blob: 4e6ee44e51195912a7a5d1e5fee6d6f87afb3781 [file] [log] [blame]
The libgrapheme library provides functions to properly handle Unicode
strings according to the Unicode specification. Unicode strings are made
up of user-perceived characters (so-called "grapheme clusters") that are
made up of one or more Unicode codepoints, which in turn are encoded in
one or more bytes in an encoding like UTF-8.
There is a widespread misconception that it was enough to simply
determine codepoints in a string and treat them as user-perceived
characters to be Unicode compliant. While this may work in some cases,
this assumption quickly breaks, especially for non-Western languages and
decomposed Unicode strings where user-perceived characters are usually
represented using multiple codepoints.
Despite the complicated multilevel structure of Unicode strings,
libgrapheme provides methods to work with them at the byte-level (i.e.
UTF-8 char arrays) while also providing codepoint-level methods.
See libgrapheme(7) to get started and try out the self-contained examples
given on the manual pages for each function.
A C99-compiler and POSIX make.
Edit to match your local setup (usually not necessary, the
default prefix is /usr/local).
Afterwards enter the following command to build and install libgrapheme
(if necessary as root):
make install
The libgrapheme library is compliant with the Unicode 14.0.0
specification (September 2021).
To ensure conformance, libgrapheme includes hundreds of tests including
all provided with the standard-provided test-data that is parsed
automatically. The tests can be run with
make test
to check standard conformance.
Include the header grapheme.h in your code and link against libgrapheme
with "-lgrapheme" either statically ("-static") or dynamically.
Laslo Hunhold <>