blob: d3142bc8f6082ff64e7a0b4f39e808cf366cbf50 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (C) 2008, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2009 Carlos Garcia Campos <>
// Copyright (C) 2015 André Guerreiro <>
// Copyright (C) 2015 André Esser <>
// Copyright (C) 2016, 2018, 2021 Adrian Johnson <>
// Copyright (C) 2020 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, <>. Work sponsored by Technische Universität Dresden
// Copyright (C) 2024 g10 Code GmbH, Author: Sune Stolborg Vuorela <>
// Copyright (C) 2024 Erich E. Hoover <>
// To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that
// came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git
// Based on code from
// Copyright 1998-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
#include <config.h>
#include "goo/glibc.h"
#include "goo/gmem.h"
#include "DateInfo.h"
#include "UTF.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
/* See PDF Reference 1.3, Section 3.8.2 for PDF Date representation */
bool parseDateString(const GooString *date, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *minute, int *second, char *tz, int *tzHour, int *tzMinute)
std::vector<Unicode> u = TextStringToUCS4(date->toStr());
GooString s;
for (auto &c : u) {
// Ignore any non ASCII characters
if (c < 128) {
const char *dateString = s.c_str();
if (strlen(dateString) < 2) {
return false;
if (dateString[0] == 'D' && dateString[1] == ':') {
dateString += 2;
*month = 1;
*day = 1;
*hour = 0;
*minute = 0;
*second = 0;
*tz = 0x00;
*tzHour = 0;
*tzMinute = 0;
if (sscanf(dateString, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%c%2d%*c%2d", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tz, tzHour, tzMinute) > 0) {
/* Workaround for y2k bug in Distiller 3 stolen from gpdf, hoping that it won't
* be used after y2.2k */
if (*year < 1930 && strlen(dateString) > 14) {
int century, years_since_1900;
if (sscanf(dateString, "%2d%3d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d", &century, &years_since_1900, month, day, hour, minute, second) == 7) {
*year = century * 100 + years_since_1900;
} else {
return false;
if (*year <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
std::string timeToStringWithFormat(const time_t *timeA, const char *format)
const time_t timet = timeA ? *timeA : time(nullptr);
struct tm localtime_tm;
localtime_r(&timet, &localtime_tm);
char timeOffset[12];
// strftime "%z" does not work on windows (it prints zone name, not offset)
// calculate time zone offset by comparing local and gmtime time_t value for same
// time.
const time_t timeg = timegm(&localtime_tm);
const int offset = static_cast<int>(difftime(timeg, timet)); // find time zone offset in seconds
if (offset > 0) {
snprintf(timeOffset, sizeof(timeOffset), "+%02d'%02d'", offset / 3600, (offset % 3600) / 60);
} else if (offset < 0) {
snprintf(timeOffset, sizeof(timeOffset), "-%02d'%02d'", -offset / 3600, (-offset % 3600) / 60);
} else {
snprintf(timeOffset, sizeof(timeOffset), "Z");
std::string fmt(format);
const char timeOffsetPattern[] = "%z";
size_t timeOffsetPosition = fmt.find(timeOffsetPattern);
if (timeOffsetPosition != std::string::npos) {
fmt.replace(timeOffsetPosition, sizeof(timeOffsetPattern) - 1, timeOffset);
if (fmt.empty()) {
return "";
size_t bufLen = 50;
std::string buf(bufLen, ' ');
while (strftime(&buf[0], buf.size(), fmt.c_str(), &localtime_tm) == 0) {
buf.resize(bufLen *= 2);
return buf;
GooString *timeToDateString(const time_t *timeA)
return new GooString(timeToStringWithFormat(timeA, "D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z"));
// Convert PDF date string to time. Returns -1 if conversion fails.
time_t dateStringToTime(const GooString *dateString)
int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, tz_hour, tz_minute;
char tz;
struct tm tm;
time_t time;
if (!parseDateString(dateString, &year, &mon, &day, &hour, &min, &sec, &tz, &tz_hour, &tz_minute)) {
return -1;
tm.tm_year = year - 1900;
tm.tm_mon = mon - 1;
tm.tm_mday = day;
tm.tm_hour = hour;
tm.tm_min = min;
tm.tm_sec = sec;
tm.tm_wday = -1;
tm.tm_yday = -1;
tm.tm_isdst = -1; /* 0 = DST off, 1 = DST on, -1 = don't know */
/* compute tm_wday and tm_yday and check date */
time = timegm(&tm);
if (time == (time_t)-1) {
return time;
time_t offset = (tz_hour * 60 + tz_minute) * 60;
if (tz == '-') {
offset *= -1;
time -= offset;
return time;