blob: 02619533a690f6ccf7ea1ddf44a870111d1cf9cb [file] [log] [blame]
// OptionalContent.h
// Copyright 2007 Brad Hards <>
// Copyright 2008 Carlos Garcia Campos <>
// Copyright 2013, 2018, 2019 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright 2018 Adam Reichold <>
// Copyright 2019 Oliver Sander <>
// Released under the GPL (version 2, or later, at your option)
#include "Object.h"
#include "CharTypes.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
class GooString;
class XRef;
class OptionalContentGroup;
class OCDisplayNode;
class OCGs {
OCGs(Object *ocgObject, XRef *xref);
OCGs(const OCGs &) = delete;
OCGs& operator=(const OCGs &) = delete;
// Is OCGS valid?
bool isOk() const { return ok; }
bool hasOCGs() const;
const std::unordered_map< Ref, std::unique_ptr< OptionalContentGroup > > &getOCGs() const { return optionalContentGroups; }
OptionalContentGroup* findOcgByRef( const Ref ref);
// Get the root node of the optional content group display tree
// (which does not necessarily include all of the OCGs).
OCDisplayNode *getDisplayRoot();
Array* getOrderArray()
{ return (order.isArray() && order.arrayGetLength() > 0) ? order.getArray() : nullptr; }
Array* getRBGroupsArray()
{ return (rbgroups.isArray() && rbgroups.arrayGetLength()) ? rbgroups.getArray() : nullptr; }
bool optContentIsVisible( const Object *dictRef );
bool ok;
bool evalOCVisibilityExpr(const Object *expr, int recursion);
bool allOn( Array *ocgArray );
bool allOff( Array *ocgArray );
bool anyOn( Array *ocgArray );
bool anyOff( Array *ocgArray );
std::unordered_map< Ref, std::unique_ptr< OptionalContentGroup > > optionalContentGroups;
Object order;
Object rbgroups;
XRef *m_xref;
std::unique_ptr< OCDisplayNode > display; // root node of display tree
class OptionalContentGroup {
enum State { On, Off };
// Values from the optional content usage dictionary.
enum UsageState {
OptionalContentGroup(Dict *dict);
OptionalContentGroup(GooString *label);
OptionalContentGroup(const OptionalContentGroup &) = delete;
OptionalContentGroup& operator=(const OptionalContentGroup &) = delete;
const GooString* getName() const;
Ref getRef() const;
void setRef(const Ref ref);
State getState() const { return m_state; };
void setState(State state) { m_state = state; };
UsageState getViewState() const { return viewState; }
UsageState getPrintState() const { return printState; }
GooString *m_name;
Ref m_ref;
State m_state;
UsageState viewState; // suggested state when viewing
UsageState printState; // suggested state when printing
class OCDisplayNode {
static OCDisplayNode *parse(const Object *obj, OCGs *oc, XRef *xref, int recursion = 0);
OCDisplayNode(const OCDisplayNode &) = delete;
OCDisplayNode& operator=(const OCDisplayNode &) = delete;
const GooString *getName() const { return name; }
const OptionalContentGroup *getOCG() const { return ocg; }
int getNumChildren() const;
OCDisplayNode *getChild(int idx) const;
OCDisplayNode(const GooString *nameA);
OCDisplayNode(OptionalContentGroup *ocgA);
void addChild(OCDisplayNode *child);
void addChildren(std::vector<OCDisplayNode*> *childrenA);
std::vector<OCDisplayNode*> *takeChildren();
GooString *name; // display name (may be nullptr)
OptionalContentGroup *ocg; // nullptr for display labels
std::vector<OCDisplayNode*> *children; // nullptr if there are no children
// [OCDisplayNode]