blob: e8ed58c4457eafa72e6047f39232bc95ab9c182a [file] [log] [blame]
/* poppler-qt.h: qt interface to poppler
* Copyright (C) 2005, Net Integration Technologies, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2005, Brad Hards <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __POPPLER_QT_H__
#define __POPPLER_QT_H__
#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QVector>
#include <QtGui/QPixmap>
#include <QtXml/QDomDocument>
#include <poppler-annotation.h>
#include <poppler-link.h>
#include <poppler-page-transition.h>
class EmbFile;
The Poppler Qt bindings
namespace Poppler {
class Document;
class PageData;
class TextBoxData;
describes the physical location of text on a document page
This very simple class describes the physical location of text
on the page. It consists of
- a QString that contains the text
- a QRectF that gives a box that describes where on the page
the text is found.
class TextBox {
friend class Page;
The default constructor sets the text and the rectangle the
contains the text. Coordinated for the bBox are in points =
1/72 of an inch.
TextBox(const QString& text, const QRectF &bBox);
returns the text
const QString &text() const;
returns the position of the text, in point, i.e., 1/72 of
an inch
const QRectF &boundingBox() const;
TextBox *nextWord() const;
double edge(int i) const;
bool hasSpaceAfter() const;
TextBoxData *m_data;
Container class for information about a font within a PDF
class FontInfoData;
class FontInfo {
enum Type {
unknown = 0,
Type1 = 1,
Type1C = 2,
Type3 = 3,
TrueType = 4,
CIDType0 = 5,
CIDType0C = 6,
CIDTrueType = 7
Create a new font information container
FontInfo( const FontInfoData &fid );
FontInfo( const FontInfo &fi );
The name of the font. Can be QString::null if the font has no name
const QString &name() const;
The path of the font file used to represent this font on this system.
const QString &file() const;
Whether the font is embedded in the file, or not
\return true if the font is embedded
bool isEmbedded() const;
Whether the font provided is only a subset of the full
font or not. This only has meaning if the font is embedded.
\return true if the font is only a subset
bool isSubset() const;
The type of font encoding
\return a enumerated value corresponding to the font encoding used
\sa typeName for a string equivalent
Type type() const;
The name of the font encoding used
\note if you are looking for the name of the font (as opposed to the
encoding format used), you probably want name().
\sa type for a enumeration version
const QString typeName() const;
FontInfoData *m_data;
Container class for an embedded file with a PDF document
class EmbeddedFileData;
class EmbeddedFile {
Create a new embedded file container
EmbeddedFile(EmbFile *embfile);
EmbeddedFile(const EmbeddedFile &ef);
The name associated with the file
QString name() const;
The description associated with the file, if any.
This will return an empty QString if there is no description element
QString description() const;
The modification date for the embedded file, if known.
QDateTime modDate() const;
The creation date for the embedded file, if known.
QDateTime createDate() const;
The data as an array
QByteArray data();
A QDataStream for the actual data?
//QDataStream dataStream() const;
EmbeddedFileData *m_embeddedFile;
Page within a PDF document
class Page {
friend class Document;
enum Rotation { Rotate0 = 0, Rotate90 = 1, Rotate180 = 2, Rotate270 = 3 };
Render the page to a QImage using the Splash renderer
This method can be used to render the page to a QPixmap. It
uses the "Splash" rendering engine. This method is reasonably
well-tested and has produced good output so far.
If x=y=w=h=-1, the method will automatically compute the
size of the pixmap from the horizontal and vertical
resolutions specified in xres and yres. Otherwise, the
method renders only a part of the page, specified by the
parameters (x, y, w, h) in pixel coordinates. The QPixmap
returned then has size (w, h), independent of the page
\param x specifies the left x-coordinate of the box, in
\param y specifies the top y-coordinate of the box, in
\param w specifies the width of the box, in pixels.
\param h specifies the height of the box, in pixels.
\param xres horizontal resolution of the graphics device,
in dots per inch
\param yres vertical resolution of the graphics device, in
dots per inch
\param doLinks calculate links
\param rotate how to rotate the page
\warning The parameter (x,y,w,h) are not
well-tested. Unusual or meaningless parameters may lead to
rather unexpected results.
\returns a QImage of the page, or a null image on failure.
QImage splashRenderToImage(double xres=72.0, double yres=72.0, int x=-1, int y=-1, int w=-1, int h=-1, bool doLinks = false, Rotation rotate = Rotate0) const;
Render the page to a QPixmap using the Splash renderer
This member function is provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
It is used as follows.
Poppler::Page* pdfPage;
// Generate a QPixmap of the rendered page
QPixmap* pixmap = pdfPage->splashRenderToPixmap(0, 0, 0, 0, xres, yres );
if (pixmap == 0) {
... error message ...
... use pixmap ...
delete pixmap;
QPixmap *splashRenderToPixmap(double xres=72.0, double yres=72.0, int x=-1, int y=-1, int w=-1, int h=-1, bool doLinks = false, Rotation rotate = Rotate0) const;
Render the page to a pixmap using the Arthur (Qt4) renderer
\param q pointer to a QPixmap that is already set to the
intended size.
\param xres horizontal resolution of the graphics device,
in dots per inch
\param yres vertical resolution of the graphics device, in
dots per inch
You are meant to create the pixmap before passing it to
this routine, using something like:
QPixmap* myPixmap = new QPixmap(page->pageSize());
\warning This is a work in progress. Results are unlikely to be of
high quality.
void renderToPixmap(QPixmap *q, double xres=72.0, double yres=72.0) const;
Returns the text that is inside a specified rectangle
\param rect the rectangle specifying the area of interest,
with coordinates given in points, i.e., 1/72th of an inch.
If rect is null, all text on the page is given
QString text(const QRectF &rect) const;
enum SearchDirection { FromTop, NextResult, PreviousResult };
enum SearchMode { CaseSensitive, CaseInsensitive };
Returns true if the specified text was found.
\param text the text the search
\param rect in all directions is used to return where the text was found, for NextResult and PreviousResult
indicates where to continue searching for
\param direction in which direction do the search
\param caseSensitive be case sensitive?
bool search(const QString &text, QRectF &rect, SearchDirection direction, SearchMode caseSensitive, Rotation rotate = Rotate0) const;
Returns a list of text of the page
This method returns a QList of TextBoxes that contain all
the text of the page, with roughly one text word of text
per TextBox item.
For text written in western languages (left-to-right and
up-to-down), the QList contains the text in the proper
\warning This method is not tested with Asian scripts
QList<TextBox*> textList(Rotation rotate = Rotate0) const;
\return The dimensions of the page, in points (i.e. 1/72th on an inch)
QSizeF pageSizeF() const;
The dimensions of the page, in pixels.
QSize pageSize() const;
\brief Returns the transition of this page
@returns a pointer to a PageTransition structure that
defines how transition to this page shall be performed. The
PageTransition structure is owned by this page, and will
automatically be destroyed when this page class is
PageTransition *transition() const;
Types of orientations that are possible
enum Orientation {
Landscape, ///< Landscape orientation (portrait, with 90 degrees clockwise rotation )
Portrait, ///< Normal portrait orientation
Seascape, ///< Seascape orientation (portrait, with 270 degrees clockwise rotation)
UpsideDown ///< Upside down orientation (portrait, with 180 degrees rotation)
The orientation of the page
Orientation orientation() const;
The default CTM
void defaultCTM(double *CTM, double dpiX, double dpiY, int rotate, bool upsideDown);
Gets the links of the page once it has been rendered if doLinks was true
QList<Link*> links() const;
Returns the annotations of the page
QList<Annotation*> annotations () const;
Page(const Document *doc, int index);
PageData *m_page;
class DocumentData;
PDF document
A document potentially contains multiple Pages
class Document {
friend class Page;
The page mode
enum PageMode {
UseNone, ///< No mode - neither document outline nor thumbnail images are visible
UseOutlines, ///< Document outline visible
UseThumbs, ///< Thumbnail images visible
FullScreen, ///< Fullscreen mode (no menubar, windows controls etc)
UseOC, ///< Optional content group panel visible
UseAttach ///< Attachments panel visible
The page layout
enum PageLayout {
NoLayout, ///< Layout not specified
SinglePage, ///< Display a single page
OneColumn, ///< Display a single column of pages
TwoColumnLeft, ///< Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the left
TwoColumnRight, ///< Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right
TwoPageLeft, ///< Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the left
TwoPageRight ///< Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the right
Load the document from a file on disk
\param filePath the name (and path, if required) of the file to load
\warning The application owns the pointer to Document, and this should
be deleted when no longer required.
static Document *load(const QString & filePath,
const QByteArray &ownerPassword=QByteArray(),
const QByteArray &userPassword=QByteArray());
Get a specified page
Note that this follows the PDF standard of being zero based - if you
want the first page, then you need an index of zero.
\param index the page number index
Page *page(int index) const{ return new Page(this, index); }
The intent is that you can pass in a label like "ix" and
get the page with that label (which might be in the table of
contents), or pass in "1" and get the page that the user
expects (which might not be the first page, if there is a
title page and a table of contents).
\param label the page label
Page *page(QString label) const;
The number of pages in the document
int numPages() const;
The type of mode that should be used by the application
when the document is opened. Note that while this is
called page mode, it is really viewer application mode.
PageMode pageMode() const;
The layout that pages should be shown in when the document
is first opened. This basically describes how pages are
shown relative to each other.
PageLayout pageLayout() const;
Provide the passwords required to unlock the document
bool unlock(const QByteArray &ownerPassword, const QByteArray &userPassword);
Determine if the document is locked
bool isLocked() const;
The date associated with the document
You would use this method with something like:
QDateTime created = m_doc->date("CreationDate");
QDateTime modded = m_doc->date("ModDate");
\param data the type of date that is required (such as CreationDate or ModDate)
QDateTime date( const QString & data ) const;
Get specified information associated with the document
You would use this method with something like:
QString title = m_doc->info("Title");
QString subject = m_doc->info("Subject");
In addition to Title and Subject, other information that may be available
includes Author, Keywords, Creator and Producer.
\param data the information that is required
\sa infoKeys() to get a list of the available keys
QString info( const QString & data ) const;
Obtain a list of the available string information keys.
QStringList infoKeys() const;
Test if the document is encrypted
bool isEncrypted() const;
Test if the document is linearised
In some cases, this is called "fast web view", since it
is mostly an optimisation for viewing over the Web.
bool isLinearized() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow it to be
bool okToPrint() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow it to be
printed at high resolution
bool okToPrintHighRes() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow it to be
\note depending on the type of change, it may be more
appropriate to check other properties as well.
bool okToChange() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow the
contents to be copied / extracted
bool okToCopy() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow annotations
to be added or modified, and interactive form fields (including
signature fields) to be completed.
bool okToAddNotes() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow interactive
form fields (including signature fields) to be completed.
\note this can be true even if okToAddNotes() is false - this
means that only form completion is permitted.
bool okToFillForm() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow interactive
form fields (including signature fields) to be set, created and
bool okToCreateFormFields() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow content extraction
(text and perhaps other content) for accessibility usage (eg for
a screen reader)
bool okToExtractForAccessibility() const;
Test if the permissions on the document allow it to be
"assembled" - insertion, rotation and deletion of pages;
or creation of bookmarks and thumbnail images. This can
be true even if okToChange is false.
bool okToAssemble() const;
The version of the PDF specification that the document
conforms to
double pdfVersion() const;
The fonts within the PDF document.
\note this can take a very long time to run with a large
document. You may wish to use the call below if you have more
than say 20 pages
QList<FontInfo> fonts() const;
\param numPages the number of pages to scan
\param fontList pointer to the list where the font information
should be placed
\return false if the end of the document has been reached
bool scanForFonts( int numPages, QList<FontInfo> *fontList ) const;
The documents embedded within the PDF document.
\note there are two types of embedded document - this call
only accesses documents that are embedded at the document level.
const QList<EmbeddedFile*> &embeddedFiles() const;
Whether there are any documents embedded in this PDF document.
bool hasEmbeddedFiles() const;
Gets the TOC of the Document, it is application responsabiliy to delete
it when no longer needed
* In the tree the tag name is the 'screen' name of the entry. A tag can have
* attributes. Here follows the list of tag attributes with meaning:
* - Destination: A string description of the referred destination
* - DestinationName: A 'named reference' to the viewport that must be converted
* using linkDestination( *destination_name* )
* - ExternalFileName: A link to a external filename
Returns NULL if the Document does not have TOC
QDomDocument *toc() const;
LinkDestination *linkDestination( const QString &name );
If you are using QPrinter you can get paper size by doing
QPrinter dummy(QPrinter::PrinterResolution);
width = dummy.width();
height = dummy.height();
bool print(const QString &fileName, const QList<int> pageList, double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate, int paperWidth, int paperHeight);
Sets the paper color, if not set it is white by default.
void setPaperColor(const QColor &color);
QColor paperColor() const;
DocumentData *m_doc;
Document(DocumentData *dataA);
Conversion from PDF date string format to QDateTime
QDateTime convertDate( char *dateString );