulers[name] = {'type': 'Dependent',
'parent': parent,
'builders': []}
def Factory(self, name, factory):
if name in self._factories:
raise ValueError('Factory %s already exists' % name)
self._factories[name] = factory
def Scheduler(self, name, treeStableTimer=60, categories=None):
if name in self._schedulers:
raise ValueError('Scheduler %s already exists' % name)
self._schedulers[name] = {'type': 'Scheduler',
'treeStableTimer': treeStableTimer,
'builders': [],
'categories': categories}
def TryJobSubversion(self, name):
""" Adds a Subversion-based try scheduler. """
if name in self._schedulers:
raise ValueError('Scheduler %s already exists' % name)
self._schedulers[name] = {'type': 'TryJobSubversion', 'builders': []}
def TryJobRietveld(self, name):
""" Adds a Rietveld-based try scheduler. """
if name in self._schedulers:
raise ValueError('Scheduler %s already exists' % name)
self._schedulers[name] = {'type': 'TryJobRietveld', 'builders': []}
def Update(self, c):
for builder in self._builders:
# Update the schedulers with the builder.
schedulers = builder['schedulers']
if schedulers:
for scheduler in schedulers:
# Construct the category.
categories = []
if builder.get('category', None):
if builder.get('gatekeeper', None):
category = '|'.join(categories)
# Append the builder to the list.
new_builder = {'name': builder['name'],
'factory': self._factories[builder['factory']],
'category': category,
'auto_reboot': builder['auto_reboot']}
if builder['builddir']:
new_builder['builddir'] = builder['builddir']
c['builders'].sort(key=lambda builder: builder['name'])
# Process the main schedulers.
for s_name in self._schedulers:
scheduler = self._schedulers[s_name]
if scheduler['type'] == 'Scheduler':
def filter_fn(change, builders):
"""Filters out if change.comments contains certain keywords.
The change is filtered out if the commit message contains:
* RUN_BUILDERS_REGEX when the scheduler does not contain any of the
specified builders
change: An instance of changes.Change.
builders: Sequence of strings. The builders that are run by this
If the change should be filtered out (i.e. not run by the buildbot
code) then False is returned else True is returned.
if SKIP_BUILDBOT_SUBSTRING in change.comments:
return False
match_obj =
if builders and match_obj:
for builder_to_run in','):
if builder_to_run.strip() in builders:
return False
return True
skia_change_filter = SkiaChangeFilter(
instance = Scheduler(name=s_name,
self._schedulers[s_name]['instance'] = instance
# Process the periodic schedulers.
for s_name in self._schedulers:
scheduler = self._schedulers[s_name]
if scheduler['type'] == 'PeriodicScheduler':
instance = timed.Nightly(
self._schedulers[s_name]['instance'] = instance
# Process the Rietveld-based try schedulers.
for s_name in self._schedulers:
scheduler = self._schedulers[s_name]
if scheduler['type'] == 'TryJobRietveld':
pools = BuildersPools(s_name)
instance = try_job_rietveld.TryJobRietveld(
last_good_urls={'skia': None},
code_review_sites={'skia': config_private.CODE_REVIEW_SITE},
self._schedulers[s_name]['instance'] = instance
# Process the svn-based try schedulers.
for s_name in self._schedulers:
scheduler = self._schedulers[s_name]
if scheduler['type'] == 'TryJobSubversion':
pools = BuildersPools(s_name)
instance = try_job_svn.TryJobSubversion(
last_good_urls={'skia': None},
code_review_sites={'skia': config_private.CODE_REVIEW_SITE},
self._schedulers[s_name]['instance'] = instance
# Process the dependent schedulers.
for s_name in self._schedulers:
scheduler = self._schedulers[s_name]
if scheduler['type'] == 'Dependent':
instance = Dependent(
self._schedulers[s_name]['instance'] = instance
def CanMergeBuildRequests(req1, req2):
""" Determine whether or not two BuildRequests can be merged. Note that the
call to buildbot.sourcestamp.SourceStamp.canBeMergedWith() is conspicuously
missing. This is because that method verifies that:
1. req1.source.repository == req2.source.repository
2. req1.source.project == req2.source.project
3. req1.source.branch == req2.source.branch
4. req1.patch == None and req2.patch = None
5. (req1.source.changes and req2.source.changes) or \
(not req1.source.changes and not req2.source.changes and \
req1.source.revision == req2.source.revision)
Of the above, we want 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Instead of 4, we want to make sure that neither request is a Trybot request.
# Verify that the repositories are the same (#1 above).
if req1.source.repository != req2.source.repository:
return False
# Verify that the projects are the same (#2 above).
if req1.source.project != req2.source.project:
return False
# Verify that the branches are the same (#3 above).
if req1.source.branch != req2.source.branch:
return False
# If either is a try request, don't merge (#4 above).
if (builder_name_schema.IsTrybot(req1.buildername) or
return False
# Verify that either: both requests are associated with changes OR neither
# request is associated with a change but the revisions match (#5 above).
if req1.source.changes and not req2.source.changes:
return False
if not req1.source.changes and req2.source.changes:
return False
if not (req1.source.changes and req2.source.changes):
if req1.source.revision != req2.source.revision:
return False
return True
def get_current_revision():
"""Obtain the checked-out buildbot code revision."""
checkout_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(checkout_dir, '.git')):
return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(checkout_dir, '.svn')):
return subprocess.check_output(['svnversion', '.']).strip()
raise Exception('Unable to determine version control system.')