blob: 913cbfb546afcf10a4d900b48294716aed3a9159 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkOTTable_fvar_DEFINED
#define SkOTTable_fvar_DEFINED
#include "src/base/SkEndian.h"
#include "src/sfnt/SkOTTableTypes.h"
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct SkOTTableFontVariations {
static const SK_OT_CHAR TAG0 = 'f';
static const SK_OT_CHAR TAG1 = 'v';
static const SK_OT_CHAR TAG2 = 'a';
static const SK_OT_CHAR TAG3 = 'r';
static const SK_OT_ULONG TAG = SkOTTableTAG<SkOTTableFontVariations>::value;
SK_OT_USHORT majorVersion;
SK_OT_USHORT minorVersion;
SK_OT_USHORT offsetToAxesArray;
SK_OT_USHORT reserved;
SK_OT_USHORT axisCount;
SK_OT_USHORT axisSize; // Must be 0x0014 in v1.0
SK_OT_USHORT instanceCount;
SK_OT_USHORT instanceSize; // Must be axisCount * sizeof(Fixed) + (4 | 6)
struct VariationAxisRecord {
SK_OT_ULONG axisTag;
SK_OT_Fixed minValue;
SK_OT_Fixed defaultValue;
SK_OT_Fixed maxValue;
SK_OT_USHORT flags; // Must be 0
}; // axes[axisCount];
template <size_t AxisCount> struct InstanceRecord {
SK_OT_USHORT subfamilyNameID;
SK_OT_USHORT flags; // Must be 0
SK_OT_Fixed coordinates[AxisCount];
SK_OT_USHORT postScriptNameID;
}; // instances[instanceCount];
#pragma pack(pop)
#include <stddef.h>
static_assert(offsetof(SkOTTableFontVariations, instanceSize) == 14, "SkOTTableFontVariations_instanceSize_not_at_14");
static_assert(sizeof(SkOTTableFontVariations) == 16, "sizeof_SkOTTableFontVariations_not_16");