Improve SDF documentation.
diff --git a/include/freetype/freetype.h b/include/freetype/freetype.h
index e3a0435..b88ccc6 100644
--- a/include/freetype/freetype.h
+++ b/include/freetype/freetype.h
@@ -3771,87 +3771,18 @@
    *     pixels and use the @FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD_V mode.
-   *     This mode corresponds to 8-bit, single-channel signed distance field
-   *     (SDF) bitmaps.  Each pixel in the SDF grid is the value from the
-   *     pixel's position to the nearest glyph's outline.  The distances are
-   *     calculated from the center of the pixel and are positive if they are
-   *     filled by the outline (i.e., inside the outline) and negative
-   *     otherwise.  Check the note below on how to convert the output values
-   *     to usable data.
+   *     The positive (unsigned) 8-bit bitmap values can be converted to the
+   *     single-channel signed distance field (SDF) by subtracting 128, with
+   *     the positive and negative results corresponding to the inside and
+   *     the outside of a glyph contour, respectively.  The distance units are
+   *     arbitrarily determined by an adjustable @spread property.
    * @note:
-   *   The selected render mode only affects vector glyphs of a font.
+   *   The selected render mode only affects scalable vector glyphs of a font.
    *   Embedded bitmaps often have a different pixel mode like
    *   @FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO.  You can use @FT_Bitmap_Convert to transform them
    *   into 8-bit pixmaps.
-   *   For @FT_RENDER_MODE_SDF the output bitmap buffer contains normalized
-   *   distances that are packed into unsigned 8-bit values.  To get pixel
-   *   values in floating point representation use the following pseudo-C
-   *   code for the conversion.
-   *
-   *   ```
-   *   // Load glyph and render using FT_RENDER_MODE_SDF,
-   *   // then use the output buffer as follows.
-   *
-   *   ...
-   *   FT_Byte  buffer = glyph->bitmap->buffer;
-   *
-   *
-   *   for pixel in buffer
-   *   {
-   *     // `sd` is the signed distance and `spread` is the current spread;
-   *     // the default spread is 2 and can be changed.
-   *
-   *     float  sd = (float)pixel - 128.0f;
-   *
-   *
-   *     // Convert to pixel values.
-   *     sd = ( sd / 128.0f ) * spread;
-   *
-   *     // Store `sd` in a buffer or use as required.
-   *   }
-   *
-   *   ```
-   *
-   *   FreeType has two rasterizers for generating SDF, namely:
-   *
-   *   1. `sdf` for generating SDF directly from glyph's outline, and
-   *
-   *   2. `bsdf` for generating SDF from rasterized bitmaps.
-   *
-   *   Depending on the glyph type (i.e., outline or bitmap), one of the two
-   *   rasterizers is chosen at runtime and used for generating SDFs.  To
-   *   force the use of `bsdf` you should render the glyph with any of the
-   *   FreeType's other rendering modes (e.g., `FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL`) and
-   *   then re-render with `FT_RENDER_MODE_SDF`.
-   *
-   *   There are some issues with stability and possible failures of the SDF
-   *   renderers (specifically `sdf`).
-   *
-   *   1. The `sdf` rasterizer is sensitive to really small features (e.g.,
-   *      sharp turns that are less than 1~pixel) and imperfections in the
-   *      glyph's outline, causing artifacts in the final output.
-   *
-   *   2. The `sdf` rasterizer has limited support for handling intersecting
-   *      contours and *cannot* handle self-intersecting contours whatsoever.
-   *      Self-intersection happens when a single connected contour
-   *      intersects itself at some point; having these in your font
-   *      definitely poses a problem to the rasterizer and cause artifacts,
-   *      too.
-   *
-   *   3. Generating SDF for really small glyphs may result in undesirable
-   *      output; the pixel grid (which stores distance information) becomes
-   *      too coarse.
-   *
-   *   4. Since the output buffer is normalized, precision at smaller spreads
-   *      is greater than precision at larger spread values because the
-   *      output range of [0..255] gets mapped to a smaller SDF range.  A
-   *      spread of~2 should be sufficient in most cases.
-   *
-   *   Points (1) and (2) can be avoided by using the `bsdf` rasterizer,
-   *   which is more stable than the `sdf` rasterizer in general.
-   *
   typedef enum  FT_Render_Mode_
diff --git a/include/freetype/ftdriver.h b/include/freetype/ftdriver.h
index baf15a4..b91affc 100644
--- a/include/freetype/ftdriver.h
+++ b/include/freetype/ftdriver.h
@@ -817,6 +817,79 @@
    *   2.5
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @property:
+   *   spread
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   This property of the 'sdf' and 'bsdf' renderers defines how the signed
+   *   distance field (SDF) is represented in the output bitmap.  The output
+   *   values are calculated as follows, '128 * ( SDF / spread + 1 )', with
+   *   the result truncated to the 8-bit range [0..255].  Therefore, 'spread'
+   *   is also the maximum euclidean distance from the edge after which the
+   *   values are truncated.  The spread is specified in pixels with the
+   *   default value of 8.
+   *
+   * @example:
+   *   The following example code demonstrates how to set the SDF spread
+   *   (omitting the error handling).
+   *
+   *   ```
+   *     FT_Library  library;
+   *     FT_UInt     spread = 2;
+   *
+   *
+   *     FT_Init_FreeType( &library );
+   *
+   *     FT_Property_Set( library, "sdf", "spread", &spread );
+   *   ```
+   *
+   * @note
+   *   FreeType has two rasterizers for generating SDF, namely:
+   *
+   *   1. `sdf` for generating SDF directly from glyph's outline, and
+   *
+   *   2. `bsdf` for generating SDF from rasterized bitmaps.
+   *
+   *   Depending on the glyph type (i.e., outline or bitmap), one of the two
+   *   rasterizers is chosen at runtime and used for generating SDFs.  To
+   *   force the use of `bsdf` you should render the glyph with any of the
+   *   FreeType's other rendering modes (e.g., `FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL`) and
+   *   then re-render with `FT_RENDER_MODE_SDF`.
+   *
+   *   There are some issues with stability and possible failures of the SDF
+   *   renderers (specifically `sdf`).
+   *
+   *   1. The `sdf` rasterizer is sensitive to really small features (e.g.,
+   *      sharp turns that are less than 1~pixel) and imperfections in the
+   *      glyph's outline, causing artifacts in the final output.
+   *
+   *   2. The `sdf` rasterizer has limited support for handling intersecting
+   *      contours and *cannot* handle self-intersecting contours whatsoever.
+   *      Self-intersection happens when a single connected contour
+   *      intersects itself at some point; having these in your font
+   *      definitely poses a problem to the rasterizer and cause artifacts,
+   *      too.
+   *
+   *   3. Generating SDF for really small glyphs may result in undesirable
+   *      output; the pixel grid (which stores distance information) becomes
+   *      too coarse.
+   *
+   *   4. Since the output buffer is normalized, precision at smaller spreads
+   *      is greater than precision at larger spread values because the
+   *      output range of [0..255] gets mapped to a smaller SDF range.  A
+   *      spread of~2 should be sufficient in most cases.
+   *
+   *   Points (1) and (2) can be avoided by using the `bsdf` rasterizer,
+   *   which is more stable than the `sdf` rasterizer in general.
+   *
+   * @since:
+   *   2.11
+   */
    * @property: