blob: c194e76cc57c93305e0167998335feb380d7e2a9 [file] [log] [blame]
nanocat - a command-line interface to nanomsg
nanocat --req {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC] [-AQ]
nanocat --rep {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-AQ]
nanocat --push {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC]
nanocat --pull {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} [-AQ]
nanocat --pub {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC]
nanocat --sub {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} [--subscribe PREFIX ...] [-AQ]
nanocat --surveyor {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC] [-AQ]
nanocat --respondent {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-AQ]
nanocat --bus {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC] [-AQ]
nanocat --pair {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC] [-AQ]
In the case symlinks are installed:
nn_req {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC] [-AQ]
nn_rep {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-AQ]
nn_push {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC]
nn_pull {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} [-AQ]
nn_pub {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC]
nn_sub {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} [--subscribe PREFIX ...] [-AQ]
nn_surveyor {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC] [-AQ]
nn_respondent {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-AQ]
nn_bus {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC] [-AQ]
nn_pair {--connect ADDR|--bind ADDR} {--data DATA|--file PATH} [-i SEC] [-AQ]
The nanocat is a command-line tool to send and receive data via nanomsg
sockets. It can be used for debugging purposes, sending files through the
network, health checking the system or whatever else you can think of.
Increase verbosity of the nanocat
Decrease verbosity of the nanocat
This help text
Socket Types:
Use NN_PUSH socket type
Use NN_PULL socket type
Use NN_PUB socket type
Use NN_SUB socket type
Use NN_REQ socket type
Use NN_REP socket type
Use NN_SURVEYOR socket type
Use NN_RESPONDENT socket type
Use NN_BUS socket type
Use NN_PAIR socket type
Socket Options:
*--bind* 'ADDR'::
Bind socket to the address ADDR
*--connect* 'ADDR'::
Connect socket to the address ADDR
*--bind-ipc,-X* 'PATH'::
Bind socket to the ipc address "ipc://PATH".
*--connect-ipc,-x* 'PATH'::
Connect socket to the ipc address "ipc://PATH".
*--bind-local,-L* 'PORT'::
Bind socket to the tcp address "tcp://".
*--connect-local,-l* 'PORT'::
Connect socket to the tcp address "tcp://".
*--recv-timeout* 'SEC'::
Set timeout for receiving a message
*--send-timeout* 'SEC'::
Set timeout for sending a message
SUB Socket Options:
*--subscribe* 'PREFIX'::
Subscribe to the prefix PREFIX. Note: socket will be
subscribed to everything (empty prefix) if no prefixes
are specified on the command-line.
Input Options:
*--format* 'FORMAT'::
Use echo format FORMAT (same as the options below)
Dump message as is (Note: no delimiters are printed)
Print ASCII part of message delimited by newline. All
non-ascii characters replaced by dot.
Print each message on separate line in double quotes
with C-like character escaping
Print each message as msgpacked string (raw type). This
is useful for programmatic parsing.
Output Options:
*--interval,-i* 'SEC'::
Send message (or request) every SEC seconds
*--delay,-d* 'SEC'::
Wait for SEC seconds before sending message (useful for one-shot
PUB sockets)
*--data,-D* 'DATA'::
Send DATA to the socket and quit for PUB, PUSH, PAIR,
BUS socket. Use DATA to reply for REP or RESPONDENT
socket. Send DATA as request for REQ or SURVEYOR socket.
*--file,-F* 'PATH'::
Same as --data but get data from file PATH
The ping-pong with nn_req/nn_rep sockets (must be run simultaneously):
nanocat --rep --bind tcp:// --data pong --format ascii
nanocat --req --connect tcp:// --data ping --format ascii
Or in shorter to write form:
nn_rep -L1234 -Dpong -A
nn_req -l1234 -Dping -A
Do periodic requests once a second:
nn_req -l1234 -Dping -A -i 1
The rep socket that never reply (no -D option), may be used to check if
resending the requests is actually work:
nanocat --rep --connect ipc:///var/run/app/req.socket
Send an output of the ls to whatever would connect to then exit:
ls | nanocat --push -L1234 -F-
Send heartbeats to imaginary monitoring service:
nanocat --pub --connect tpc:// -D"I am alive!" --interval 10
Paul Colomiets <>