blob: 0223805c25725ae40dd7d7767db3ff29f363c0af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkGlyphBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkGlyphRunPainter.h"
#include "src/text/StrikeForGPU.h"
void SkSourceGlyphBuffer::reset() {
void SkDrawableGlyphBuffer::ensureSize(int size) {
if (size > fMaxSize) {
fMaxSize = size;
fInputSize = 0;
fAcceptedSize = 0;
void SkDrawableGlyphBuffer::startSource(const SkZip<const SkGlyphID, const SkPoint>& source) {
fInputSize = source.size();
fAcceptedSize = 0;
auto positions = source.get<1>();
memcpy(fPositions,, positions.size() * sizeof(SkPoint));
// Convert from SkGlyphIDs to SkPackedGlyphIDs.
SkGlyphVariant* packedIDCursor = fMultiBuffer.get();
for (auto t : source) {
*packedIDCursor++ = SkPackedGlyphID{std::get<0>(t)};
SkDEBUGCODE(fPhase = kInput);
void SkDrawableGlyphBuffer::startSourceWithMatrixAdjustment(
const SkZip<const SkGlyphID, const SkPoint>& source, const SkMatrix& creationMatrix) {
fInputSize = source.size();
fAcceptedSize = 0;
auto positions = source.get<1>();
creationMatrix.mapPoints(fPositions,, positions.size());
// Convert from SkGlyphIDs to SkPackedGlyphIDs.
SkGlyphVariant* packedIDCursor = fMultiBuffer.get();
for (auto t : source) {
*packedIDCursor++ = SkPackedGlyphID{std::get<0>(t)};
SkDEBUGCODE(fPhase = kInput);
void SkDrawableGlyphBuffer::startDevicePositioning(
const SkZip<const SkGlyphID, const SkPoint>& source,
const SkMatrix& positionMatrix,
const SkGlyphPositionRoundingSpec& roundingSpec) {
fInputSize = source.size();
fAcceptedSize = 0;
// Build up the mapping from source space to device space. Add the rounding constant
// halfSampleFreq, so we just need to floor to get the device result.
SkMatrix positionMatrixWithRounding = positionMatrix;
SkPoint halfSampleFreq = roundingSpec.halfAxisSampleFreq;
positionMatrixWithRounding.postTranslate(halfSampleFreq.x(), halfSampleFreq.y());
auto positions = source.get<1>();
positionMatrixWithRounding.mapPoints(fPositions,, positions.size());
auto floor = [](SkPoint pt) -> SkPoint {
return {SkScalarFloorToScalar(pt.x()), SkScalarFloorToScalar(pt.y())};
for (auto [packedGlyphID, glyphID, pos]
: SkMakeZip(fMultiBuffer.get(), source.get<0>(), fPositions.get())) {
packedGlyphID = SkPackedGlyphID{glyphID, pos, roundingSpec.ignorePositionFieldMask};
// Store rounded device coords back in pos.
pos = floor(pos);
SkDEBUGCODE(fPhase = kInput);
SkString SkDrawableGlyphBuffer::dumpInput() const {
SkASSERT(fPhase == kInput);
SkString msg;
for (auto [packedGlyphID, pos]
: SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>{
SkToSizeT(fInputSize), fMultiBuffer.get(), fPositions.get()}) {
msg.appendf("%s:(%a,%a), ", packedGlyphID.packedID().shortDump().c_str(), pos.x(), pos.y());
return msg;
void SkDrawableGlyphBuffer::reset() {
SkDEBUGCODE(fPhase = kReset);
if (fMaxSize > 200) {
fMaxSize = 0;
fInputSize = 0;
fAcceptedSize = 0;