blob: 1db95a195390fe60d23a29f9542349551d39ceb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// SplashErrorCodes.h
#define splashOk 0 // no error
#define splashErrNoCurPt 1 // no current point
#define splashErrEmptyPath 2 // zero points in path
#define splashErrBogusPath 3 // only one point in subpath
#define splashErrNoSave 4 // state stack is empty
#define splashErrOpenFile 5 // couldn't open file
#define splashErrNoGlyph 6 // couldn't get the requested glyph
#define splashErrModeMismatch 7 // invalid combination of color modes
#define splashErrSingularMatrix 8 // matrix is singular
#define splashErrZeroImage 9 // image of 0x0