blob: 85c337fa548e3de05a73e94dcbcbf6bed8b56acd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLIRNode.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLProgramElement.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLStatement.h"
#include "include/sksl/SkSLErrorReporter.h"
#include "include/sksl/SkSLPosition.h"
#include "src/core/SkSafeMath.h"
#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLContext.h"
#include "src/sksl/analysis/SkSLProgramVisitor.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLForStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionCall.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionDeclaration.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionDefinition.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLProgram.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace SkSL {
bool Analysis::CheckProgramStructure(const Program& program, bool enforceSizeLimit) {
// We check the size of strict-ES2 programs; since SkVM will completely unroll them, it's
// important to know how large the result will be. For non-ES2 code, we compute an approximate
// lower bound by assuming all non-unrollable loops will execute one time only.
const Context& context = *program.fContext;
// If we decide that expressions are cheaper than statements, or that certain statements are
// more expensive than others, etc., we can always tweak these ratios as needed. A very rough
// ballpark estimate is currently good enough for our purposes.
static constexpr size_t kExpressionCost = 1;
static constexpr size_t kStatementCost = 1;
static constexpr size_t kUnknownCost = -1;
static constexpr size_t kProgramSizeLimit = 100000;
static constexpr size_t kProgramStackDepthLimit = 50;
class ProgramSizeVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
ProgramSizeVisitor(const Context& c) : fContext(c) {}
using ProgramVisitor::visitProgramElement;
size_t functionSize() const {
return fFunctionSize;
bool visitProgramElement(const ProgramElement& pe) override {
if (<FunctionDefinition>()) {
// Check the function-size cache map first. We don't need to visit this function if
// we already processed it before.
const FunctionDeclaration* decl = &<FunctionDefinition>().declaration();
if (size_t *cachedCost = fFunctionCostMap.find(decl)) {
// We already have this function in our map. We don't need to check it again.
if (*cachedCost == kUnknownCost) {
// If the function is present in the map with an unknown cost, we're
// recursively processing it--in other words, we found a cycle in the code.
// Unwind our stack into a string.
std::string msg = "\n\t" + decl->description();
for (auto unwind = fStack.rbegin(); unwind != fStack.rend(); ++unwind) {
msg = "\n\t" + (*unwind)->description() + msg;
if (*unwind == decl) {
msg = "potential recursion (function call cycle) not allowed:" + msg;
fContext.fErrors->error(pe.fPosition, std::move(msg));
fFunctionSize = 0;
*cachedCost = 0;
return true;
// Set the size to its known value.
fFunctionSize = *cachedCost;
return false;
// If the function-call stack has gotten too deep, stop the analysis.
if (fStack.size() >= kProgramStackDepthLimit) {
std::string msg = "exceeded max function call depth:";
for (auto unwind = fStack.begin(); unwind != fStack.end(); ++unwind) {
msg += "\n\t" + (*unwind)->description();
msg += "\n\t" + decl->description();
fContext.fErrors->error(pe.fPosition, std::move(msg));
fFunctionSize = 0;
fFunctionCostMap.set(decl, 0);
return true;
// Calculate the function cost and store it in our cache.
fFunctionCostMap.set(decl, kUnknownCost);
fFunctionSize = 0;
bool result = INHERITED::visitProgramElement(pe);
fFunctionCostMap.set(decl, fFunctionSize);
return result;
return INHERITED::visitProgramElement(pe);
bool visitStatement(const Statement& stmt) override {
switch (stmt.kind()) {
case Statement::Kind::kFor: {
// We count a for-loop's unrolled size here. We expect that the init statement
// will be emitted once, and the test-expr, next-expr and statement will be
// repeated in the output for every iteration of the loop.
bool earlyExit = false;
const ForStatement& forStmt =<ForStatement>();
if (forStmt.initializer() && this->visitStatement(*forStmt.initializer())) {
earlyExit = true;
size_t originalFunctionSize = fFunctionSize;
fFunctionSize = 0;
if ( && this->visitExpression(* {
earlyExit = true;
if (forStmt.test() && this->visitExpression(*forStmt.test())) {
earlyExit = true;
if (this->visitStatement(*forStmt.statement())) {
earlyExit = true;
// ES2 programs always have a known unroll count. Non-ES2 programs don't enforce
// a maximum program size, so it's fine to treat the loop as executing once.
if (const LoopUnrollInfo* unrollInfo = forStmt.unrollInfo()) {
fFunctionSize = SkSafeMath::Mul(fFunctionSize, unrollInfo->fCount);
fFunctionSize = SkSafeMath::Add(fFunctionSize, originalFunctionSize);
return earlyExit;
case Statement::Kind::kExpression:
// The cost of an expression-statement is counted in visitExpression. It would
// be double-dipping to count it here too.
case Statement::Kind::kNop:
case Statement::Kind::kVarDeclaration:
// These statements don't directly consume any space in a compiled program.
// Note that we don't make any attempt to estimate the number of iterations of
// do-while loops here. Those aren't an ES2 construct so we aren't enforcing
// program size on them.
fFunctionSize = SkSafeMath::Add(fFunctionSize, kStatementCost);
return INHERITED::visitStatement(stmt);
bool visitExpression(const Expression& expr) override {
// Other than function calls, all expressions are assumed to have a fixed unit cost.
bool earlyExit = false;
size_t expressionCost = kExpressionCost;
if (<FunctionCall>()) {
// Visit this function call to calculate its size. If we've already sized it, this
// will retrieve the size from our cache.
const FunctionCall& call =<FunctionCall>();
const FunctionDeclaration* decl = &call.function();
if (decl->definition() && !decl->isIntrinsic()) {
size_t originalFunctionSize = fFunctionSize;
fFunctionSize = 0;
earlyExit = this->visitProgramElement(*decl->definition());
expressionCost = fFunctionSize;
fFunctionSize = originalFunctionSize;
fFunctionSize = SkSafeMath::Add(fFunctionSize, expressionCost);
return earlyExit || INHERITED::visitExpression(expr);
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
const Context& fContext;
size_t fFunctionSize = 0;
SkTHashMap<const FunctionDeclaration*, size_t> fFunctionCostMap;
std::vector<const FunctionDeclaration*> fStack;
// Process every function in our program.
ProgramSizeVisitor visitor{context};
for (const std::unique_ptr<ProgramElement>& element : program.fOwnedElements) {
if (element->is<FunctionDefinition>()) {
// Visit every function--we want to detect static recursion and report it as an error,
// even in unreferenced functions.
// Report an error when main()'s flattened size is larger than our program limit.
if (enforceSizeLimit &&
visitor.functionSize() > kProgramSizeLimit &&
element->as<FunctionDefinition>().declaration().isMain()) {
context.fErrors->error(Position(), "program is too large");
return true;
} // namespace SkSL