blob: 597833df786e40a6badae0886941cedb0cf0b0b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007 Brad Hards <>
// Copyright 2008 Pino Toscano <>
// Copyright 2008, 2010 Carlos Garcia Campos <>
// Copyright 2008, 2010, 2011, 2017-2019 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright 2008 Mark Kaplan <>
// Copyright 2018 Adam Reichold <>
// Copyright 2019 Oliver Sander <>
// Released under the GPL (version 2, or later, at your option)
#include <config.h>
#include "goo/gmem.h"
#include "goo/GooString.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "OptionalContent.h"
// Max depth of nested visibility expressions. This is used to catch
// infinite loops in the visibility expression object structure.
#define visibilityExprRecursionLimit 50
// Max depth of nested display nodes. This is used to catch infinite
// loops in the "Order" object structure.
#define displayNodeRecursionLimit 50
OCGs::OCGs(Object *ocgObject, XRef *xref) : m_xref(xref)
// we need to parse the dictionary here, and build optionalContentGroups
ok = true;
Object ocgList = ocgObject->dictLookup("OCGs");
if (!ocgList.isArray()) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Expected the optional content group list, but wasn't able to find it, or it isn't an Array");
ok = false;
// we now enumerate over the ocgList, and build up the optionalContentGroups list.
for (int i = 0; i < ocgList.arrayGetLength(); ++i) {
Object ocgDict = ocgList.arrayGet(i);
if (!ocgDict.isDict()) {
auto thisOptionalContentGroup = std::make_unique<OptionalContentGroup>(ocgDict.getDict());
const Object &ocgRef = ocgList.arrayGetNF(i);
if (!ocgRef.isRef()) {
// the default is ON - we change state later, depending on BaseState, ON and OFF
optionalContentGroups.emplace(ocgRef.getRef(), std::move(thisOptionalContentGroup));
Object defaultOcgConfig = ocgObject->dictLookup("D");
if (!defaultOcgConfig.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Expected the default config, but wasn't able to find it, or it isn't a Dictionary");
ok = false;
Object baseState = defaultOcgConfig.dictLookup("BaseState");
if (baseState.isName("OFF")) {
for (auto &group : optionalContentGroups) {
Object on = defaultOcgConfig.dictLookup("ON");
if (on.isArray()) {
// ON is an optional element
for (int i = 0; i < on.arrayGetLength(); ++i) {
const Object &reference = on.arrayGetNF(i);
if (!reference.isRef()) {
// there can be null entries
OptionalContentGroup *group = findOcgByRef(reference.getRef());
if (!group) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Couldn't find group for reference");
Object off = defaultOcgConfig.dictLookup("OFF");
if (off.isArray()) {
// OFF is an optional element
for (int i = 0; i < off.arrayGetLength(); ++i) {
const Object &reference = off.arrayGetNF(i);
if (!reference.isRef()) {
// there can be null entries
OptionalContentGroup *group = findOcgByRef(reference.getRef());
if (!group) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Couldn't find group for reference to set OFF");
order = defaultOcgConfig.dictLookup("Order");
rbgroups = defaultOcgConfig.dictLookup("RBGroups");
bool OCGs::hasOCGs() const
return !(optionalContentGroups.empty());
OptionalContentGroup *OCGs::findOcgByRef(const Ref ref)
const auto ocg = optionalContentGroups.find(ref);
return ocg != optionalContentGroups.end() ? ocg->second.get() : nullptr;
bool OCGs::optContentIsVisible(const Object *dictRef)
Dict *dict;
bool result = true;
if (dictRef->isNull()) {
return result;
if (dictRef->isRef()) {
OptionalContentGroup *oc = findOcgByRef(dictRef->getRef());
if (oc) {
return oc->getState() == OptionalContentGroup::On;
Object dictObj = dictRef->fetch(m_xref);
if (!dictObj.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Unexpected oc reference target: {0:d}", dictObj.getType());
return result;
dict = dictObj.getDict();
Object dictType = dict->lookup("Type");
if (dictType.isName("OCMD")) {
Object ve = dict->lookup("VE");
if (ve.isArray()) {
result = evalOCVisibilityExpr(&ve, 0);
} else {
const Object &ocg = dict->lookupNF("OCGs");
if (ocg.isArray()) {
Object policy = dict->lookup("P");
if (policy.isName("AllOn")) {
result = allOn(ocg.getArray());
} else if (policy.isName("AllOff")) {
result = allOff(ocg.getArray());
} else if (policy.isName("AnyOff")) {
result = anyOff(ocg.getArray());
} else if ((!policy.isName()) || (policy.isName("AnyOn"))) {
// this is the default
result = anyOn(ocg.getArray());
} else if (ocg.isRef()) {
OptionalContentGroup *oc = findOcgByRef(ocg.getRef());
if (oc && oc->getState() == OptionalContentGroup::Off) {
result = false;
} else {
result = true;
} else if (dictType.isName("OCG") && dictRef->isRef()) {
OptionalContentGroup *oc = findOcgByRef(dictRef->getRef());
if (oc && oc->getState() == OptionalContentGroup::Off) {
result = false;
return result;
bool OCGs::evalOCVisibilityExpr(const Object *expr, int recursion)
OptionalContentGroup *ocg;
bool ret;
if (recursion > visibilityExprRecursionLimit) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Loop detected in optional content visibility expression");
return true;
if (expr->isRef()) {
if ((ocg = findOcgByRef(expr->getRef()))) {
return ocg->getState() == OptionalContentGroup::On;
Object expr2 = expr->fetch(m_xref);
if (!expr2.isArray() || expr2.arrayGetLength() < 1) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Invalid optional content visibility expression");
return true;
Object op = expr2.arrayGet(0);
if (op.isName("Not")) {
if (expr2.arrayGetLength() == 2) {
const Object &obj = expr2.arrayGetNF(1);
ret = !evalOCVisibilityExpr(&obj, recursion + 1);
} else {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Invalid optional content visibility expression");
ret = true;
} else if (op.isName("And")) {
ret = true;
for (int i = 1; i < expr2.arrayGetLength() && ret; ++i) {
const Object &obj = expr2.arrayGetNF(i);
ret = evalOCVisibilityExpr(&obj, recursion + 1);
} else if (op.isName("Or")) {
ret = false;
for (int i = 1; i < expr2.arrayGetLength() && !ret; ++i) {
const Object &obj = expr2.arrayGetNF(i);
ret = evalOCVisibilityExpr(&obj, recursion + 1);
} else {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Invalid optional content visibility expression");
ret = true;
return ret;
bool OCGs::allOn(Array *ocgArray)
for (int i = 0; i < ocgArray->getLength(); ++i) {
const Object &ocgItem = ocgArray->getNF(i);
if (ocgItem.isRef()) {
OptionalContentGroup *oc = findOcgByRef(ocgItem.getRef());
if (oc && oc->getState() == OptionalContentGroup::Off) {
return false;
return true;
bool OCGs::allOff(Array *ocgArray)
for (int i = 0; i < ocgArray->getLength(); ++i) {
const Object &ocgItem = ocgArray->getNF(i);
if (ocgItem.isRef()) {
OptionalContentGroup *oc = findOcgByRef(ocgItem.getRef());
if (oc && oc->getState() == OptionalContentGroup::On) {
return false;
return true;
bool OCGs::anyOn(Array *ocgArray)
for (int i = 0; i < ocgArray->getLength(); ++i) {
const Object &ocgItem = ocgArray->getNF(i);
if (ocgItem.isRef()) {
OptionalContentGroup *oc = findOcgByRef(ocgItem.getRef());
if (oc && oc->getState() == OptionalContentGroup::On) {
return true;
return false;
bool OCGs::anyOff(Array *ocgArray)
for (int i = 0; i < ocgArray->getLength(); ++i) {
const Object &ocgItem = ocgArray->getNF(i);
if (ocgItem.isRef()) {
OptionalContentGroup *oc = findOcgByRef(ocgItem.getRef());
if (oc && oc->getState() == OptionalContentGroup::Off) {
return true;
return false;
OptionalContentGroup::OptionalContentGroup(Dict *ocgDict) : m_name(nullptr)
Object ocgName = ocgDict->lookup("Name");
if (!ocgName.isString()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Expected the name of the OCG, but wasn't able to find it, or it isn't a String");
} else {
m_name = new GooString(ocgName.getString());
viewState = printState = ocUsageUnset;
Object obj1 = ocgDict->lookup("Usage");
if (obj1.isDict()) {
Object obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("View");
if (obj2.isDict()) {
Object obj3 = obj2.dictLookup("ViewState");
if (obj3.isName()) {
if (obj3.isName("ON")) {
viewState = ocUsageOn;
} else {
viewState = ocUsageOff;
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("Print");
if (obj2.isDict()) {
Object obj3 = obj2.dictLookup("PrintState");
if (obj3.isName()) {
if (obj3.isName("ON")) {
printState = ocUsageOn;
} else {
printState = ocUsageOff;
OptionalContentGroup::OptionalContentGroup(GooString *label)
m_name = label;
m_state = On;
const GooString *OptionalContentGroup::getName() const
return m_name;
void OptionalContentGroup::setRef(const Ref ref)
m_ref = ref;
Ref OptionalContentGroup::getRef() const
return m_ref;
delete m_name;