blob: 5d7cc6baa246d4261bed4e5edb9fe52dd6373a7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
// Modified under the Poppler project -
// All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed
// under GPL version 2 or later
// Copyright (C) 2005 Kristian Høgsberg <>
// Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Jeff Muizelaar <>
// Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Carlos Garcia Campos <>
// Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2009, 2012 Koji Otani <>
// Copyright (C) 2009, 2011-2016 Thomas Freitag <>
// Copyright (C) 2009 Christian Persch <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Paweł Wiejacha <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Christian Feuersänger <>
// Copyright (C) 2011 Andrea Canciani <>
// Copyright (C) 2012 William Bader <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Lu Wang <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Hib Eris <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Fabio D'Urso <>
// Copyright (C) 2015 Adrian Johnson <>
// Copyright (C) 2016 Marek Kasik <>
// Copyright (C) 2017 Oliver Sander <>
// Copyright (C) 2018 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, <>. Work sponsored by the LiMux project of the city of Munich
// To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that
// came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git
#include <config.h>
#pragma implementation
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "goo/gmem.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include "Array.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "Gfx.h"
#include "GfxState.h"
#include "GfxState_helpers.h"
#include "GfxFont.h"
#include "GlobalParams.h"
#include "PopplerCache.h"
#include "OutputDev.h"
#include "splash/SplashTypes.h"
// Max depth of nested color spaces. This is used to catch infinite
// loops in the color space object structure.
#define colorSpaceRecursionLimit 8
GBool Matrix::invertTo(Matrix *other) const
double det;
det = 1 / determinant();
other->m[0] = m[3] * det;
other->m[1] = -m[1] * det;
other->m[2] = -m[2] * det;
other->m[3] = m[0] * det;
other->m[4] = (m[2] * m[5] - m[3] * m[4]) * det;
other->m[5] = (m[1] * m[4] - m[0] * m[5]) * det;
return gTrue;
void Matrix::translate(double tx, double ty)
double x0 = tx*m[0] + ty*m[2] + m[4];
double y0 = tx*m[1] + ty*m[3] + m[5];
m[4] = x0;
m[5] = y0;
void Matrix::scale(double sx, double sy)
m[0] *= sx;
m[1] *= sx;
m[2] *= sy;
m[3] *= sy;
void Matrix::transform(double x, double y, double *tx, double *ty) const
double temp_x, temp_y;
temp_x = m[0] * x + m[2] * y + m[4];
temp_y = m[1] * x + m[3] * y + m[5];
*tx = temp_x;
*ty = temp_y;
// Matrix norm, taken from _cairo_matrix_transformed_circle_major_axis
double Matrix::norm() const
double f, g, h, i, j;
i = m[0]*m[0] + m[1]*m[1];
j = m[2]*m[2] + m[3]*m[3];
f = 0.5 * (i + j);
g = 0.5 * (i - j);
h = m[0]*m[2] + m[1]*m[3];
return sqrt (f + hypot (g, h));
struct GfxBlendModeInfo {
const char *name;
GfxBlendMode mode;
static const GfxBlendModeInfo gfxBlendModeNames[] = {
{ "Normal", gfxBlendNormal },
{ "Compatible", gfxBlendNormal },
{ "Multiply", gfxBlendMultiply },
{ "Screen", gfxBlendScreen },
{ "Overlay", gfxBlendOverlay },
{ "Darken", gfxBlendDarken },
{ "Lighten", gfxBlendLighten },
{ "ColorDodge", gfxBlendColorDodge },
{ "ColorBurn", gfxBlendColorBurn },
{ "HardLight", gfxBlendHardLight },
{ "SoftLight", gfxBlendSoftLight },
{ "Difference", gfxBlendDifference },
{ "Exclusion", gfxBlendExclusion },
{ "Hue", gfxBlendHue },
{ "Saturation", gfxBlendSaturation },
{ "Color", gfxBlendColor },
{ "Luminosity", gfxBlendLuminosity }
#define nGfxBlendModeNames \
((int)((sizeof(gfxBlendModeNames) / sizeof(GfxBlendModeInfo))))
// NB: This must match the GfxColorSpaceMode enum defined in
// GfxState.h
static const char *gfxColorSpaceModeNames[] = {
#define nGfxColorSpaceModes ((sizeof(gfxColorSpaceModeNames) / sizeof(char *)))
#ifdef USE_CMS
static const std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::size_type CMSCACHE_LIMIT = 2048;
#include <lcms2.h>
#define COLOR_PROFILE_DIR "/ColorProfiles/"
void GfxColorTransform::doTransform(void *in, void *out, unsigned int size) {
cmsDoTransform(transform, in, out, size);
// transformA should be a cmsHTRANSFORM
GfxColorTransform::GfxColorTransform(void *transformA, int cmsIntentA, unsigned int inputPixelTypeA, unsigned int transformPixelTypeA) {
transform = transformA;
refCount = 1;
cmsIntent = cmsIntentA;
inputPixelType = inputPixelTypeA;
transformPixelType = transformPixelTypeA;
GfxColorTransform::~GfxColorTransform() {
void GfxColorTransform::ref() {
unsigned int GfxColorTransform::unref() {
return --refCount;
static cmsHPROFILE RGBProfile = nullptr;
static GooString *displayProfileName = nullptr; // display profile file Name
static cmsHPROFILE displayProfile = nullptr; // display profile
static unsigned int displayPixelType = 0;
static GfxColorTransform *XYZ2DisplayTransform = nullptr;
// convert color space signature to cmsColor type
static unsigned int getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs);
static unsigned int getCMSNChannels(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs);
static cmsHPROFILE loadColorProfile(const char *fileName);
void GfxColorSpace::setDisplayProfile(void *displayProfileA) {
displayProfile = displayProfileA;
if (displayProfile != nullptr) {
cmsHTRANSFORM transform;
unsigned int nChannels;
displayPixelType = getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsGetColorSpace(displayProfile));
nChannels = getCMSNChannels(cmsGetColorSpace(displayProfile));
// create transform from XYZ
cmsHPROFILE XYZProfile = cmsCreateXYZProfile();
if ((transform = cmsCreateTransform(XYZProfile, TYPE_XYZ_DBL,
COLORSPACE_SH(displayPixelType) |
CHANNELS_SH(nChannels) | BYTES_SH(1),
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create Lab transform");
} else {
XYZ2DisplayTransform = new GfxColorTransform(transform, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, PT_XYZ, displayPixelType);
void GfxColorSpace::setDisplayProfileName(GooString *name) {
displayProfileName = name->copy();
cmsHPROFILE GfxColorSpace::getRGBProfile() {
return RGBProfile;
cmsHPROFILE GfxColorSpace::getDisplayProfile() {
return displayProfile;
// GfxColorSpace
GfxColorSpace::GfxColorSpace() {
overprintMask = 0x0f;
mapping = nullptr;
GfxColorSpace::~GfxColorSpace() {
GfxColorSpace *GfxColorSpace::parse(GfxResources *res, Object *csObj, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion) {
GfxColorSpace *cs;
Object obj1;
if (recursion > colorSpaceRecursionLimit) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Loop detected in color space objects");
return nullptr;
cs = nullptr;
if (csObj->isName()) {
if (csObj->isName("DeviceGray") || csObj->isName("G")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultGray");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
} else if (csObj->isName("DeviceRGB") || csObj->isName("RGB")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultRGB");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
} else if (csObj->isName("DeviceCMYK") || csObj->isName("CMYK")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultCMYK");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
} else if (csObj->isName("Pattern")) {
cs = new GfxPatternColorSpace(nullptr);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space '{0:s}'", csObj->getName());
} else if (csObj->isArray() && csObj->arrayGetLength() > 0) {
obj1 = csObj->arrayGet(0);
if (obj1.isName("DeviceGray") || obj1.isName("G")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultGray");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceRGB") || obj1.isName("RGB")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultRGB");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceCMYK") || obj1.isName("CMYK")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultCMYK");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("CalGray")) {
cs = GfxCalGrayColorSpace::parse(csObj->getArray(), state);
} else if (obj1.isName("CalRGB")) {
cs = GfxCalRGBColorSpace::parse(csObj->getArray(), state);
} else if (obj1.isName("Lab")) {
cs = GfxLabColorSpace::parse(csObj->getArray(), state);
} else if (obj1.isName("ICCBased")) {
cs = GfxICCBasedColorSpace::parse(csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else if (obj1.isName("Indexed") || obj1.isName("I")) {
cs = GfxIndexedColorSpace::parse(res, csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else if (obj1.isName("Separation")) {
cs = GfxSeparationColorSpace::parse(res, csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceN")) {
cs = GfxDeviceNColorSpace::parse(res, csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else if (obj1.isName("Pattern")) {
cs = GfxPatternColorSpace::parse(res, csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space");
} else if (csObj->isDict()) {
obj1 = csObj->dictLookup("ColorSpace");
if (obj1.isName("DeviceGray")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultGray");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceRGB")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultRGB");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceCMYK")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultCMYK");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space dict'");
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space - expected name or array or dict");
return cs;
void GfxColorSpace::createMapping(GooList *separationList, int maxSepComps) {
void GfxColorSpace::getDefaultRanges(double *decodeLow, double *decodeRange,
int maxImgPixel) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < getNComps(); ++i) {
decodeLow[i] = 0;
decodeRange[i] = 1;
int GfxColorSpace::getNumColorSpaceModes() {
return nGfxColorSpaceModes;
const char *GfxColorSpace::getColorSpaceModeName(int idx) {
return gfxColorSpaceModeNames[idx];
#ifdef USE_CMS
cmsHPROFILE loadColorProfile(const char *fileName)
cmsHPROFILE hp = nullptr;
FILE *fp;
if (fileName[0] == '/') {
// full path
// check if open the file
if ((fp = fopen(fileName,"r")) != nullptr) {
hp = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(fileName,"r");
return hp;
// try to load from global directory
GooString *path = new GooString(GLOBAL_COLOR_PROFILE_DIR);
// check if open the file
if ((fp = fopen(path->getCString(),"r")) != nullptr) {
hp = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(path->getCString(),"r");
delete path;
return hp;
static void CMSError(cmsContext /*contextId*/, cmsUInt32Number /*ecode*/, const char *text)
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "{0:s}", text);
int GfxColorSpace::setupColorProfiles()
static GBool initialized = gFalse;
cmsHTRANSFORM transform;
unsigned int nChannels;
// do only once
if (initialized) return 0;
initialized = gTrue;
// set error handlor
if (displayProfile == nullptr) {
// load display profile if it was not already loaded.
if (displayProfileName == nullptr) {
displayProfile = loadColorProfile("display.icc");
} else if (displayProfileName->getLength() > 0) {
displayProfile = loadColorProfile(displayProfileName->getCString());
// load RGB profile
RGBProfile = loadColorProfile("RGB.icc");
if (RGBProfile == nullptr) {
/* use built in sRGB profile */
RGBProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
// create transforms
if (displayProfile != nullptr) {
displayPixelType = getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsGetColorSpace(displayProfile));
nChannels = getCMSNChannels(cmsGetColorSpace(displayProfile));
// create transform from XYZ
cmsHPROFILE XYZProfile = cmsCreateXYZProfile();
if ((transform = cmsCreateTransform(XYZProfile, TYPE_XYZ_DBL,
COLORSPACE_SH(displayPixelType) |
CHANNELS_SH(nChannels) | BYTES_SH(1),
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create Lab transform");
} else {
XYZ2DisplayTransform = new GfxColorTransform(transform, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, PT_XYZ, displayPixelType);
return 0;
unsigned int getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs)
switch (cs) {
case cmsSigXYZData:
return PT_XYZ;
case cmsSigLabData:
return PT_Lab;
case cmsSigLuvData:
return PT_YUV;
case cmsSigYCbCrData:
return PT_YCbCr;
case cmsSigYxyData:
return PT_Yxy;
case cmsSigRgbData:
return PT_RGB;
case cmsSigGrayData:
return PT_GRAY;
case cmsSigHsvData:
return PT_HSV;
case cmsSigHlsData:
return PT_HLS;
case cmsSigCmykData:
return PT_CMYK;
case cmsSigCmyData:
return PT_CMY;
case cmsSig2colorData:
case cmsSig3colorData:
case cmsSig4colorData:
case cmsSig5colorData:
case cmsSig6colorData:
case cmsSig7colorData:
case cmsSig8colorData:
case cmsSig9colorData:
case cmsSig10colorData:
case cmsSig11colorData:
case cmsSig12colorData:
case cmsSig13colorData:
case cmsSig14colorData:
case cmsSig15colorData:
return PT_RGB;
unsigned int getCMSNChannels(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs)
switch (cs) {
case cmsSigXYZData:
case cmsSigLuvData:
case cmsSigLabData:
case cmsSigYCbCrData:
case cmsSigYxyData:
case cmsSigRgbData:
case cmsSigHsvData:
case cmsSigHlsData:
case cmsSigCmyData:
case cmsSig3colorData:
return 3;
case cmsSigGrayData:
return 1;
case cmsSigCmykData:
case cmsSig4colorData:
return 4;
case cmsSig2colorData:
return 2;
case cmsSig5colorData:
return 5;
case cmsSig6colorData:
return 6;
case cmsSig7colorData:
return 7;
case cmsSig8colorData:
return 8;
case cmsSig9colorData:
return 9;
case cmsSig10colorData:
return 10;
case cmsSig11colorData:
return 11;
case cmsSig12colorData:
return 12;
case cmsSig13colorData:
return 13;
case cmsSig14colorData:
return 14;
case cmsSig15colorData:
return 15;
return 3;
// GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace
GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace() {
GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::~GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace() {
GfxColorSpace *GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::copy() {
return new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getGray(GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) {
*gray = clip01(color->c[0]);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getGrayLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
memcpy (out, in, length);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getRGB(GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) {
rgb->r = rgb->g = rgb->b = clip01(color->c[0]);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getRGBLine(Guchar *in, unsigned int *out,
int length) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
out[i] = (in[i] << 16) | (in[i] << 8) | (in[i] << 0);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getRGBLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = in[i];
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getRGBXLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = 255;
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getCMYKLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = 0;
*out++ = 0;
*out++ = 0;
*out++ = in[i];
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS+4; j++)
out[j] = 0;
out[4] = in[i];
out += (SPOT_NCOMPS+4);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getCMYK(GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) {
cmyk->c = cmyk->m = cmyk->y = 0;
cmyk->k = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getDeviceN(GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) {
for (int i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; i++)
deviceN->c[i] = 0;
deviceN->c[3] = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) {
color->c[0] = 0;
// GfxCalGrayColorSpace
GfxCalGrayColorSpace::GfxCalGrayColorSpace() {
whiteX = whiteY = whiteZ = 1;
blackX = blackY = blackZ = 0;
gamma = 1;
GfxCalGrayColorSpace::~GfxCalGrayColorSpace() {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr) {
if (transform->unref() == 0) delete transform;
GfxColorSpace *GfxCalGrayColorSpace::copy() {
GfxCalGrayColorSpace *cs;
cs = new GfxCalGrayColorSpace();
cs->whiteX = whiteX;
cs->whiteY = whiteY;
cs->whiteZ = whiteZ;
cs->blackX = blackX;
cs->blackY = blackY;
cs->blackZ = blackZ;
cs->gamma = gamma;
cs->kr = kr;
cs->kg = kg;
cs->kb = kb;
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = transform;
if (transform != nullptr) transform->ref();
return cs;
// This is the inverse of MatrixLMN in Example 4.10 from the PostScript
// Language Reference, Third Edition.
static const double xyzrgb[3][3] = {
{ 3.240449, -1.537136, -0.498531 },
{ -0.969265, 1.876011, 0.041556 },
{ 0.055643, -0.204026, 1.057229 }
GfxColorSpace *GfxCalGrayColorSpace::parse(Array *arr, GfxState *state) {
GfxCalGrayColorSpace *cs;
Object obj1, obj2;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad CalGray color space");
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxCalGrayColorSpace();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("WhitePoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(0);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->whiteX = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(1);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->whiteY = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->whiteZ = obj3.getNum();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("BlackPoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(0);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->blackX = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(1);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->blackY = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->blackZ = obj3.getNum();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("Gamma");
if (obj2.isNum()) {
cs->gamma = obj2.getNum();
cs->kr = 1 / (xyzrgb[0][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[0][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[0][2] * cs->whiteZ);
cs->kg = 1 / (xyzrgb[1][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[1][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[1][2] * cs->whiteZ);
cs->kb = 1 / (xyzrgb[2][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[2][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[2][2] * cs->whiteZ);
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = (state != nullptr) ? state->getXYZ2DisplayTransform() : XYZ2DisplayTransform;
if (cs->transform != nullptr) cs->transform->ref();
return cs;
// convert CalGray to media XYZ color space
// (not multiply by the white point)
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getXYZ(GfxColor *color,
double *pX, double *pY, double *pZ) {
const double A = colToDbl(color->c[0]);
const double xyzColor = pow(A,gamma);
*pX = xyzColor;
*pY = xyzColor;
*pZ = xyzColor;
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getGray(GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) {
GfxRGB rgb;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_GRAY) {
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
double X, Y, Z;
in[0] = clip01(X);
in[1] = clip01(Y);
in[2] = clip01(Z);
*gray = byteToCol(out[0]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.299 * rgb.r +
0.587 * rgb.g +
0.114 * rgb.b + 0.5));
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getRGB(GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) {
double X, Y, Z;
double r, g, b;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
in[0] = clip01(X);
in[1] = clip01(Y);
in[2] = clip01(Z);
rgb->r = byteToCol(out[0]);
rgb->g = byteToCol(out[1]);
rgb->b = byteToCol(out[2]);
X *= whiteX;
Y *= whiteY;
Z *= whiteZ;
// convert XYZ to RGB, including gamut mapping and gamma correction
r = xyzrgb[0][0] * X + xyzrgb[0][1] * Y + xyzrgb[0][2] * Z;
g = xyzrgb[1][0] * X + xyzrgb[1][1] * Y + xyzrgb[1][2] * Z;
b = xyzrgb[2][0] * X + xyzrgb[2][1] * Y + xyzrgb[2][2] * Z;
rgb->r = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(r * kr)));
rgb->g = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(g * kg)));
rgb->b = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(b * kb)));
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getCMYK(GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) {
GfxRGB rgb;
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double X, Y, Z;
in[0] = clip01(X);
in[1] = clip01(Y);
in[2] = clip01(Z);
cmyk->c = byteToCol(out[0]);
cmyk->m = byteToCol(out[1]);
cmyk->y = byteToCol(out[2]);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(out[3]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.r);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.g);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.b);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getDeviceN(GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) {
GfxCMYK cmyk;
for (int i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; i++)
deviceN->c[i] = 0;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) {
color->c[0] = 0;
// GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace
GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace() {
GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::~GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace() {
GfxColorSpace *GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::copy() {
return new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getGray(GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) {
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.3 * color->c[0] +
0.59 * color->c[1] +
0.11 * color->c[2] + 0.5));
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getGrayLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
out[i] =
(in[i * 3 + 0] * 19595 +
in[i * 3 + 1] * 38469 +
in[i * 3 + 2] * 7472) / 65536;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getRGB(GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) {
rgb->r = clip01(color->c[0]);
rgb->g = clip01(color->c[1]);
rgb->b = clip01(color->c[2]);
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getRGBLine(Guchar *in, unsigned int *out,
int length) {
Guchar *p;
int i;
for (i = 0, p = in; i < length; i++, p += 3)
out[i] = (p[0] << 16) | (p[1] << 8) | (p[2] << 0);
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getRGBLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getRGBXLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = 255;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getCMYKLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
c = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
m = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
y = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
*out++ = colToByte(c - k);
*out++ = colToByte(m - k);
*out++ = colToByte(y - k);
*out++ = colToByte(k);
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS+4; j++)
out[j] = 0;
c = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
m = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
y = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
out[0] = colToByte(c - k);
out[1] = colToByte(m - k);
out[2] = colToByte(y - k);
out[3] = colToByte(k);
out += (SPOT_NCOMPS+4);
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getCMYK(GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) {
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[1]);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[2]);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getDeviceN(GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) {
GfxCMYK cmyk;
for (int i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; i++)
deviceN->c[i] = 0;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) {
color->c[0] = 0;
color->c[1] = 0;
color->c[2] = 0;
// GfxCalRGBColorSpace
GfxCalRGBColorSpace::GfxCalRGBColorSpace() {
whiteX = whiteY = whiteZ = 1;
blackX = blackY = blackZ = 0;
gammaR = gammaG = gammaB = 1;
mat[0] = 1; mat[1] = 0; mat[2] = 0;
mat[3] = 0; mat[4] = 1; mat[5] = 0;
mat[6] = 0; mat[7] = 0; mat[8] = 1;
GfxCalRGBColorSpace::~GfxCalRGBColorSpace() {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr) {
if (transform->unref() == 0) delete transform;
GfxColorSpace *GfxCalRGBColorSpace::copy() {
GfxCalRGBColorSpace *cs;
int i;
cs = new GfxCalRGBColorSpace();
cs->whiteX = whiteX;
cs->whiteY = whiteY;
cs->whiteZ = whiteZ;
cs->blackX = blackX;
cs->blackY = blackY;
cs->blackZ = blackZ;
cs->gammaR = gammaR;
cs->gammaG = gammaG;
cs->gammaB = gammaB;
cs->kr = kr;
cs->kg = kg;
cs->kb = kb;
for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
cs->mat[i] = mat[i];
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = transform;
if (transform != nullptr) transform->ref();
return cs;
GfxColorSpace *GfxCalRGBColorSpace::parse(Array *arr, GfxState *state) {
GfxCalRGBColorSpace *cs;
Object obj1, obj2;
int i;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad CalRGB color space");
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxCalRGBColorSpace();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("WhitePoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(0);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->whiteX = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(1);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->whiteY = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->whiteZ = obj3.getNum();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("BlackPoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(0);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->blackX = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(1);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->blackY = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->blackZ = obj3.getNum();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("Gamma");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(0);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->gammaR = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(1);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->gammaG = obj3.getNum();
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->gammaB = obj3.getNum();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("Matrix");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 9) {
for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(i);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->mat[i] = obj3.getNum();
cs->kr = 1 / (xyzrgb[0][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[0][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[0][2] * cs->whiteZ);
cs->kg = 1 / (xyzrgb[1][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[1][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[1][2] * cs->whiteZ);
cs->kb = 1 / (xyzrgb[2][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[2][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[2][2] * cs->whiteZ);
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = (state != nullptr) ? state->getXYZ2DisplayTransform() : XYZ2DisplayTransform;
if (cs->transform != nullptr) cs->transform->ref();
return cs;
// convert CalRGB to XYZ color space
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getXYZ(GfxColor *color,
double *pX, double *pY, double *pZ) {
double A, B, C;
A = pow(colToDbl(color->c[0]), gammaR);
B = pow(colToDbl(color->c[1]), gammaG);
C = pow(colToDbl(color->c[2]), gammaB);
*pX = mat[0] * A + mat[3] * B + mat[6] * C;
*pY = mat[1] * A + mat[4] * B + mat[7] * C;
*pZ = mat[2] * A + mat[5] * B + mat[8] * C;
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getGray(GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) {
GfxRGB rgb;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_GRAY) {
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
double X, Y, Z;
in[0] = clip01(X);
in[1] = clip01(Y);
in[2] = clip01(Z);
*gray = byteToCol(out[0]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.299 * rgb.r +
0.587 * rgb.g +
0.114 * rgb.b + 0.5));
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getRGB(GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) {
double X, Y, Z;
double r, g, b;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
in[0] = clip01(X/whiteX);
in[1] = clip01(Y/whiteY);
in[2] = clip01(Z/whiteZ);
rgb->r = byteToCol(out[0]);
rgb->g = byteToCol(out[1]);
rgb->b = byteToCol(out[2]);
// convert XYZ to RGB, including gamut mapping and gamma correction
r = xyzrgb[0][0] * X + xyzrgb[0][1] * Y + xyzrgb[0][2] * Z;
g = xyzrgb[1][0] * X + xyzrgb[1][1] * Y + xyzrgb[1][2] * Z;
b = xyzrgb[2][0] * X + xyzrgb[2][1] * Y + xyzrgb[2][2] * Z;
rgb->r = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(r)));
rgb->g = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(g)));
rgb->b = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(b)));
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getCMYK(GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) {
GfxRGB rgb;
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double X, Y, Z;
in[0] = clip01(X);
in[1] = clip01(Y);
in[2] = clip01(Z);
cmyk->c = byteToCol(out[0]);
cmyk->m = byteToCol(out[1]);
cmyk->y = byteToCol(out[2]);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(out[3]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.r);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.g);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.b);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getDeviceN(GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) {
GfxCMYK cmyk;
for (int i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; i++)
deviceN->c[i] = 0;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) {
color->c[0] = 0;
color->c[1] = 0;
color->c[2] = 0;
// GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace() {
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::~GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace() {
GfxColorSpace *GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::copy() {
return new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getGray(GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) {
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[3]
- 0.3 * color->c[0]
- 0.59 * color->c[1]
- 0.11 * color->c[2] + 0.5));
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getRGB(GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) {
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b;
c = colToDbl(color->c[0]);
m = colToDbl(color->c[1]);
y = colToDbl(color->c[2]);
k = colToDbl(color->c[3]);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
rgb->r = clip01(dblToCol(r));
rgb->g = clip01(dblToCol(g));
rgb->b = clip01(dblToCol(b));
static inline void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpacegetRGBLineHelper(Guchar *&in, double &r, double &g, double &b)
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1;
c = byteToDbl(*in++);
m = byteToDbl(*in++);
y = byteToDbl(*in++);
k = byteToDbl(*in++);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getRGBLine(Guchar *in, unsigned int *out, int length)
double r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpacegetRGBLineHelper(in, r, g, b);
*out++ = (dblToByte(clip01(r)) << 16) | (dblToByte(clip01(g)) << 8) | dblToByte(clip01(b));
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getRGBLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length)
double r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpacegetRGBLineHelper(in, r, g, b);
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(r));
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(g));
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(b));
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getRGBXLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length)
double r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpacegetRGBLineHelper(in, r, g, b);
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(r));
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(g));
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(b));
*out++ = 255;
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getCMYKLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS+4; j++)
out[j] = 0;
out[0] = *in++;
out[1] = *in++;
out[2] = *in++;
out[3] = *in++;
out += (SPOT_NCOMPS+4);
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getCMYK(GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) {
cmyk->c = clip01(color->c[0]);
cmyk->m = clip01(color->c[1]);
cmyk->y = clip01(color->c[2]);
cmyk->k = clip01(color->c[3]);
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getDeviceN(GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) {
for (int i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; i++)
deviceN->c[i] = 0;
deviceN->c[0] = clip01(color->c[0]);
deviceN->c[1] = clip01(color->c[1]);
deviceN->c[2] = clip01(color->c[2]);
deviceN->c[3] = clip01(color->c[3]);
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) {
color->c[0] = 0;
color->c[1] = 0;
color->c[2] = 0;
color->c[3] = gfxColorComp1;
// GfxLabColorSpace
GfxLabColorSpace::GfxLabColorSpace() {
whiteX = whiteY = whiteZ = 1;
blackX = blackY = blackZ = 0;
aMin = bMin = -100;
aMax = bMax = 100;
GfxLabColorSpace::~GfxLabColorSpace() {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr) {
if (transform->unref() == 0) delete transform;
GfxColorSpace *GfxLabColorSpace::copy() {
GfxLabColorSpace *cs;
cs = new GfxLabColorSpace();
cs->whiteX = whiteX;
cs->whiteY = whiteY;
cs->whiteZ = whiteZ;
cs->blackX = blackX;
cs->blackY = blackY;
cs->blackZ = blackZ;
cs->aMin = aMin;
cs->aMax = aMax;
cs->bMin = bMin;
cs->bMax = bMax;
cs->kr = kr;
cs->kg = kg;
cs->kb = kb;
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = transform;
if (transform != nullptr) transform->ref();
return cs;
GfxColorSpace *GfxLabColorSpace::parse(Array *arr, GfxState *state) {
GfxLabColorSpace *cs;
Object obj1, obj2;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Lab color space");
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxLabColorSpace();
bool ok = true;
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("WhitePoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(0);
cs->whiteX = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(1);
cs->whiteY = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2);
cs->whiteZ = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("BlackPoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(0);
cs->blackX = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(1);
cs->blackY = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2);
cs->blackZ = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("Range");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 4) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(0);
cs->aMin = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(1);
cs->aMax = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2);
cs->bMin = obj3.getNum(&ok);
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(3);
cs->bMax = obj3.getNum(&ok);
if (!ok) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Lab color space");
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = nullptr;
delete cs;
return nullptr;
cs->kr = 1 / (xyzrgb[0][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[0][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[0][2] * cs->whiteZ);
cs->kg = 1 / (xyzrgb[1][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[1][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[1][2] * cs->whiteZ);
cs->kb = 1 / (xyzrgb[2][0] * cs->whiteX +
xyzrgb[2][1] * cs->whiteY +
xyzrgb[2][2] * cs->whiteZ);
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = (state != nullptr) ? state->getXYZ2DisplayTransform() : XYZ2DisplayTransform;
if (cs->transform != nullptr) cs->transform->ref();
return cs;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getGray(GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) {
GfxRGB rgb;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_GRAY) {
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
getXYZ(color, &in[0], &in[1], &in[2]);
*gray = byteToCol(out[0]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.299 * rgb.r +
0.587 * rgb.g +
0.114 * rgb.b + 0.5));
// convert L*a*b* to media XYZ color space
// (not multiply by the white point)
void GfxLabColorSpace::getXYZ(GfxColor *color,
double *pX, double *pY, double *pZ) {
double X, Y, Z;
double t1, t2;
t1 = (colToDbl(color->c[0]) + 16) / 116;
t2 = t1 + colToDbl(color->c[1]) / 500;
if (t2 >= (6.0 / 29.0)) {
X = t2 * t2 * t2;
} else {
X = (108.0 / 841.0) * (t2 - (4.0 / 29.0));
if (t1 >= (6.0 / 29.0)) {
Y = t1 * t1 * t1;
} else {
Y = (108.0 / 841.0) * (t1 - (4.0 / 29.0));
t2 = t1 - colToDbl(color->c[2]) / 200;
if (t2 >= (6.0 / 29.0)) {
Z = t2 * t2 * t2;
} else {
Z = (108.0 / 841.0) * (t2 - (4.0 / 29.0));
*pX = X;
*pY = Y;
*pZ = Z;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getRGB(GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) {
double X, Y, Z;
getXYZ(color, &X, &Y, &Z);
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
in[0] = clip01(X);
in[1] = clip01(Y);
in[2] = clip01(Z);
rgb->r = byteToCol(out[0]);
rgb->g = byteToCol(out[1]);
rgb->b = byteToCol(out[2]);
} else if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b;
in[0] = clip01(X);
in[1] = clip01(Y);
in[2] = clip01(Z);
c = byteToDbl(out[0]);
m = byteToDbl(out[1]);
y = byteToDbl(out[2]);
k = byteToDbl(out[3]);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
rgb->r = clip01(dblToCol(r));
rgb->g = clip01(dblToCol(g));
rgb->b = clip01(dblToCol(b));
X *= whiteX;
Y *= whiteY;
Z *= whiteZ;
// convert XYZ to RGB, including gamut mapping and gamma correction
const double r = xyzrgb[0][0] * X + xyzrgb[0][1] * Y + xyzrgb[0][2] * Z;
const double g = xyzrgb[1][0] * X + xyzrgb[1][1] * Y + xyzrgb[1][2] * Z;
const double b = xyzrgb[2][0] * X + xyzrgb[2][1] * Y + xyzrgb[2][2] * Z;
rgb->r = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(r * kr)));
rgb->g = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(g * kg)));
rgb->b = dblToCol(sqrt(clip01(b * kb)));
void GfxLabColorSpace::getCMYK(GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) {
GfxRGB rgb;
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
getXYZ(color, &in[0], &in[1], &in[2]);
cmyk->c = byteToCol(out[0]);
cmyk->m = byteToCol(out[1]);
cmyk->y = byteToCol(out[2]);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(out[3]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.r);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.g);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.b);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getDeviceN(GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) {
GfxCMYK cmyk;
for (int i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; i++)
deviceN->c[i] = 0;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) {
color->c[0] = 0;
if (aMin > 0) {
color->c[1] = dblToCol(aMin);
} else if (aMax < 0) {
color->c[1] = dblToCol(aMax);
} else {
color->c[1] = 0;
if (bMin > 0) {
color->c[2] = dblToCol(bMin);
} else if (bMax < 0) {
color->c[2] = dblToCol(bMax);
} else {
color->c[2] = 0;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getDefaultRanges(double *decodeLow, double *decodeRange,
int maxImgPixel) {
decodeLow[0] = 0;
decodeRange[0] = 100;
decodeLow[1] = aMin;
decodeRange[1] = aMax - aMin;
decodeLow[2] = bMin;
decodeRange[2] = bMax - bMin;
// GfxICCBasedColorSpace
class GfxICCBasedColorSpaceKey : public PopplerCacheKey
GfxICCBasedColorSpaceKey(int numA, int genA) : num(numA), gen(genA)
bool operator==(const PopplerCacheKey &key) const override
const GfxICCBasedColorSpaceKey *k = static_cast<const GfxICCBasedColorSpaceKey*>(&key);
return k->num == num && k->gen == gen;
int num, gen;
class GfxICCBasedColorSpaceItem : public PopplerCacheItem
GfxICCBasedColorSpaceItem(GfxICCBasedColorSpace *csA)
cs = static_cast<GfxICCBasedColorSpace*>(csA->copy());
delete cs;
GfxICCBasedColorSpace *cs;
GfxICCBasedColorSpace::GfxICCBasedColorSpace(int nCompsA, GfxColorSpace *altA,
Ref *iccProfileStreamA) {
nComps = nCompsA;
alt = altA;
iccProfileStream = *iccProfileStreamA;
rangeMin[0] = rangeMin[1] = rangeMin[2] = rangeMin[3] = 0;
rangeMax[0] = rangeMax[1] = rangeMax[2] = rangeMax[3] = 1;
#ifdef USE_CMS
transform = nullptr;
lineTransform = nullptr;
GfxICCBasedColorSpace::~GfxICCBasedColorSpace() {
delete alt;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr) {
if (transform->unref() == 0) delete transform;
if (lineTransform != nullptr) {
if (lineTransform->unref() == 0) delete lineTransform;
GfxColorSpace *GfxICCBasedColorSpace::copy() {
GfxICCBasedColorSpace *cs;
int i;
cs = new GfxICCBasedColorSpace(nComps, alt->copy(), &iccProfileStream);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
cs->rangeMin[i] = rangeMin[i];
cs->rangeMax[i] = rangeMax[i];
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = transform;
if (transform != nullptr) transform->ref();
cs->lineTransform = lineTransform;
if (lineTransform != nullptr) lineTransform->ref();
return cs;
GfxColorSpace *GfxICCBasedColorSpace::parse(Array *arr, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion) {
GfxICCBasedColorSpace *cs;
Ref iccProfileStreamA;
int nCompsA;
GfxColorSpace *altA;
Dict *dict;
Object obj1, obj2, obj3;
int i;
if (arr->getLength() < 2) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space");
return nullptr;
obj1 = arr->getNF(1);
if (obj1.isRef()) {
iccProfileStreamA = obj1.getRef();
} else {
iccProfileStreamA.num = 0;
iccProfileStreamA.gen = 0;
#ifdef USE_CMS
// check cache
if (out && iccProfileStreamA.num > 0) {
GfxICCBasedColorSpaceKey k(iccProfileStreamA.num, iccProfileStreamA.gen);
GfxICCBasedColorSpaceItem *item = static_cast<GfxICCBasedColorSpaceItem *>(out->getIccColorSpaceCache()->lookup(k));
if (item != nullptr)
cs = static_cast<GfxICCBasedColorSpace*>(item->cs->copy());
int transformIntent = cs->getIntent();
if (state != nullptr) {
const char *intent = state->getRenderingIntent();
if (intent != nullptr) {
if (strcmp(intent, "AbsoluteColorimetric") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(intent, "Saturation") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(intent, "Perceptual") == 0) {
if (transformIntent == cmsIntent) {
return cs;
delete cs;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isStream()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space (stream)");
return nullptr;
dict = obj1.streamGetDict();
obj2 = dict->lookup("N");
if (!obj2.isInt()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space (N)");
return nullptr;
nCompsA = obj2.getInt();
if (nCompsA > 4) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1,
"ICCBased color space with too many ({0:d} > 4) components",
nCompsA = 4;
obj2 = dict->lookup("Alternate");
if (obj2.isNull() ||
!(altA = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &obj2, out, state, recursion + 1))) {
switch (nCompsA) {
case 1:
altA = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
case 3:
altA = new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
case 4:
altA = new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space - invalid N");
return nullptr;
if (altA->getNComps() != nCompsA) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space - N doesn't match alt color space");
delete altA;
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxICCBasedColorSpace(nCompsA, altA, &iccProfileStreamA);
obj2 = dict->lookup("Range");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 2 * nCompsA) {
Object obj4;
for (i = 0; i < nCompsA; ++i) {
obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(2*i);
obj4 = obj2.arrayGet(2*i+1);
if (obj3.isNum() && obj4.isNum()) {
cs->rangeMin[i] = obj3.getNum();
cs->rangeMax[i] = obj4.getNum();
#ifdef USE_CMS
obj1 = arr->get(1);
Guchar *profBuf;
Stream *iccStream = obj1.getStream();
int length = 0;
profBuf = iccStream->toUnsignedChars(&length, 65536, 65536);
cmsHPROFILE hp = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(profBuf,length);
if (hp == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "read ICCBased color space profile error");
} else {
cmsHPROFILE dhp = (state != nullptr && state->getDisplayProfile() != nullptr) ? state->getDisplayProfile() : displayProfile;
if (dhp == nullptr) {
if (unlikely(RGBProfile == nullptr)) {
dhp = RGBProfile;
unsigned int cst = getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsGetColorSpace(hp));
unsigned int dNChannels = getCMSNChannels(cmsGetColorSpace(dhp));
unsigned int dcst = getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsGetColorSpace(dhp));
cmsHTRANSFORM transform;
if (state != nullptr) {
const char *intent = state->getRenderingIntent();
if (intent != nullptr) {
if (strcmp(intent, "AbsoluteColorimetric") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(intent, "Saturation") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(intent, "Perceptual") == 0) {
if ((transform = cmsCreateTransform(hp,
CHANNELS_SH(dNChannels) | BYTES_SH(1),
cmsIntent, LCMS_FLAGS)) == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create transform");
cs->transform = nullptr;
} else {
cs->transform = new GfxColorTransform(transform, cmsIntent, cst, dcst);
if (dcst == PT_RGB || dcst == PT_CMYK) {
// create line transform only when the display is RGB type color space
if ((transform = cmsCreateTransform(hp,
CHANNELS_SH(nCompsA) | BYTES_SH(1),dhp,
(dcst == PT_RGB) ? TYPE_RGB_8 : TYPE_CMYK_8, cmsIntent, LCMS_FLAGS)) == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create transform");
cs->lineTransform = nullptr;
} else {
cs->lineTransform = new GfxColorTransform(transform, cmsIntent, cst, dcst);
// put this colorSpace into cache
if (out && iccProfileStreamA.num > 0) {
GfxICCBasedColorSpaceKey *k = new GfxICCBasedColorSpaceKey(iccProfileStreamA.num, iccProfileStreamA.gen);
GfxICCBasedColorSpaceItem *item = new GfxICCBasedColorSpaceItem(cs);
out->getIccColorSpaceCache()->put(k, item);
return cs;
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getGray(GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_GRAY) {
Guchar in[gfxColorMaxComps];
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
if (nComps == 3 && transform->getInputPixelType() == PT_Lab) {
in[0] = colToByte(dblToCol(colToDbl(color->c[0]) / 100.0));
in[1] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[1]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
in[2] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[2]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
} else {
for (int i = 0;i < nComps;i++) {
in[i] = colToByte(color->c[i]);
if (nComps <= 4) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = cmsCache.find(key);
if (it != cmsCache.end()) {
unsigned int value = it->second;
*gray = byteToCol(value & 0xff);
*gray = byteToCol(out[0]);
if (nComps <= 4 && cmsCache.size() <= CMSCACHE_LIMIT) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
unsigned int value = out[0];
cmsCache.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key, value));
} else {
GfxRGB rgb;
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.3 * rgb.r +
0.59 * rgb.g +
0.11 * rgb.b + 0.5));
alt->getGray(color, gray);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getRGB(GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
Guchar in[gfxColorMaxComps];
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
if (nComps == 3 && transform->getInputPixelType() == PT_Lab) {
in[0] = colToByte(dblToCol(colToDbl(color->c[0]) / 100.0));
in[1] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[1]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
in[2] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[2]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
} else {
for (int i = 0;i < nComps;i++) {
in[i] = colToByte(color->c[i]);
if (nComps <= 4) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = cmsCache.find(key);
if (it != cmsCache.end()) {
unsigned int value = it->second;
rgb->r = byteToCol(value >> 16);
rgb->g = byteToCol((value >> 8) & 0xff);
rgb->b = byteToCol(value & 0xff);
rgb->r = byteToCol(out[0]);
rgb->g = byteToCol(out[1]);
rgb->b = byteToCol(out[2]);
if (nComps <= 4 && cmsCache.size() <= CMSCACHE_LIMIT) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
unsigned int value = (out[0] << 16) + (out[1] << 8) + out[2];
cmsCache.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key, value));
} else if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
Guchar in[gfxColorMaxComps];
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b;
if (nComps == 3 && transform->getInputPixelType() == PT_Lab) {
in[0] = colToByte(dblToCol(colToDbl(color->c[0]) / 100.0));
in[1] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[1]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
in[2] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[2]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
} else {
for (int i = 0;i < nComps;i++) {
in[i] = colToByte(color->c[i]);
if (nComps <= 4) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = cmsCache.find(key);
if (it != cmsCache.end()) {
unsigned int value = it->second;
rgb->r = byteToCol(value >> 16);
rgb->g = byteToCol((value >> 8) & 0xff);
rgb->b = byteToCol(value & 0xff);
c = byteToDbl(out[0]);
m = byteToDbl(out[1]);
y = byteToDbl(out[2]);
k = byteToDbl(out[3]);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
rgb->r = clip01(dblToCol(r));
rgb->g = clip01(dblToCol(g));
rgb->b = clip01(dblToCol(b));
if (nComps <= 4 && cmsCache.size() <= CMSCACHE_LIMIT) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
unsigned int value = (dblToByte(r) << 16) + (dblToByte(g) << 8) + dblToByte(b);
cmsCache.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key, value));
} else {
alt->getRGB(color, rgb);
alt->getRGB(color, rgb);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getRGBLine(Guchar *in, unsigned int *out,
int length) {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
Guchar* tmp = (Guchar *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(Guchar));
lineTransform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Guchar *current = tmp + (i * 3);
out[i] = (current[0] << 16) | (current[1] << 8) | current[2];
} else {
alt->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
alt->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getRGBLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
Guchar* tmp = (Guchar *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(Guchar));
lineTransform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
Guchar *current = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = *current++;
} else if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
Guchar* tmp = (Guchar *)gmallocn(4 * length, sizeof(Guchar));
lineTransform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
Guchar *current = tmp;
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
c = byteToDbl(*current++);
m = byteToDbl(*current++);
y = byteToDbl(*current++);
k = byteToDbl(*current++);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
*out++ = dblToByte(r);
*out++ = dblToByte(g);
*out++ = dblToByte(b);
} else {
alt->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
alt->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getRGBXLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
Guchar* tmp = (Guchar *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(Guchar));
lineTransform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
Guchar *current = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = 255;
} else {
alt->getRGBXLine(in, out, length);
alt->getRGBXLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getCMYKLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
} else if (lineTransform != nullptr && nComps != 4) {
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
Guchar* tmp = (Guchar *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(Guchar));
getRGBLine(in, tmp, length);
Guchar *p = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
c = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
m = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
y = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
*out++ = colToByte(c - k);
*out++ = colToByte(m - k);
*out++ = colToByte(y - k);
*out++ = colToByte(k);
} else {
alt->getCMYKLine(in, out, length);
alt->getCMYKLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(Guchar *in, Guchar *out, int length) {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
Guchar* tmp = (Guchar *)gmallocn(4 * length, sizeof(Guchar));
Guchar *p = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
*out++ = *p++;
for (int j = 4; j < SPOT_NCOMPS+4; j++)
*out++ = 0;
} else if (lineTransform != nullptr && nComps != 4) {
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
Guchar* tmp = (Guchar *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(Guchar));
getRGBLine(in, tmp, length);
Guchar *p = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS+4; j++)
out[j] = 0;
c = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
m = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
y = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
out[0] = colToByte(c - k);
out[1] = colToByte(m - k);
out[2] = colToByte(y - k);
out[3] = colToByte(k);
out += (SPOT_NCOMPS+4);
} else {
alt->getDeviceNLine(in, out, length);
alt->getDeviceNLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getCMYK(GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) {
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
Guchar in[gfxColorMaxComps];
Guchar out[gfxColorMaxComps];
if (nComps == 3 && transform->getInputPixelType() == PT_Lab) {
in[0] = colToByte(dblToCol(colToDbl(color->c[0]) / 100.0));
in[1] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[1]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
in[2] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[2]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
} else {
for (int i = 0;i < nComps;i++) {
in[i] = colToByte(color->c[i]);
if (nComps <= 4) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = cmsCache.find(key);
if (it != cmsCache.end()) {
unsigned int value = it->second;
cmyk->c = byteToCol(value >> 24);
cmyk->m = byteToCol((value >> 16) & 0xff);
cmyk->y = byteToCol((value >> 8) & 0xff);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(value & 0xff);
cmyk->c = byteToCol(out[0]);
cmyk->m = byteToCol(out[1]);
cmyk->y = byteToCol(out[2]);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(out[3]);
if (nComps <= 4 && cmsCache.size() <= CMSCACHE_LIMIT) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
unsigned int value = (out[0] << 24) + (out[1] << 16) + (out[2] << 8) + out[3];
cmsCache.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key, value));
} else if (nComps != 4 && transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
GfxRGB rgb;
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.r);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.g);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.b);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
} else {
alt->getCMYK(color, cmyk);
alt->getCMYK(color, cmyk);
GBool GfxICCBasedColorSpace::useGetRGBLine() {
#ifdef USE_CMS
return lineTransform != nullptr || alt->useGetRGBLine();
return alt->useGetRGBLine();
GBool GfxICCBasedColorSpace::useGetCMYKLine() {
#ifdef USE_CMS
return lineTransform != nullptr || alt->useGetCMYKLine();
return alt->useGetCMYKLine();
GBool GfxICCBasedColorSpace::useGetDeviceNLine() {
#ifdef USE_CMS
return lineTransform != nullptr || alt->useGetDeviceNLine();
return alt->useGetDeviceNLine();
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getDeviceN(GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) {
GfxCMYK cmyk;
for (int i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; i++)
deviceN->c[i] = 0;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
if (rangeMin[i] > 0) {
color->c[i] = dblToCol(rangeMin[i]);
} else if (rangeMax[i] < 0) {
color->c[i] = dblToCol(rangeMax[i]);
} else {
color->c[i] = 0;
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getDefaultRanges(double *decodeLow,
double *decodeRange,
int maxImgPixel) {
alt->getDefaultRanges(decodeLow, decodeRange, maxImgPixel);
#if 0
// this is nominally correct, but some PDF files don't set the
// correct ranges in the ICCBased dict
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
decodeLow[i] = rangeMin[i];
decodeRange[i] = rangeMax[i] - rangeMin[i];
// GfxIndexedColorSpace
GfxIndexedColorSpace::GfxIndexedColorSpace(GfxColorSpace *baseA,
int indexHighA) {
base = baseA;
indexHigh = indexHighA;
lookup = (Guchar *)gmallocn((indexHigh + 1) * base->getNComps(),
overprintMask = base->getOverprintMask();
GfxIndexedColorSpace::~GfxIndexedColorSpace() {
delete base;
GfxColorSpace *GfxIndexedColorSpace::copy() {
GfxIndexedColorSpace *cs;
cs = new GfxIndexedColorSpace(base->copy(), indexHigh);
memcpy(cs->lookup, lookup,
(indexHigh + 1) * base->getNComps() * sizeof(Guchar));
return cs;
GfxColorSpace *GfxIndexedColorSpace::parse(GfxResources *res, Array *arr, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion) {
GfxColorSpace *baseA;
int indexHighA;
Object obj1;
const char *s;
int i, j;
if (arr->getLength() != 4) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space");
return nullptr;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!(baseA = GfxColorSpace::parse(res, &obj1, out, state, recursion + 1))) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (base color space)");
return nullptr;
obj1 = arr->get(2);
if (!obj1.isInt()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (hival)");
delete baseA;
return nullptr;
indexHighA = obj1.getInt();
if (indexHighA < 0 || indexHighA > 255) {
// the PDF spec requires indexHigh to be in [0,255] -- allowing
// values larger than 255 creates a security hole: if nComps *
// indexHigh is greater than 2^31, the loop below may overwrite
// past the end of the array
int previousValue = indexHighA;
if (indexHighA < 0) indexHighA = 0;
else indexHighA = 255;
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (invalid indexHigh value, was {0:d} using {1:d} to try to recover)", previousValue, indexHighA);
GfxIndexedColorSpace *cs = new GfxIndexedColorSpace(baseA, indexHighA);
obj1 = arr->get(3);
const int n = baseA->getNComps();
if (obj1.isStream()) {
for (i = 0; i <= indexHighA; ++i) {
const int readChars = obj1.streamGetChars(n, &cs->lookup[i*n]);
for (j = readChars; j < n; ++j) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (lookup table stream too short) padding with zeroes");
cs->lookup[i*n + j] = 0;
} else if (obj1.isString()) {
if (obj1.getString()->getLength() < (indexHighA + 1) * n) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (lookup table string too short)");
goto err3;
s = obj1.getString()->getCString();
for (i = 0; i <= indexHighA; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
cs->lookup[i*n + j] = (Guchar)*s++;
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (lookup table)");
goto err3;
return cs;
delete cs;
return nullptr;
GfxColor *GfxIndexedColorSpace::mapColorToBase(GfxColor *color,