blob: 63818274daad7c14f1439af5a0ec692219866d24 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Scheduled task for chrome-bot for Windows bots.
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$WarningPreference = "Continue"
$user = "chrome-bot"
$userDir = "c:\Users\$user"
$logFile = "$userDir\schtask.log"
Set-Location -Path $userDir
Function log($msg) {
Write-Debug $msg
Add-Content $logFile "$msg`n"
Function unzip($fileName, $folder = "C:\") {
$zip = $shell.NameSpace($fileName)
log "Unzip $filename to $folder"
foreach($item in $zip.items()) {
Function addToPath($dir) {
# Don't add empty strings.
If (!$dir) { Return }
# Add dir to the path.
$ENV:PATH = $ENV:PATH + ";" + $dir
Function banner($title) {
$bannerWidth = 80
$padChar = "*"
$titleLine = " $title "
$len = $titleLine.length
$padding = 0
$extra = $bannerWidth - $len
if ($extra -ge 4) {
$padding = $extra / 2
$titleLine = $titleLine.PadLeft($padding + $len, $padChar)
$titleLine = $titleLine.PadRight($bannerWidth, $padChar)
log ""
log "".PadRight($bannerWidth, $padChar)
log $titleLine
log "".PadRight($bannerWidth, $padChar)
log ""
# TODO(borenet): This top-level try/catch is really stupid, but I don't know
# how to get errors logged to a file.
try {
# Create temp directory.
$tmp = "$userDir\tmp"
if (!(Test-Path ($tmp))) {
new-item $tmp -itemtype directory
# Create helpers.
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$shell = new-object -com shell.application
banner "Install depot tools."
$fileName = "$tmp\"
$depotToolsPath = "$userDir\depot_tools"
if (!(Test-Path ($depotToolsPath))) {
$url = ""
$webclient.DownloadFile($url, $fileName)
unzip $fileName $userDir
addToPath $depotToolsPath
cmd /c "gclient < nul"
banner "Install Python SetupTools."
$fileName = "$tmp\"
if (!(Test-Path ($fileName))) {
$url = ""
$webclient.DownloadFile($url, $fileName)
cmd /c "python $fileName"
addToPath "$depotToolsPath\python276_bin\Scripts"
banner "Install zope.interface."
cmd /c "easy_install zope.interface"
banner "Copy .boto file"
$shell.NameSpace($userDir).copyhere("c:\.boto", 0x14)
banner "Copy _netrc file"
$shell.NameSpace($userDir).copyhere("c:\_netrc", 0x14)
banner "Copy .bot_password file"
$shell.NameSpace($userDir).copyhere("c:\.bot_password", 0x14)
banner "Download Buildbot scripts."
$gclientSpec = ( `
"`"solutions = [{ " +
"'name': 'buildbot'," +
"'url': ''," +
"'deps_file': 'DEPS'," +
"'managed': True," +
"'custom_deps': {}," +
"'safesync_url': ''," +
"},{ " +
"'name': 'src'," +
"'url': ''," +
"'deps_file': '.DEPS.git'," +
"'managed': True," +
"'custom_deps': {}," +
"'safesync_url': ''," +
cmd /c "gclient config --spec=$gclientSpec"
cmd /c "gclient sync --force --verbose -j1"
banner "Copy WinDbg Files"
$winDbgFolder = "c:\DbgHelp"
if (!(Test-Path ($winDbgFolder))) {
new-item $winDbgFolder -itemtype directory
$x86lib = ("$depotToolsPath\win_toolchain\vs2013_files\win8sdk\Debuggers\lib\" +
$shell.NameSpace($winDbgFolder).copyhere($x86lib, 0x14)
if (!(Test-Path ("$winDbgFolder\x64"))) {
new-item "$winDbgFolder\x64" -itemtype directory
$x64lib = ("$depotToolsPath\win_toolchain\vs2013_files\win8sdk\Debuggers\lib\" +
$shell.NameSpace("$winDbgFolder\x64").copyhere($x64lib, 0x14)
banner "Launch the Slave"
cd buildbot
cmd /c "call python scripts\"
banner "The Task ended"
} catch {
log "ERROR:"
log $_.Message