blob: 6c6482dfe659dcbd34df994b67e7364406a17c62 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <poppler-qt5.h>
#include <poppler-form.h>
#include <Form.h>
class TestForms: public QObject
TestForms(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) { }
private slots:
void testCheckbox();// Test for issue #655
void testCheckboxIssue159();// Test for issue #159
void TestForms::testCheckbox()
// Test for checkbox issue #655
QScopedPointer< Poppler::Document > document(Poppler::Document::load(TESTDATADIR "/unittestcases/latex-hyperref-checkbox-issue-655.pdf"));
QVERIFY( document );
QScopedPointer< Poppler::Page > page(document->page(0));
QVERIFY( page );
QList<Poppler::FormField*> forms = page->formFields();
QCOMPARE( forms.size(), 1 );
Poppler::FormField *form =;
QCOMPARE( form->type() , Poppler::FormField::FormButton );
Poppler::FormFieldButton *chkFormFieldButton = static_cast<Poppler::FormFieldButton *>(form);
// Test this is actually a Checkbox
QCOMPARE( chkFormFieldButton->buttonType() , Poppler::FormFieldButton::CheckBox );
// checkbox comes initially 'unchecked'
QCOMPARE( chkFormFieldButton->state() , false );
// let's mark it as 'checked'
chkFormFieldButton->setState( true );
// now test if it was succesfully 'checked'
QCOMPARE( chkFormFieldButton->state() , true );
void TestForms::testCheckboxIssue159()
// Test for checkbox issue #159
QScopedPointer< Poppler::Document > document(Poppler::Document::load(TESTDATADIR "/unittestcases/checkbox_issue_159.pdf"));
QVERIFY( document );
QScopedPointer< Poppler::Page > page(document->page(0));
QVERIFY( page );
Poppler::FormFieldButton *beerFieldButton = nullptr;
Poppler::FormFieldButton *wineFieldButton = nullptr;
QList<Poppler::FormField*> forms = page->formFields();
// Let's find and assign the "Wine" and "Beer" radio buttons
Q_FOREACH (Poppler::FormField *field, forms) {
if (field->type() != Poppler::FormField::FormButton)
Poppler::FormFieldButton *fieldButton = static_cast<Poppler::FormFieldButton *>(field);
if (fieldButton->buttonType() != Poppler::FormFieldButton::Radio)
//printf("%s \n", fieldButton->caption().toLatin1().data());
if (fieldButton->caption() == QStringLiteral("Wine")) {
wineFieldButton = fieldButton;
} else if (fieldButton->caption() == QStringLiteral("Beer")) {
beerFieldButton = fieldButton;
// "Beer" and "Wine" radiobuttons belong to the same RadioButton group.
// So selecting one should unselect the other.
QVERIFY( beerFieldButton );
QVERIFY( wineFieldButton );
// Test that the RadioButton group comes with "Beer" initially selected
QCOMPARE( beerFieldButton->state() , true );
// Now select "Wine". As a result "Beer" should no longer be selected.
// Test that "Beer" is indeed not reporting as being selected
QCOMPARE( beerFieldButton->state() , false );
#include "check_forms.moc"