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* Copyright (C) 2009, Pino Toscano <>
* Copyright (C) 2015, Tamas Szekeres <>
* Copyright (C) 2018, Adam Reichold <>
* Copyright (C) 2019, Oliver Sander <>
* Copyright (C) 2020, Suzuki Toshiya <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
\file poppler-font.h
#include "poppler-font.h"
#include "poppler-font-private.h"
#include "poppler-document-private.h"
#include "FontInfo.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace poppler;
\class poppler::font_info poppler-font.h "poppler/cpp/poppler-font.h"
The information about a font used in a PDF %document.
\enum poppler::font_info::type_enum
The various types of fonts available in a PDF %document.
Constructs an invalid font information.
font_info::font_info() : d(new font_info_private()) { }
font_info::font_info(font_info_private &dd) : d(&dd) { }
Copy constructor.
font_info::font_info(const font_info &fi) : d(new font_info_private(*fi.d)) { }
delete d;
\returns the name of the font
std::string font_info::name() const
return d->font_name;
\returns the file name of the font, in case the font is not embedded nor subset
std::string font_info::file() const
return d->font_file;
\returns whether the font is totally embedded in the %document
bool font_info::is_embedded() const
return d->is_embedded;
\returns whether there is a subset of the font embedded in the %document
bool font_info::is_subset() const
return d->is_subset;
\returns the type of the font
font_info::type_enum font_info::type() const
return d->type;
Assignment operator.
font_info &font_info::operator=(const font_info &fi)
if (this != &fi) {
*d = *fi.d;
return *this;
\class poppler::font_iterator poppler-font.h "poppler/cpp/poppler-font.h"
Reads the fonts in the PDF %document page by page.
font_iterator is the way to collect the list of the fonts used in a PDF
%document, reading them incrementally page by page.
A typical usage of this might look like:
poppler::font_iterator *it = doc->create_font_iterator();
while (it->has_next()) {
std::vector<poppler::font_info> fonts = it->next();
// do domething with the fonts
// after we are done with the iterator, it must be deleted
delete it;
font_iterator::font_iterator(int start_page, document_private *dd) : d(new font_iterator_private(start_page, dd)) { }
delete d;
\returns the fonts of the current page and advances to the next one.
std::vector<font_info> font_iterator::next()
if (!has_next()) {
return std::vector<font_info>();
/* FontInfoScanner::scan() receives a number how many pages to
* be scanned from the *current page*, not from the beginning.
* We restrict the font scanning to the current page only.
const std::vector<FontInfo *> items = d->font_info_scanner.scan(1);
std::vector<font_info> fonts;
for (FontInfo *entry : items) {
fonts.push_back(font_info(*new font_info_private(entry)));
delete entry;
return fonts;
\returns whether the iterator has more pages to advance to
bool font_iterator::has_next() const
return d->current_page < d->total_pages;
\returns the current page
int font_iterator::current_page() const
return d->current_page;