blob: 6b8a9413eb2adfb99023fd334dd1049d96d0b6f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Vello authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense
use vello_encoding::{BumpAllocators, LineSoup, Path, PathSegment, SegmentCount, Tile};
use crate::{
cpu_shader::util::{ONE_MINUS_ULP, ROBUST_EPSILON},
use super::util::{span, Vec2};
const TILE_WIDTH: u32 = 16;
const TILE_HEIGHT: u32 = 16;
const TILE_SCALE: f32 = 1.0 / 16.0;
fn path_tiling_main(
bump: &mut BumpAllocators,
seg_counts: &[SegmentCount],
lines: &[LineSoup],
paths: &[Path],
tiles: &[Tile],
segments: &mut [PathSegment],
) {
for seg_ix in 0..bump.seg_counts {
let seg_count = seg_counts[seg_ix as usize];
let line = lines[seg_count.line_ix as usize];
let counts = seg_count.counts;
let seg_within_slice = counts >> 16;
let seg_within_line = counts & 0xffff;
// coarse rasterization logic
let p0 = Vec2::from_array(line.p0);
let p1 = Vec2::from_array(line.p1);
let is_down = p1.y >= p0.y;
let (mut xy0, mut xy1) = if is_down { (p0, p1) } else { (p1, p0) };
let s0 = xy0 * TILE_SCALE;
let s1 = xy1 * TILE_SCALE;
let count_x = span(s0.x, s1.x) - 1;
let count = count_x + span(s0.y, s1.y);
let dx = (s1.x - s0.x).abs();
let dy = s1.y - s0.y;
let idxdy = 1.0 / (dx + dy);
let mut a = dx * idxdy;
let is_positive_slope = s1.x >= s0.x;
let sign = if is_positive_slope { 1.0 } else { -1.0 };
let xt0 = (s0.x * sign).floor();
let c = s0.x * sign - xt0;
let y0 = s0.y.floor();
let ytop = if s0.y == s1.y { s0.y.ceil() } else { y0 + 1.0 };
let b = ((dy * c + dx * (ytop - s0.y)) * idxdy).min(ONE_MINUS_ULP);
let robust_err = (a * (count as f32 - 1.0) + b).floor() - count_x as f32;
if robust_err != 0.0 {
a -= ROBUST_EPSILON.copysign(robust_err);
let x0 = xt0 * sign + if is_positive_slope { 0.0 } else { -1.0 };
let z = (a * seg_within_line as f32 + b).floor();
let x = x0 as i32 + (sign * z) as i32;
let y = (y0 + seg_within_line as f32 - z) as i32;
let path = paths[line.path_ix as usize];
let bbox = path.bbox;
let bbox = [
bbox[0] as i32,
bbox[1] as i32,
bbox[2] as i32,
bbox[3] as i32,
let stride = bbox[2] - bbox[0];
let tile_ix = path.tiles as i32 + (y - bbox[1]) * stride + x - bbox[0];
let tile = tiles[tile_ix as usize];
let seg_start = !tile.segment_count_or_ix;
if (seg_start as i32) < 0 {
let tile_xy = Vec2::new(x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH as f32, y as f32 * TILE_HEIGHT as f32);
let tile_xy1 = tile_xy + Vec2::new(TILE_WIDTH as f32, TILE_HEIGHT as f32);
if seg_within_line > 0 {
let z_prev = (a * (seg_within_line as f32 - 1.0) + b).floor();
if z == z_prev {
// Top edge is clipped
let mut xt = xy0.x + (xy1.x - xy0.x) * (tile_xy.y - xy0.y) / (xy1.y - xy0.y);
xt = xt.clamp(tile_xy.x + 1e-3, tile_xy1.x);
xy0 = Vec2::new(xt, tile_xy.y);
} else {
// If is_positive_slope, left edge is clipped, otherwise right
let x_clip = if is_positive_slope {
} else {
let mut yt = xy0.y + (xy1.y - xy0.y) * (x_clip - xy0.x) / (xy1.x - xy0.x);
yt = yt.clamp(tile_xy.y + 1e-3, tile_xy1.y);
xy0 = Vec2::new(x_clip, yt);
if seg_within_line < count - 1 {
let z_next = (a * (seg_within_line as f32 + 1.0) + b).floor();
if z == z_next {
// Bottom edge is clipped
let mut xt = xy0.x + (xy1.x - xy0.x) * (tile_xy1.y - xy0.y) / (xy1.y - xy0.y);
xt = xt.clamp(tile_xy.x + 1e-3, tile_xy1.x);
xy1 = Vec2::new(xt, tile_xy1.y);
} else {
// If is_positive_slope, right edge is clipped, otherwise left
let x_clip = if is_positive_slope {
} else {
let mut yt = xy0.y + (xy1.y - xy0.y) * (x_clip - xy0.x) / (xy1.x - xy0.x);
yt = yt.clamp(tile_xy.y + 1e-3, tile_xy1.y);
xy1 = Vec2::new(x_clip, yt);
if !is_down {
(xy0, xy1) = (xy1, xy0);
// TODO (part of move to 8 byte encoding for segments): don't store y_edge at all,
// resolve this in fine.
let y_edge = if xy0.x == tile_xy.x && xy1.x != tile_xy.x && xy0.y != tile_xy.y {
} else if xy1.x == tile_xy.x && xy1.y != tile_xy.y {
} else {
let segment = PathSegment {
origin: xy0.to_array(),
delta: (xy1 - xy0).to_array(),
_padding: Default::default(),
assert!(xy0.x >= tile_xy.x && xy0.x <= tile_xy1.x);
assert!(xy0.y >= tile_xy.y && xy0.y <= tile_xy1.y);
assert!(xy1.x >= tile_xy.x && xy1.x <= tile_xy1.x);
assert!(xy1.y >= tile_xy.y && xy1.y <= tile_xy1.y);
segments[(seg_start + seg_within_slice) as usize] = segment;
pub fn path_tiling(_n_wg: u32, resources: &[CpuBinding]) {
let mut bump = resources[0].as_typed_mut();
let seg_counts = resources[1].as_slice();
let lines = resources[2].as_slice();
let paths = resources[3].as_slice();
let tiles = resources[4].as_slice();
let mut segments = resources[5].as_slice_mut();
&mut bump,
&mut segments,