blob: ad37b9a98ffeba5516eaebc8176c2ee0f4a14f6c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkColorFilter.h"
#include "SkDrawable.h"
#include "SkFindAndPlaceGlyph.h"
#include "SkImagePriv.h"
#include "SkLatticeIter.h"
#include "SkOverdrawCanvas.h"
#include "SkPatchUtils.h"
#include "SkPath.h"
#include "SkRRect.h"
#include "SkRSXform.h"
#include "SkTextBlob.h"
#include "SkTextBlobRunIterator.h"
namespace {
class ProcessOneGlyphBounds {
ProcessOneGlyphBounds(SkOverdrawCanvas* canvas)
: fCanvas(canvas)
void operator()(const SkGlyph& glyph, SkPoint position, SkPoint rounding) {
int left = SkScalarFloorToInt(position.fX) + glyph.fLeft;
int top = SkScalarFloorToInt(position.fY) + glyph.fTop;
int right = left + glyph.fWidth;
int bottom = top + glyph.fHeight;
fCanvas->onDrawRect(SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom), SkPaint());
SkOverdrawCanvas* fCanvas;
SkOverdrawCanvas::SkOverdrawCanvas(SkCanvas* canvas)
: INHERITED(canvas->onImageInfo().width(), canvas->onImageInfo().height())
// Non-drawing calls that SkOverdrawCanvas does not override (translate, save, etc.)
// will pass through to the input canvas.
static constexpr float kIncrementAlpha[] = {
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawText(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
const SkPaint& paint) {
ProcessOneGlyphBounds processBounds(this);
SkSurfaceProps props(0, kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry);
SkAutoGlyphCache cache(paint, &props, 0, &this->getTotalMatrix());
SkFindAndPlaceGlyph::ProcessText(paint.getTextEncoding(), (const char*) text, byteLength,
SkPoint::Make(x, y), SkMatrix(), paint.getTextAlign(),
cache.get(), processBounds);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::drawPosTextCommon(const void* text, size_t byteLength, const SkScalar pos[],
int scalarsPerPos, const SkPoint& offset,
const SkPaint& paint) {
ProcessOneGlyphBounds processBounds(this);
SkSurfaceProps props(0, kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry);
SkAutoGlyphCache cache(paint, &props, 0, &this->getTotalMatrix());
SkFindAndPlaceGlyph::ProcessPosText(paint.getTextEncoding(), (const char*) text, byteLength,
SkPoint::Make(0, 0), SkMatrix(), (const SkScalar*) pos, 2,
paint.getTextAlign(), cache.get(), processBounds);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawPosText(const void* text, size_t byteLength, const SkPoint pos[],
const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawPosTextCommon(text, byteLength, (SkScalar*) pos, 2, SkPoint::Make(0, 0), paint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawPosTextH(const void* text, size_t byteLength, const SkScalar xs[],
SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawPosTextCommon(text, byteLength, (SkScalar*) xs, 1, SkPoint::Make(0, y), paint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawTextOnPath(const void* text, size_t byteLength, const SkPath& path,
const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint& paint) {
typedef int (*CountTextProc)(const char* text);
static int count_utf16(const char* text) {
const uint16_t* prev = (uint16_t*)text;
return SkToInt((const char*)prev - text);
static int return_4(const char* text) { return 4; }
static int return_2(const char* text) { return 2; }
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawTextRSXform(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
const SkRSXform xform[], const SkRect*,
const SkPaint& paint) {
CountTextProc proc = nullptr;
switch (paint.getTextEncoding()) {
case SkPaint::kUTF8_TextEncoding:
proc = SkUTF8_CountUTF8Bytes;
case SkPaint::kUTF16_TextEncoding:
proc = count_utf16;
case SkPaint::kUTF32_TextEncoding:
proc = return_4;
case SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding:
proc = return_2;
SkMatrix matrix;
const void* stopText = (const char*)text + byteLength;
while ((const char*)text < (const char*)stopText) {
matrix.setConcat(this->getTotalMatrix(), matrix);
int subLen = proc((const char*)text);
this->drawText(text, subLen, 0, 0, paint);
text = (const char*)text + subLen;
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawTextBlob(const SkTextBlob* blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
const SkPaint& paint) {
SkPaint runPaint = paint;
SkTextBlobRunIterator it(blob);
for (;!it.done(); {
size_t textLen = it.glyphCount() * sizeof(uint16_t);
const SkPoint& offset = it.offset();
switch (it.positioning()) {
case SkTextBlob::kDefault_Positioning:
this->onDrawText(it.glyphs(), textLen, x + offset.x(), y + offset.y(), runPaint);
case SkTextBlob::kHorizontal_Positioning:
this->drawPosTextCommon(it.glyphs(), textLen, it.pos(), 1,
SkPoint::Make(x, y + offset.y()), runPaint);
case SkTextBlob::kFull_Positioning:
this->drawPosTextCommon(it.glyphs(), textLen, it.pos(), 2, SkPoint::Make(x, y),
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawPatch(const SkPoint cubics[12], const SkColor colors[4],
const SkPoint texCoords[4], SkBlendMode blendMode,
const SkPaint&) {
fList[0]->onDrawPatch(cubics, colors, texCoords, blendMode, fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
if (0 == paint.getColor() && !paint.getColorFilter() && !paint.getShader()) {
// This is a clear, ignore it.
} else {
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(rect, this->overdrawPaint(paint));
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawRegion(const SkRegion& region, const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawRegion(region, this->overdrawPaint(paint));
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawOval(const SkRect& oval, const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawOval(oval, this->overdrawPaint(paint));
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawArc(const SkRect& arc, SkScalar startAngle, SkScalar sweepAngle,
bool useCenter, const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawArc(arc, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, this->overdrawPaint(paint));
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner,
const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawDRRect(outer, inner, this->overdrawPaint(paint));
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawRRect(const SkRRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawRRect(rect, this->overdrawPaint(paint));
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawPoints(PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint points[],
const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawPoints(mode, count, points, this->overdrawPaint(paint));
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawVerticesObject(const SkVertices* vertices, SkBlendMode blendMode,
const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawVerticesObject(vertices, blendMode, this->overdrawPaint(paint));
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawAtlas(const SkImage* image, const SkRSXform xform[],
const SkRect texs[], const SkColor colors[], int count,
SkBlendMode mode, const SkRect* cull, const SkPaint* paint) {
SkPaint* paintPtr = &fPaint;
SkPaint storage;
if (paint) {
storage = this->overdrawPaint(*paint);
paintPtr = &storage;
fList[0]->onDrawAtlas(image, xform, texs, colors, count, mode, cull, paintPtr);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) {
fList[0]->onDrawPath(path, fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawImage(const SkImage* image, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint*) {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(x, y, image->width(), image->height()), fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawImageRect(const SkImage* image, const SkRect* src, const SkRect& dst,
const SkPaint*, SrcRectConstraint) {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(dst, fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawImageNine(const SkImage*, const SkIRect&, const SkRect& dst,
const SkPaint*) {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(dst, fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawImageLattice(const SkImage* image, const Lattice& lattice,
const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint*) {
SkIRect bounds;
Lattice latticePlusBounds = lattice;
if (!latticePlusBounds.fBounds) {
bounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(image->width(), image->height());
latticePlusBounds.fBounds = &bounds;
if (SkLatticeIter::Valid(image->width(), image->height(), latticePlusBounds)) {
SkLatticeIter iter(latticePlusBounds, dst);
SkRect dummy, iterDst;
while (, &iterDst)) {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(iterDst, fPaint);
} else {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(dst, fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap, SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
const SkPaint*) {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(x, y, bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()), fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawBitmapRect(const SkBitmap&, const SkRect*, const SkRect& dst,
const SkPaint*, SrcRectConstraint) {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(dst, fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawBitmapNine(const SkBitmap&, const SkIRect&, const SkRect& dst,
const SkPaint*) {
fList[0]->onDrawRect(dst, fPaint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawBitmapLattice(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const Lattice& lattice,
const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint) {
sk_sp<SkImage> image = SkMakeImageFromRasterBitmap(bitmap, kNever_SkCopyPixelsMode);
this->onDrawImageLattice(image.get(), lattice, dst, paint);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawDrawable(SkDrawable* drawable, const SkMatrix* matrix) {
drawable->draw(this, matrix);
void SkOverdrawCanvas::onDrawPicture(const SkPicture*, const SkMatrix*, const SkPaint*) {
inline SkPaint SkOverdrawCanvas::overdrawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
SkPaint newPaint = fPaint;
return newPaint;