blob: 8499079bae605839a09dd3c1ffa881d5090c54bf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLConstantFolder.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorScalarCast.h"
namespace SkSL {
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> cast_scalar_literal(const Type& constructorType,
const Expression& expr) {
if (<IntLiteral>()) {
SKSL_INT value =<IntLiteral>().value();
if (constructorType.isFloat()) {
// promote float(1) to 1.0
return FloatLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, (SKSL_FLOAT)value, &constructorType);
} else if (constructorType.isInteger()) {
// promote uint(1) to 1u
return IntLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, value, &constructorType);
} else if (constructorType.isBoolean()) {
// promote bool(1) to true/false
return BoolLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, value != 0, &constructorType);
} else if (<FloatLiteral>()) {
float value =<FloatLiteral>().value();
if (constructorType.isFloat()) {
// promote float(1.23) to 1.23
return FloatLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, value, &constructorType);
} else if (constructorType.isInteger()) {
// promote uint(1.23) to 1u
return IntLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, (SKSL_INT)value, &constructorType);
} else if (constructorType.isBoolean()) {
// promote bool(1.23) to true/false
return BoolLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, value != 0.0f, &constructorType);
} else if (<BoolLiteral>()) {
bool value =<BoolLiteral>().value();
if (constructorType.isFloat()) {
// promote float(true) to 1.0
return FloatLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, value ? 1.0f : 0.0f, &constructorType);
} else if (constructorType.isInteger()) {
// promote uint(true) to 1u
return IntLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, value ? 1 : 0, &constructorType);
} else if (constructorType.isBoolean()) {
// promote bool(true) to true/false
return BoolLiteral::Make(expr.fOffset, value, &constructorType);
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Expression> ConstructorScalarCast::Convert(const Context& context,
int offset,
const Type& rawType,
ExpressionArray args) {
// As you might expect, scalar-cast constructors should only be created with scalar types.
const Type& type = rawType.scalarTypeForLiteral();
if (args.size() != 1) {
context.fErrors.error(offset, "invalid arguments to '" + type.displayName() +
"' constructor, (expected exactly 1 argument, but found " +
to_string((uint64_t)args.size()) + ")");
return nullptr;
const Type& argType = args[0]->type();
if (!argType.isScalar()) {
// Casting a vector-type into its scalar component type is treated as a slice in GLSL.
// We don't allow those casts in SkSL; recommend a .x swizzle instead.
const char* swizzleHint = "";
if (argType.componentType() == type) {
if (argType.isVector()) {
swizzleHint = "; use '.x' instead";
} else if (argType.isMatrix()) {
swizzleHint = "; use '[0][0]' instead";
"'" + argType.displayName() + "' is not a valid parameter to '" +
type.displayName() + "' constructor" + swizzleHint);
return nullptr;
return ConstructorScalarCast::Make(context, offset, type, std::move(args[0]));
std::unique_ptr<Expression> ConstructorScalarCast::Make(const Context& context,
int offset,
const Type& type,
std::unique_ptr<Expression> arg) {
// No cast required when the types match.
if (arg->type() == type) {
return arg;
// When optimization is on, look up the value of constant variables. This allows expressions
// like `int(zero)` to be replaced with a literal zero.
if (context.fConfig->fSettings.fOptimize) {
arg = ConstantFolder::MakeConstantValueForVariable(std::move(arg));
// We can cast scalar literals at compile-time.
if (std::unique_ptr<Expression> converted = cast_scalar_literal(type, *arg)) {
return converted;
return std::make_unique<ConstructorScalarCast>(offset, type, std::move(arg));
} // namespace SkSL