blob: 6b040045e0b74880a6c4a26c194c2185aae138b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrProcOptInfo_DEFINED
#define GrProcOptInfo_DEFINED
#include "GrColor.h"
#include "GrInvariantOutput.h"
class GrDrawOp;
class GrFragmentProcessor;
class GrPrimitiveProcessor;
* GrProcOptInfo gathers invariant data from a set of processor stages.It is used to recognize
* optimizations related to eliminating stages and vertex attributes that aren't necessary for a
* draw.
class GrProcOptInfo {
GrProcOptInfo() : fInOut(0, static_cast<GrColorComponentFlags>(0)) {}
GrProcOptInfo(GrColor color, GrColorComponentFlags colorFlags)
: fInOut(color, colorFlags), fInputColor(color) {}
void resetToLCDCoverage(GrColor color, GrColorComponentFlags colorFlags) {
this->internalReset(color, colorFlags, true);
void reset(GrColor color, GrColorComponentFlags colorFlags) {
this->internalReset(color, colorFlags, false);
void reset(const GrPipelineInput& input) {
this->internalReset(input.fColor, input.fValidFlags, input.fIsLCDCoverage);
* Runs through a series of processors and updates calculated values. This can be called
* repeatedly for cases when the sequence of processors is not in a contiguous array.
void analyzeProcessors(const GrFragmentProcessor* const* processors, int cnt);
bool isSolidWhite() const { return fInOut.isSolidWhite(); }
bool isOpaque() const { return fInOut.isOpaque(); }
bool allStagesMultiplyInput() const { return fInOut.allStagesMulInput(); }
bool isLCDCoverage() const { return fIsLCDCoverage; }
GrColor color() const { return fInOut.color(); }
GrColorComponentFlags validFlags() const { return fInOut.validFlags(); }
* Returns the index of the first effective color processor. If an intermediate processor
* doesn't read its input or has a known output, then we can ignore all earlier processors
* since they will not affect the final output. Thus the first effective processors index is
* the index to the first processor that will have an effect on the final output.
* If processors before the firstEffectiveProcessorIndex() are removed, corresponding values
* from inputColorIsUsed(), inputColorToEffectiveProcessor(), removeVertexAttribs(), and
* readsDst() must be used when setting up the draw to ensure correct drawing.
int firstEffectiveProcessorIndex() const { return fFirstEffectiveProcessorIndex; }
* True if the first effective processor reads its input, false otherwise.
bool inputColorIsUsed() const { return fInputColorIsUsed; }
* If input color is used and per-vertex colors are not used, this is the input color to the
* first effective processor.
GrColor inputColorToFirstEffectiveProccesor() const { return fInputColor; }
void internalReset(GrColor color, GrColorComponentFlags colorFlags, bool isLCDCoverage) {
fInOut.reset(color, colorFlags);
fFirstEffectiveProcessorIndex = 0;
fInputColorIsUsed = true;
fInputColor = color;
fIsLCDCoverage = isLCDCoverage;
void internalCalc(const GrFragmentProcessor* const[], int cnt);
GrInvariantOutput fInOut;
int fFirstEffectiveProcessorIndex = 0;
bool fInputColorIsUsed = true;
bool fIsLCDCoverage = false;
GrColor fInputColor = 0;