blob: ba7df2cfb993d97247f6aded85dc91b79afe4718 [file] [log] [blame]
// UnicodeMap.h
// Mapping from Unicode to an encoding.
// Copyright 2001-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
#pragma interface
#include "poppler-config.h"
#include "goo/gtypes.h"
#include "CharTypes.h"
#include "goo/GooMutex.h"
class GooString;
enum UnicodeMapKind {
unicodeMapUser, // read from a file
unicodeMapResident, // static list of ranges
unicodeMapFunc // function pointer
typedef int (*UnicodeMapFunc)(Unicode u, char *buf, int bufSize);
struct UnicodeMapRange {
Unicode start, end; // range of Unicode chars
Guint code, nBytes; // first output code
struct UnicodeMapExt;
class UnicodeMap {
// Create the UnicodeMap specified by <encodingName>. Sets the
// initial reference count to 1. Returns NULL on failure.
static UnicodeMap *parse(GooString *encodingNameA);
// Create a resident UnicodeMap.
UnicodeMap(const char *encodingNameA, GBool unicodeOutA,
UnicodeMapRange *rangesA, int lenA);
// Create a resident UnicodeMap that uses a function instead of a
// list of ranges.
UnicodeMap(const char *encodingNameA, GBool unicodeOutA,
UnicodeMapFunc funcA);
void incRefCnt();
void decRefCnt();
GooString *getEncodingName() { return encodingName; }
GBool isUnicode() { return unicodeOut; }
// Return true if this UnicodeMap matches the specified
// <encodingNameA>.
GBool match(GooString *encodingNameA);
// Map Unicode to the target encoding. Fills in <buf> with the
// output and returns the number of bytes used. Output will be
// truncated at <bufSize> bytes. No string terminator is written.
// Returns 0 if no mapping is found.
int mapUnicode(Unicode u, char *buf, int bufSize);
UnicodeMap(GooString *encodingNameA);
GooString *encodingName;
UnicodeMapKind kind;
GBool unicodeOut;
union {
UnicodeMapRange *ranges; // (user, resident)
UnicodeMapFunc func; // (func)
int len; // (user, resident)
UnicodeMapExt *eMaps; // (user)
int eMapsLen; // (user)
int refCnt;
GooMutex mutex;
#define unicodeMapCacheSize 4
class UnicodeMapCache {
// Get the UnicodeMap for <encodingName>. Increments its reference
// count; there will be one reference for the cache plus one for the
// caller of this function. Returns NULL on failure.
UnicodeMap *getUnicodeMap(GooString *encodingName);
UnicodeMap *cache[unicodeMapCacheSize];