blob: 6ed890a8f1fee72552924d0272d732dca0eb7aa0 [file] [log] [blame]
* XpdfPluginAPI.h
* Copyright 2004 Glyph & Cog, LLC
// Modified under the Poppler project -
// All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed
// under GPL version 2 or later
// Copyright (C) 2012 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2014 Bogdan Cristea <>
// Copyright (C) 2014 Peter Breitenlohner <>
// To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that
// came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
#define Object XtObject
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#undef Object
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Macros
* The current API version.
#define xpdfPluginAPIVersion 1
#ifdef _WIN32
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define PLUGINFUNC(retType) extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) retType
# else
# define PLUGINFUNC(retType) extern __declspec(dllexport) retType
# endif
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define PLUGINFUNC(retType) extern "C" retType
# else
# define PLUGINFUNC(retType) extern retType
# endif
* Plugin setup/cleanup
* All plugins are required to implement two functions:
* -- Initialize the plugin. Returns non-zero if successful.
* PLUGINFUNC(XpdfBool) xpdfInitPlugin(void);
* -- Free the plugin.
* PLUGINFUNC(void) xpdfFreePlugin(void);
* Types
* Standard C boolean -- zero = false, non-zero = true.
typedef int XpdfBool;
#define xpdfTrue 1
#define xpdfFalse 0
* PDF document handle.
typedef struct _XpdfDoc *XpdfDoc;
* PDF object handle.
typedef struct _XpdfObject *XpdfObject;
* Document access permissions. Any of these can be bitwise 'or'ed
* together. If xpdfPermissionOpen is not included, the document
* cannot be opened at all, and the other bits are ignored.
typedef unsigned int XpdfPermission;
#define xpdfPermissionOpen (1 << 0)
#define xpdfPermissionPrint (1 << 2)
#define xpdfPermissionChange (1 << 3)
#define xpdfPermissionCopy (1 << 4)
#define xpdfPermissionNotes (1 << 5)
* Security handler
* XpdfSecurityHandler - a security handler plugin should create one
* of these and pass it to xpdfRegisterSecurityHandler.
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct XpdfSecurityHandler {
typedef struct {
* Version of the security handler spec (this document) -- use
* xpdfPluginAPIVersion.
int version;
* Security handler name.
char *name;
* Any global data the security handler needs. XpdfViewer will pass
* this pointer to all handler functions as the <handlerData>
* argument.
void *handlerData;
* Allocate and initialize data for a new document. XpdfViewer will
* pass the returned pointer to all other handler functions as the
* <docData> argument. Returns non-zero if successful.
XpdfBool (*newDoc)(void *handlerData, XpdfDoc doc,
XpdfObject encryptDict, void **docData);
* Free the data allocated by newDoc.
void (*freeDoc)(void *handlerData, void *docData);
* Construct authorization data based on the supplied owner and user
* passwords (either or both of which may be NULL). This function
* is called in "batch" mode, i.e., if the password was supplied on
* the command line or via an Xpdf library API. It should not
* generate any user interaction (e.g., a password dialog). It is
* not required to support this function: the makeAuthData function
* pointer can be set to NULL. Returns non-zero if successful.
XpdfBool (*makeAuthData)(void *handlerData, void *docData,
char *ownerPassword, char *userPassword,
void **authData);
* Request any needed information (e.g., a password) from the user,
* and construct an authorization data object. Returns non-zero if
* successful.
XpdfBool (*getAuthData)(void *handlerData, void *docData,
void **authData);
* Free the data allocated by getAuthData.
void (*freeAuthData)(void *handlerData, void *docData,
void *authData);
* Request permission to access the document. This returns all
* permissions granted by authData.
XpdfPermission (*authorize)(void *handlerData, void *docData,
void *authData);
* Get the decryption key and algorithm version associated with the
* document. Returns non-zero if successful.
XpdfBool (*getKey)(void *handlerData, void *docData,
char **key, int *keyLen, int *cryptVersion, int *cryptRevision);
* Free the data allocated by getKey.
void (*freeKey)(void *handlerData, void *docData,
char *key, int keyLen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} XpdfSecurityHandler;
typedef struct {
int version;
* Document access functions
* Get a document's info dictionary. (The returned object must be
* freed with xpdfFreeObj.)
XpdfObject (*_xpdfGetInfoDict)(XpdfDoc doc);
* Get a document's catalog ("root") dictionary. (The returned object
* must be freed with xpdfFreeObj.)
XpdfObject (*_xpdfGetCatalog)(XpdfDoc doc);
* Object access functions
* Check an object's type.
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsBool)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsInt)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsReal)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsString)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsName)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsNull)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsArray)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsDict)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsStream)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfBool (*_xpdfObjIsRef)(XpdfObject obj);
* Value access.
* (Objects returned by xpdfArrayGet and xpdfDictGet must be freed
* with xpdfFreeObj.)
XpdfBool (*_xpdfBoolValue)(XpdfObject obj);
int (*_xpdfIntValue)(XpdfObject obj);
double (*_xpdfRealValue)(XpdfObject obj);
int (*_xpdfStringLength)(XpdfObject obj);
char *(*_xpdfStringValue)(XpdfObject obj);
char *(*_xpdfNameValue)(XpdfObject obj);
int (*_xpdfArrayLength)(XpdfObject obj);
XpdfObject (*_xpdfArrayGet)(XpdfObject obj, int idx);
XpdfObject (*_xpdfDictGet)(XpdfObject obj, char *key);
* Object destruction. NB: *all* objects must be freed after use.
void (*_xpdfFreeObj)(XpdfObject obj);
* Memory allocation functions
void *(*_xpdfMalloc)(int size);
void *(*_xpdfRealloc)(void *p, int size);
void (*_xpdfFree)(void *p);
* Security handler functions
* Register a new security handler.
void (*_xpdfRegisterSecurityHandler)(XpdfSecurityHandler *handler);
} XpdfPluginVecTable;
#ifdef _WIN32
extern __declspec(dllexport) XpdfPluginVecTable xpdfPluginVecTable;
#define xpdfPluginSetup \
extern __declspec(dllexport) \
XpdfPluginVecTable xpdfPluginVecTable = {xpdfPluginAPIVersion};
extern XpdfPluginVecTable xpdfPluginVecTable;
#define xpdfPluginSetup \
XpdfPluginVecTable xpdfPluginVecTable = {xpdfPluginAPIVersion};
#define xpdfGetInfoDict (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfGetInfoDict)
#define xpdfGetCatalog (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfGetCatalog)
#ifdef _WIN32
#define xpdfWin32GetWindow (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfWin32GetWindow)
#define xpdfXGetWindow (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfXGetWindow)
#define xpdfObjIsBool (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsBool)
#define xpdfObjIsInt (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsInt)
#define xpdfObjIsReal (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsReal)
#define xpdfObjIsString (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsString)
#define xpdfObjIsName (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsName)
#define xpdfObjIsNull (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsNull)
#define xpdfObjIsArray (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsArray)
#define xpdfObjIsDict (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsDict)
#define xpdfObjIsStream (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsStream)
#define xpdfObjIsRef (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfObjIsRef)
#define xpdfBoolValue (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfBoolValue)
#define xpdfIntValue (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfIntValue)
#define xpdfRealValue (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfRealValue)
#define xpdfStringLength (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfStringLength)
#define xpdfStringValue (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfStringValue)
#define xpdfNameValue (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfNameValue)
#define xpdfArrayLength (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfArrayLength)
#define xpdfArrayGet (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfArrayGet)
#define xpdfDictGet (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfDictGet)
#define xpdfFreeObj (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfFreeObj)
#define xpdfMalloc (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfMalloc)
#define xpdfRealloc (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfRealloc)
#define xpdfFree (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfFree)
#define xpdfRegisterSecurityHandler (*xpdfPluginVecTable._xpdfRegisterSecurityHandler)
#ifdef __cplusplus