blob: 27dedc0dabb46803455d256079c42b5408e8b21b [file] [log] [blame]
/* qt interface to poppler
* Copyright (C) 2005, Net Integration Technologies, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <poppler-qt4.h>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QtGui/QPixmap>
#include <GlobalParams.h>
#include <PDFDoc.h>
#include <Catalog.h>
#include <ErrorCodes.h>
#include <ArthurOutputDev.h>
#include <SplashOutputDev.h>
#include <TextOutputDev.h>
#include <splash/SplashBitmap.h>
#include "poppler-private.h"
#include "poppler-page-transition-private.h"
#include "poppler-annotation-helper.h"
namespace Poppler {
class PageData {
Link* convertLinkActionToLink(::LinkAction * a, const QRectF &linkArea, DocumentData * doc);
const Document *parentDoc;
int index;
PageTransition *transition;
Link* PageData::convertLinkActionToLink(::LinkAction * a, const QRectF &linkArea, DocumentData * doc)
if ( !a )
return NULL;
Link * popplerLink = NULL;
switch ( a->getKind() )
case actionGoTo:
LinkGoTo * g = (LinkGoTo *) a;
// create link: no ext file, namedDest, object pointer
popplerLink = new LinkGoto( linkArea, QString::null, LinkDestination( LinkDestinationData(g->getDest(), g->getNamedDest(), doc ) ) );
case actionGoToR:
LinkGoToR * g = (LinkGoToR *) a;
// copy link file
const char * fileName = g->getFileName()->getCString();
// ceate link: fileName, namedDest, object pointer
popplerLink = new LinkGoto( linkArea, (QString)fileName, LinkDestination( LinkDestinationData(g->getDest(), g->getNamedDest(), doc ) ) );
case actionLaunch:
LinkLaunch * e = (LinkLaunch *)a;
GooString * p = e->getParams();
popplerLink = new LinkExecute( linkArea, e->getFileName()->getCString(), p ? p->getCString() : 0 );
case actionNamed:
const char * name = ((LinkNamed *)a)->getName()->getCString();
if ( !strcmp( name, "NextPage" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::PageNext );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "PrevPage" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::PagePrev );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "FirstPage" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::PageFirst );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "LastPage" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::PageLast );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoBack" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::HistoryBack );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoForward" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::HistoryForward );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Quit" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::Quit );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoToPage" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::GoToPage );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Find" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::Find );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "FullScreen" ) )
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::Presentation );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Close" ) )
// acroread closes the document always, doesnt care whether
// its presentation mode or not
// popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::EndPresentation );
popplerLink = new LinkAction( linkArea, LinkAction::Close );
case actionURI:
popplerLink = new LinkBrowse( linkArea, ((LinkURI *)a)->getURI()->getCString() );
case actionMovie:
/* TODO this (Movie link)
m_type = Movie;
LinkMovie * m = (LinkMovie *) a;
// copy Movie parameters (2 IDs and a const char *)
Ref * r = m->getAnnotRef();
m_refNum = r->num;
m_refGen = r->gen;
copyString( m_uri, m->getTitle()->getCString() );
*/ break;
case actionUnknown:
return popplerLink;
Page::Page(const Document *doc, int index) {
m_page = new PageData();
m_page->index = index;
m_page->parentDoc = doc;
m_page->transition = 0;
delete m_page->transition;
delete m_page;
QImage Page::splashRenderToImage(double xres, double yres, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool doLinks, Rotation rotate) const
SplashOutputDev *output_dev = m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->getSplashOutputDev();
int rotation = (int)rotate * 90;
m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.displayPageSlice(output_dev, m_page->index + 1, xres, yres,
rotation, false, true, doLinks, x, y, w, h);
SplashBitmap *bitmap = output_dev->getBitmap ();
int bw = bitmap->getWidth();
int bh = bitmap->getHeight();
SplashColorPtr dataPtr = output_dev->getBitmap()->getDataPtr();
if (QSysInfo::BigEndian == QSysInfo::ByteOrder)
uchar c;
int count = bw * bh * 4;
for (int k = 0; k < count; k += 4)
c = dataPtr[k];
dataPtr[k] = dataPtr[k+3];
dataPtr[k+3] = c;
c = dataPtr[k+1];
dataPtr[k+1] = dataPtr[k+2];
dataPtr[k+2] = c;
// construct a qimage SHARING the raw bitmap data in memory
QImage img( dataPtr, bw, bh, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
img = img.copy();
// unload underlying xpdf bitmap
output_dev->startPage( 0, NULL );
return img;
QPixmap *Page::splashRenderToPixmap(double xres, double yres, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool doLinks, Rotation rotate) const
QImage img = splashRenderToImage(xres, yres, x, y, w, h, doLinks, rotate);
// Turn the QImage into a QPixmap
QPixmap* out = new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img));
return out;
void Page::renderToPixmap(QPixmap *pixmap, double xres, double yres) const
QPainter* painter = new QPainter(pixmap);
ArthurOutputDev output_dev(painter);
output_dev.startDoc(m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.getXRef ());
m_page->index + 1,
QString Page::text(const QRectF &r) const
TextOutputDev *output_dev;
GooString *s;
PDFRectangle *rect;
QString result;
::Page *p;
output_dev = new TextOutputDev(0, gFalse, gFalse, gFalse);
m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.displayPageSlice(output_dev, m_page->index + 1, 72, 72,
0, false, true, false, -1, -1, -1, -1);
p = m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.getCatalog()->getPage(m_page->index + 1);
if (r.isNull())
rect = p->getCropBox();
s = output_dev->getText(rect->x1, rect->y1, rect->x2, rect->y2);
double height, y1, y2;
height = p->getCropHeight();
y1 = height -;
y2 = height - r.bottom();
s = output_dev->getText(r.left(), y1, r.right(), y2);
result = QString::fromUtf8(s->getCString());
delete output_dev;
delete s;
return result;
bool Page::search(const QString &text, QRectF &rect, SearchDirection direction, SearchMode caseSensitive, Rotation rotate) const
const QChar * str = text.unicode();
int len = text.length();
QVector<Unicode> u(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) u[i] = str[i].unicode();
GBool sCase;
if (caseSensitive == CaseSensitive) sCase = gTrue;
else sCase = gFalse;
bool found = false;
double sLeft, sTop, sRight, sBottom;
sLeft = rect.left();
sTop =;
sRight = rect.right();
sBottom = rect.bottom();
int rotation = (int)rotate * 90;
// fetch ourselves a textpage
TextOutputDev td(NULL, gTrue, gFalse, gFalse);
m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.displayPage( &td, m_page->index + 1, 72, 72, rotation, false, true, false );
TextPage *textPage=td.takeText();
if (direction == FromTop)
found = textPage->findText(, len,
gTrue, gTrue, gFalse, gFalse, sCase, gFalse, &sLeft, &sTop, &sRight, &sBottom );
else if ( direction == NextResult )
found = textPage->findText(, len,
gFalse, gTrue, gTrue, gFalse, sCase, gFalse, &sLeft, &sTop, &sRight, &sBottom );
else if ( direction == PreviousResult )
found = textPage->findText(, len,
gTrue, gFalse, gFalse, gTrue, sCase, gFalse, &sLeft, &sTop, &sRight, &sBottom );
delete textPage;
rect.setLeft( sLeft );
rect.setTop( sTop );
rect.setRight( sRight );
rect.setBottom( sBottom );
return found;
QList<TextBox*> Page::textList(Rotation rotate) const
TextOutputDev *output_dev;
QList<TextBox*> output_list;
output_dev = new TextOutputDev(0, gFalse, gFalse, gFalse);
int rotation = (int)rotate * 90;
m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.displayPageSlice(output_dev, m_page->index + 1, 72, 72,
rotation, false, false, false, -1, -1, -1, -1);
TextWordList *word_list = output_dev->makeWordList();
if (!word_list) {
delete output_dev;
return output_list;
QMap<TextWord *, TextBox*> wordBoxMap;
for (int i = 0; i < word_list->getLength(); i++) {
TextWord *word = word_list->get(i);
GooString *gooWord = word->getText();
QString string = QString::fromUtf8(gooWord->getCString());
delete gooWord;
double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
word->getBBox(&xMin, &yMin, &xMax, &yMax);
TextBox* text_box = new TextBox(string, QRectF(xMin, yMin, xMax-xMin, yMax-yMin));
text_box->m_data->hasSpaceAfter = word->hasSpaceAfter() == gTrue;
text_box->m_data->edge.reserve(word->getLength() + 1);
for (int j = 0; j <= word->getLength(); ++j) text_box->m_data->edge.append(word->getEdge(j));
wordBoxMap.insert(word, text_box);
for (int i = 0; i < word_list->getLength(); i++) {
TextWord *word = word_list->get(i);
TextBox* text_box = wordBoxMap[word];
text_box->m_data->nextWord = wordBoxMap[word->nextWord()];
delete word_list;
delete output_dev;
return output_list;
PageTransition *Page::transition() const
if (!m_page->transition) {
Object o;
PageTransitionParams params;
params.dictObj = m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.getCatalog()->getPage(m_page->index + 1)->getTrans(&o);
if (params.dictObj->isDict()) m_page->transition = new PageTransition(params);;
return m_page->transition;
QSizeF Page::pageSizeF() const
::Page *p;
p = m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.getCatalog()->getPage(m_page->index + 1);
if ( ( Page::Landscape == orientation() ) || (Page::Seascape == orientation() ) ) {
return QSizeF( p->getCropHeight(), p->getCropWidth() );
} else {
return QSizeF( p->getCropWidth(), p->getCropHeight() );
QSize Page::pageSize() const
return QSize( (int)pageSizeF().width(), (int)pageSizeF().height() );
Page::Orientation Page::orientation() const
int rotation = m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.getCatalog()->getPage(m_page->index + 1)->getRotate();
switch (rotation) {
case 90:
return Page::Landscape;
case 180:
return Page::UpsideDown;
case 270:
return Page::Seascape;
return Page::Portrait;
void Page::defaultCTM(double *CTM, double dpiX, double dpiY, int rotate, bool upsideDown)
::Page *p;
p = m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.getCatalog()->getPage(m_page->index + 1);
p->getDefaultCTM(CTM, dpiX, dpiY, rotate, upsideDown);
QList<Link*> Page::links() const
QList<Link*> popplerLinks;
Links *xpdfLinks = m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.takeLinks();
for (int i = 0; i < xpdfLinks->getNumLinks(); ++i)
::Link *xpdfLink = xpdfLinks->getLink(i);
double left, top, right, bottom;
int leftAux, topAux, rightAux, bottomAux;
xpdfLink->getRect( &left, &top, &right, &bottom );
QRectF linkArea;
m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->m_splashOutputDev->cvtUserToDev( left, top, &leftAux, &topAux );
m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->m_splashOutputDev->cvtUserToDev( right, bottom, &rightAux, &bottomAux );
if (!xpdfLink->isOk()) continue;
Link *popplerLink = m_page->convertLinkActionToLink(xpdfLink->getAction(), linkArea, m_page->parentDoc->m_doc);
if (popplerLink)
delete xpdfLinks;
return popplerLinks;
QList<Annotation*> Page::annotations() const
Object annotArray;
::Page *pdfPage = m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.getCatalog()->getPage(m_page->index + 1);
pdfPage->getAnnots( &annotArray );
if ( !annotArray.isArray() || annotArray.arrayGetLength() < 1 )
return QList<Annotation*>();
// ID to Annotation/PopupWindow maps
QMap< int, Annotation * > annotationsMap;
QMap< int, PopupWindow * > popupsMap;
// lists of Windows and Revisions that needs resolution
QLinkedList< ResolveRevision > resolveRevList;
QLinkedList< ResolveWindow > resolvePopList;
QLinkedList< PostProcessText > ppTextList;
// build a normalized transform matrix for this page at 100% scale
GfxState * gfxState = new GfxState( 72.0, 72.0, pdfPage->getMediaBox(), pdfPage->getRotate(), gTrue );
double * gfxCTM = gfxState->getCTM();
double MTX[6];
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i+=2 )
MTX[i] = gfxCTM[i] / pdfPage->getCropWidth();
MTX[i+1] = gfxCTM[i+1] / pdfPage->getCropHeight();
delete gfxState;
Object annot;
Object annotRef; // no need to free this (impl. dependent!)
uint numAnnotations = annotArray.arrayGetLength();
for ( uint j = 0; j < numAnnotations; j++ )
// get the j-th annotation
annotArray.arrayGet( j, &annot );
if ( !annot.isDict() )
qDebug() << "PDFGenerator: annot not dictionary." << endl;;
Annotation * annotation = 0;
Dict * annotDict = annot.getDict();
int annotID = annotArray.arrayGetNF( j, &annotRef )->getRefNum();
bool parseMarkup = true, // nearly all supported annots are markup
addToPage = true; // Popup annots are added to custom queue
/** 1.1. GET Subtype */
QString subType;
XPDFReader::lookupName( annotDict, "Subtype", subType );
if ( subType.isEmpty() )
qDebug() << "annot has no Subtype" << endl;;
/** 1.2. CREATE Annotation / PopupWindow and PARSE specific params */
if ( subType == "Text" || subType == "FreeText" )
// parse TextAnnotation params
TextAnnotation * t = new TextAnnotation();
annotation = t;
if ( subType == "Text" )
// -> textType
t->textType = TextAnnotation::Linked;
// -> textIcon
XPDFReader::lookupName( annotDict, "Name", t->textIcon );
if ( !t->textIcon.isEmpty() )
t->textIcon = t->textIcon.toLower();
t->textIcon.remove( ' ' );
// request for postprocessing window geometry
PostProcessText request;
request.textAnnotation = t;
request.opened = false;
XPDFReader::lookupBool( annotDict, "Open", request.opened );
ppTextList.append( request );
// NOTE: please provide testcases for FreeText (don't have any) - Enrico
// -> textType
t->textType = TextAnnotation::InPlace;
// -> textFont
QString textFormat;
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "DA", textFormat );
// TODO, fill t->textFont using textFormat if not empty
// -> inplaceAlign
XPDFReader::lookupInt( annotDict, "Q", t->inplaceAlign );
// -> inplaceText (simple)
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "DS", t->inplaceText );
// -> inplaceText (complex override)
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "RC", t->inplaceText );
// -> inplaceCallout
double c[6];
int n = XPDFReader::lookupNumArray( annotDict, "CL", c, 6 );
if ( n >= 4 )
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[0], c[1], t->inplaceCallout[0] );
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[2], c[3], t->inplaceCallout[1] );
if ( n == 6 )
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[4], c[5], t->inplaceCallout[2] );
// -> inplaceIntent
QString intentName;
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "IT", intentName );
if ( intentName == "FreeTextCallout" )
t->inplaceIntent = TextAnnotation::Callout;
else if ( intentName == "FreeTextTypeWriter" )
t->inplaceIntent = TextAnnotation::TypeWriter;
else if ( subType == "Line" || subType == "Polygon" || subType == "PolyLine" )
// parse LineAnnotation params
LineAnnotation * l = new LineAnnotation();
annotation = l;
// -> linePoints
double c[100];
int num = XPDFReader::lookupNumArray( annotDict, (subType == "Line") ? "L" : "Vertices", c, 100 );
if ( num < 4 || (num % 2) != 0 )
qDebug() << "L/Vertices wrong fol Line/Poly." << endl;
delete annotation;;
for ( int i = 0; i < num; i += 2 )
QPointF p;
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[i], c[i+1], p );
l->linePoints.push_back( p );
// -> lineStartStyle, lineEndStyle
Object leArray;
annotDict->lookup( "LE", &leArray );
if ( leArray.isArray() && leArray.arrayGetLength() == 2 )
// -> lineStartStyle
Object styleObj;
leArray.arrayGet( 0, &styleObj );
if ( styleObj.isName() )
const char * name = styleObj.getName();
if ( !strcmp( name, "Square" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::Square;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Circle" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::Circle;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Diamond" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::Diamond;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "OpenArrow" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::OpenArrow;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "ClosedArrow" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::ClosedArrow;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "None" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::None;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Butt" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::Butt;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "ROpenArrow" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::ROpenArrow;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "RClosedArrow" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::RClosedArrow;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Slash" ) )
l->lineStartStyle = LineAnnotation::Slash;
// -> lineEndStyle
leArray.arrayGet( 1, &styleObj );
if ( styleObj.isName() )
const char * name = styleObj.getName();
if ( !strcmp( name, "Square" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::Square;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Circle" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::Circle;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Diamond" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::Diamond;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "OpenArrow" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::OpenArrow;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "ClosedArrow" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::ClosedArrow;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "None" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::None;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Butt" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::Butt;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "ROpenArrow" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::ROpenArrow;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "RClosedArrow" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::RClosedArrow;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Slash" ) )
l->lineEndStyle = LineAnnotation::Slash;
// -> lineClosed
l->lineClosed = subType == "Polygon";
// -> lineInnerColor
XPDFReader::lookupColor( annotDict, "IC", l->lineInnerColor );
// -> lineLeadingFwdPt
XPDFReader::lookupNum( annotDict, "LL", l->lineLeadingFwdPt );
// -> lineLeadingBackPt
XPDFReader::lookupNum( annotDict, "LLE", l->lineLeadingBackPt );
// -> lineShowCaption
XPDFReader::lookupBool( annotDict, "Cap", l->lineShowCaption );
// -> lineIntent
QString intentName;
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "IT", intentName );
if ( intentName == "LineArrow" )
l->lineIntent = LineAnnotation::Arrow;
else if ( intentName == "LineDimension" )
l->lineIntent = LineAnnotation::Dimension;
else if ( intentName == "PolygonCloud" )
l->lineIntent = LineAnnotation::PolygonCloud;
else if ( subType == "Square" || subType == "Circle" )
// parse GeomAnnotation params
GeomAnnotation * g = new GeomAnnotation();
annotation = g;
// -> geomType
if ( subType == "Square" )
g->geomType = GeomAnnotation::InscribedSquare;
g->geomType = GeomAnnotation::InscribedCircle;
// -> geomInnerColor
XPDFReader::lookupColor( annotDict, "IC", g->geomInnerColor );
else if ( subType == "Highlight" || subType == "Underline" ||
subType == "Squiggly" || subType == "StrikeOut" )
// parse HighlightAnnotation params
HighlightAnnotation * h = new HighlightAnnotation();
annotation = h;
// -> highlightType
if ( subType == "Highlight" )
h->highlightType = HighlightAnnotation::Highlight;
else if ( subType == "Underline" )
h->highlightType = HighlightAnnotation::Underline;
else if ( subType == "Squiggly" )
h->highlightType = HighlightAnnotation::Squiggly;
else if ( subType == "StrikeOut" )
h->highlightType = HighlightAnnotation::StrikeOut;
// -> highlightQuads
double c[80];
int num = XPDFReader::lookupNumArray( annotDict, "QuadPoints", c, 80 );
if ( num < 8 || (num % 8) != 0 )
qDebug() << "Wrong QuadPoints for a Highlight annotation." << endl;
delete annotation;;
for ( int q = 0; q < num; q += 8 )
HighlightAnnotation::Quad quad;
for ( int p = 0; p < 4; p++ )
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[ q + p*2 ], c[ q + p*2 + 1 ], quad.points[ p ] );
// ### PDF1.6 specs says that point are in ccw order, but in fact
// points 3 and 4 are swapped in every PDF around!
QPointF tmpPoint = quad.points[ 2 ];
quad.points[ 2 ] = quad.points[ 3 ];
quad.points[ 3 ] = tmpPoint;
// initialize other oroperties and append quad
quad.capStart = true; // unlinked quads are always capped
quad.capEnd = true; // unlinked quads are always capped
quad.feather = 0.1; // default feather
h->highlightQuads.append( quad );
else if ( subType == "Stamp" )
// parse StampAnnotation params
StampAnnotation * s = new StampAnnotation();
annotation = s;
// -> stampIconName
XPDFReader::lookupName( annotDict, "Name", s->stampIconName );
else if ( subType == "Ink" )
// parse InkAnnotation params
InkAnnotation * k = new InkAnnotation();
annotation = k;
// -> inkPaths
Object pathsArray;
annotDict->lookup( "InkList", &pathsArray );
if ( !pathsArray.isArray() || pathsArray.arrayGetLength() < 1 )
qDebug() << "InkList not present for ink annot" << endl;
delete annotation;;
int pathsNumber = pathsArray.arrayGetLength();
for ( int m = 0; m < pathsNumber; m++ )
// transform each path in a list of normalized points ..
QLinkedList<QPointF> localList;
Object pointsArray;
pathsArray.arrayGet( m, &pointsArray );
if ( pointsArray.isArray() )
int pointsNumber = pointsArray.arrayGetLength();
for ( int n = 0; n < pointsNumber; n+=2 )
// get the x,y numbers for current point
Object numObj;
double x = pointsArray.arrayGet( n, &numObj )->getNum();;
double y = pointsArray.arrayGet( n+1, &numObj )->getNum();;
// add normalized point to localList
QPointF np;
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, x, y, np );
localList.push_back( np );
// ..and add it to the annotation
k->inkPaths.push_back( localList );
else if ( subType == "Popup" )
// create PopupWindow and add it to the popupsMap
PopupWindow * popup = new PopupWindow();
popupsMap[ annotID ] = popup;
parseMarkup = false;
addToPage = false;
// get window specific properties if any
popup->shown = false;
XPDFReader::lookupBool( annotDict, "Open", popup->shown );
// no need to parse parent annotation id
//XPDFReader::lookupIntRef( annotDict, "Parent", popup->... );
// use the 'dummy annotation' for getting other parameters
popup->dummyAnnotation = new Annotation();
annotation = popup->dummyAnnotation;
else if ( subType == "Link" )
// parse Link params
LinkAnnotation * l = new LinkAnnotation();
annotation = l;
// -> hlMode
QString hlModeString;
XPDFReader::lookupName( annotDict, "H", hlModeString );
if ( hlModeString == "N" )
l->linkHLMode = LinkAnnotation::None;
else if ( hlModeString == "I" )
l->linkHLMode = LinkAnnotation::Invert;
else if ( hlModeString == "O" )
l->linkHLMode = LinkAnnotation::Outline;
else if ( hlModeString == "P" )
l->linkHLMode = LinkAnnotation::Push;
// -> link region
double c[8];
int num = XPDFReader::lookupNumArray( annotDict, "QuadPoints", c, 8 );
if ( num > 0 && num != 8 )
qDebug() << "Wrong QuadPoints for a Link annotation." << endl;
delete annotation;;
if ( num == 8 )
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[ 0 ], c[ 1 ], l->linkRegion[ 0 ] );
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[ 2 ], c[ 3 ], l->linkRegion[ 1 ] );
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[ 4 ], c[ 5 ], l->linkRegion[ 2 ] );
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, c[ 6 ], c[ 7 ], l->linkRegion[ 3 ] );
// reading link action
Object objPA;
annotDict->lookup( "PA", &objPA );
if (!objPA.isNull())
::LinkAction * a = ::LinkAction::parseAction( &objPA, m_page->parentDoc->m_doc->doc.getCatalog()->getBaseURI() );
Link * popplerLink = m_page->convertLinkActionToLink( a, QRectF(), m_page->parentDoc->m_doc );
if ( popplerLink )
l->linkDestination = popplerLink;
// MISSING: Caret, FileAttachment, Sound, Movie, Widget,
// Screen, PrinterMark, TrapNet, Watermark, 3D
qDebug() << "annotation '" << subType << "' not supported" << endl;;
/** 1.3. PARSE common parameters */
// -> boundary
double r[4];
if ( XPDFReader::lookupNumArray( annotDict, "Rect", r, 4 ) != 4 )
qDebug() << "Rect is missing for annotation." << endl;;
// transform annotation rect to uniform coords
QPointF topLeft, bottomRight;
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, r[0], r[1], topLeft );
XPDFReader::transform( MTX, r[2], r[3], bottomRight );
if ( annotation->boundary.left() > annotation->boundary.right() )
double aux = annotation->boundary.left();
if ( annotation-> > annotation->boundary.bottom() )
double aux = annotation->;
//annotation->rUnscaledWidth = (r[2] > r[0]) ? r[2] - r[0] : r[0] - r[2];
//annotation->rUnscaledHeight = (r[3] > r[1]) ? r[3] - r[1] : r[1] - r[3];
// -> contents
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "Contents", annotation->contents );
// -> uniqueName
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "NM", annotation->uniqueName );
// -> modifyDate (and -> creationDate)
XPDFReader::lookupDate( annotDict, "M", annotation->modifyDate );
if ( annotation->creationDate.isNull() && !annotation->modifyDate.isNull() )
annotation->creationDate = annotation->modifyDate;
// -> flags: set the external attribute since it's embedded on file
annotation->flags |= Annotation::External;
// -> flags
int flags = 0;
XPDFReader::lookupInt( annotDict, "F", flags );
if ( flags & 0x2 )
annotation->flags |= Annotation::Hidden;
if ( flags & 0x8 )
annotation->flags |= Annotation::FixedSize;
if ( flags & 0x10 )
annotation->flags |= Annotation::FixedRotation;
if ( !(flags & 0x4) )
annotation->flags |= Annotation::DenyPrint;
if ( flags & 0x40 )
annotation->flags |= (Annotation::DenyWrite | Annotation::DenyDelete);
if ( flags & 0x80 )
annotation->flags |= Annotation::DenyDelete;
if ( flags & 0x100 )
annotation->flags |= Annotation::ToggleHidingOnMouse;
// -> style (Border(old spec), BS, BE)
double border[3];
int bn = XPDFReader::lookupNumArray( annotDict, "Border", border, 3 );
if ( bn == 3 )
// -> style.xCorners
annotation->style.xCorners = border[0];
// -> style.yCorners
annotation->style.yCorners = border[1];
// -> style.width
annotation->style.width = border[2];
Object bsObj;
annotDict->lookup( "BS", &bsObj );
if ( bsObj.isDict() )
// -> style.width
XPDFReader::lookupNum( bsObj.getDict(), "W", annotation->style.width );
// ->
QString styleName;
XPDFReader::lookupName( bsObj.getDict(), "S", styleName );
if ( styleName == "S" )
annotation-> = Annotation::Solid;
else if ( styleName == "D" )
annotation-> = Annotation::Dashed;
else if ( styleName == "B" )
annotation-> = Annotation::Beveled;
else if ( styleName == "I" )
annotation-> = Annotation::Inset;
else if ( styleName == "U" )
annotation-> = Annotation::Underline;
// -> style.marks and style.spaces
Object dashArray;
bsObj.getDict()->lookup( "D", &dashArray );
if ( dashArray.isArray() )
int dashMarks = 3;
int dashSpaces = 0;
Object intObj;
dashArray.arrayGet( 0, &intObj );
if ( intObj.isInt() )
dashMarks = intObj.getInt();;
dashArray.arrayGet( 1, &intObj );
if ( intObj.isInt() )
dashSpaces = intObj.getInt();;
annotation->style.marks = dashMarks;
annotation->style.spaces = dashSpaces;
Object beObj;
annotDict->lookup( "BE", &beObj );
if ( beObj.isDict() )
// -> style.effect
QString effectName;
XPDFReader::lookupName( beObj.getDict(), "S", effectName );
if ( effectName == "C" )
annotation->style.effect = Annotation::Cloudy;
// -> style.effectIntensity
int intensityInt = -1;
XPDFReader::lookupInt( beObj.getDict(), "I", intensityInt );
if ( intensityInt != -1 )
annotation->style.effectIntensity = (double)intensityInt;
// -> style.color
XPDFReader::lookupColor( annotDict, "C", annotation->style.color );
/** 1.4. PARSE markup { common, Popup, Revision } parameters */
if ( parseMarkup )
// -> creationDate
XPDFReader::lookupDate( annotDict, "CreationDate", annotation->creationDate );
// -> style.opacity
XPDFReader::lookupNum( annotDict, "CA", annotation->style.opacity );
// -> window.title and author
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "T", annotation->window.title );
annotation->author = annotation->window.title;
// -> window.summary
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "Subj", annotation->window.summary );
// -> window.text
XPDFReader::lookupString( annotDict, "RC", annotation->window.text );
// if a popup is referenced, schedule for resolving it later
int popupID = 0;
XPDFReader::lookupIntRef( annotDict, "Popup", popupID );
if ( popupID )
ResolveWindow request;
request.popupWindowID = popupID;
request.annotation = annotation;
resolvePopList.append( request );
// if an older version is referenced, schedule for reparenting
int parentID = 0;
XPDFReader::lookupIntRef( annotDict, "IRT", parentID );
if ( parentID )
ResolveRevision request;
request.nextAnnotation = annotation;
request.nextAnnotationID = annotID;
request.prevAnnotationID = parentID;
// -> request.nextScope
request.nextScope = Annotation::Reply;
Object revObj;
annotDict->lookup( "RT", &revObj );
if ( revObj.isName() )
const char * name = revObj.getName();
if ( !strcmp( name, "R" ) )
request.nextScope = Annotation::Reply;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Group" ) )
request.nextScope = Annotation::Group;
// -> revision.type (StateModel is deduced from type, not parsed)
request.nextType = Annotation::None;
annotDict->lookup( "State", &revObj );
if ( revObj.isString() )
const char * name = revObj.getString()->getCString();
if ( !strcmp( name, "Marked" ) )
request.nextType = Annotation::Marked;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Unmarked" ) )
request.nextType = Annotation::Unmarked;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Accepted" ) )
request.nextType = Annotation::Accepted;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Rejected" ) )
request.nextType = Annotation::Rejected;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Cancelled" ) )
request.nextType = Annotation::Cancelled;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Completed" ) )
request.nextType = Annotation::Completed;
else if ( !strcmp( name, "None" ) )
request.nextType = Annotation::None;
// schedule for later reparenting
resolveRevList.append( request );
// free annot object;
/** 1.5. ADD ANNOTATION to the annotationsMap */
if ( addToPage )
if ( annotationsMap.contains( annotID ) )
qDebug() << "PDFGenerator: clash for annotations with ID:" << annotID << endl;
annotationsMap[ annotID ] = annotation;
} // end Annotation/PopupWindow parsing loop
/** 2 - RESOLVE POPUPS (popup.* -> annotation.window) */
if ( !resolvePopList.isEmpty() && !popupsMap.isEmpty() )
QLinkedList< ResolveWindow >::iterator it = resolvePopList.begin(),
end = resolvePopList.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
const ResolveWindow & request = *it;
if ( !popupsMap.contains( request.popupWindowID ) )
// warn aboud problems in popup resolving logic
qDebug() << "PDFGenerator: can't resolve popup "
<< request.popupWindowID << "." << endl;
// set annotation's window properties taking ones from popup
PopupWindow * pop = popupsMap[ request.popupWindowID ];
Annotation * pa = pop->dummyAnnotation;
Annotation::Window & w = request.annotation->window;
// transfer properties to Annotation's window
w.flags = pa->flags & (Annotation::Hidden |
Annotation::FixedSize | Annotation::FixedRotation);
if ( !pop->shown )
w.flags |= Annotation::Hidden;
w.width = (int)( pa->boundary.right() - pa->boundary.left() );
w.height = (int)( pa->boundary.bottom() - pa-> );
// clear data
QMap< int, PopupWindow * >::Iterator dIt = popupsMap.begin(), dEnd = popupsMap.end();
for ( ; dIt != dEnd; ++dIt )
PopupWindow * p = dIt.value();
delete p->dummyAnnotation;
delete p;
/** 3 - RESOLVE REVISIONS (parent.revisions.append( children )) */
if ( !resolveRevList.isEmpty() )
// append children to parents
int excludeIDs[ resolveRevList.count() ]; // can't even reach this size
int excludeIndex = 0; // index in excludeIDs array
QLinkedList< ResolveRevision >::iterator it = resolveRevList.begin(), end = resolveRevList.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
const ResolveRevision & request = *it;
int parentID = request.prevAnnotationID;
if ( !annotationsMap.contains( parentID ) )
// warn about problems in reparenting logic
qDebug() << "PDFGenerator: can't reparent annotation to "
<< parentID << "." << endl;
// compile and add a Revision structure to the parent annotation
Annotation::Revision childRevision;
childRevision.annotation = request.nextAnnotation;
childRevision.scope = request.nextScope;
childRevision.type = request.nextType;
annotationsMap[ parentID ]->revisions.append( childRevision );
// exclude child annotation from being rooted in page
excludeIDs[ excludeIndex++ ] = request.nextAnnotationID;
// prevent children from being attached to page as roots
for ( int i = 0; i < excludeIndex; i++ )
annotationsMap.remove( excludeIDs[ i ] );
/** 4 - POSTPROCESS TextAnnotations (when window geom is embedded) */
if ( !ppTextList.isEmpty() )
QLinkedList< PostProcessText >::const_iterator it = ppTextList.begin(), end = ppTextList.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
const PostProcessText & request = *it;
Annotation::Window & window = request.textAnnotation->window;
// if not present, 'create' the window in-place over the annotation
if ( window.flags == -1 )
window.flags = 0;
QRectF & geom = request.textAnnotation->boundary;
// initialize window geometry to annotation's one
window.width = (int)( geom.right() - geom.left() );
window.height = (int)( geom.bottom() - );
window.topLeft.setX( geom.left() > 0.0 ? geom.left() : 0.0 );
window.topLeft.setY( > 0.0 ? : 0.0 );
// (pdf) if text is not 'opened', force window hiding. if the window
// was parsed from popup, the flag should already be set
if ( !request.opened && window.flags != -1 )
window.flags |= Annotation::Hidden;
/** 5 - finally RETURN ANNOTATIONS */
return annotationsMap.values();