blob: e3bf992fab49d5a74b61debeb0ee111995776745 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* © 2023 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
* License & terms of use:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>${proj-title} (${project.artifactId})</name>
<description>International Component for Unicode for Java (ICU4J) is a mature, widely used Java library
providing Unicode and Globalization support</description>
<name>Unicode, Inc.</name>
<proj-title>International Components for Unicode for Java</proj-title>
<!-- Variables used to generate the javadoc -->
<api.doc.version>74 Release Candidate</api.doc.version>
<icu4j.api.doc.window.title>ICU4J ${api.doc.version}</icu4j.api.doc.window.title>
<icu4j.api.doc.header>ICU4J ${api.doc.version}</icu4j.api.doc.header>
<icu4j.api.doc.copyright.footer>&lt;font size=-1&gt;Copyright © 2016 Unicode, Inc. and others.&lt;/font&gt;</icu4j.api.doc.copyright.footer>
<!-- Needs to be overriden in sub-modules -->
<!-- Used for the .jar Manifest files -->
<!-- For most modules artifactId does not have an "icu4j" prefix, so this is a good default -->
<!-- Manifest fields that rarely change, if ever -->
<mf.Specification-Title>${proj-title} (${proj.displayname})</mf.Specification-Title>
<mf.Implementation-Title>${proj-title} (${proj.displayname})</mf.Implementation-Title>
<mf.Bundle-Description>${proj-title} (${proj.displayname})</mf.Bundle-Description>
<mf.Bundle-Name>ICU4J ${proj.displayname}</mf.Bundle-Name>
<mf.Specification-Vendor>Unicode, Inc.</mf.Specification-Vendor>
<mf.Implementation-Vendor>Unicode, Inc.</mf.Implementation-Vendor>
<mf.Bundle-Vendor>Unicode, Inc.</mf.Bundle-Vendor>
<mf.Bundle-Copyright>© 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License &amp; terms of use:</mf.Bundle-Copyright>
The ant project specified <doclint>reference,html</doclint>.
But that fails in main\core\src\main\java because maven enforces dependencies more strictly:
[ERROR] com\ibm\icu\text\ error: reference not found
[ERROR] * {@link}
[ERROR] com\ibm\icu\util\ error: reference not found
[ERROR] * {@link}
<!-- <verbose>true</verbose> -->
<!-- We can use `tagletArtifact` instead of `tagletpath`,
but then we must `mvn install` the `tools_build` artifact. -->
<!-- Dependencies for org.mcraig:jcite -->
<!-- This is used to create the *-sources.jar for individual modules -->
<!-- TODO: the shaded equivalent. -->
<!-- This is used to create the *-javadoc.jar for individual modules -->
<!-- TODO: the shaded equivalent. -->
<!-- This is used to create the *-javadoc.jar for individual modules -->