blob: c250e875549f3a8fa0cf8c61481357f249546c73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrD3DRenderTarget_DEFINED
#define GrD3DRenderTarget_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTarget.h"
#include "src/gpu/d3d/GrD3DTextureResource.h"
#include "include/gpu/d3d/GrD3DTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrGpu.h"
#include "src/gpu/d3d/GrD3DResourceProvider.h"
class GrD3DGpu;
class GrD3DRenderTarget;
struct GrD3DTextureResourceInfo;
// Windows gives bogus warnings about inheriting asTexture/asRenderTarget via dominance.
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4250)
class GrD3DRenderTarget: public GrRenderTarget, public virtual GrD3DTextureResource {
static sk_sp<GrD3DRenderTarget> MakeWrappedRenderTarget(GrD3DGpu*, SkISize, int sampleCnt,
const GrD3DTextureResourceInfo&,
~GrD3DRenderTarget() override;
GrBackendFormat backendFormat() const override { return this->getBackendFormat(); }
GrD3DTextureResource* msaaTextureResource() { return fMSAATextureResource.get(); }
bool canAttemptStencilAttachment() const override {
return false; // For now
GrBackendRenderTarget getBackendRenderTarget() const override;
GrD3DRenderTarget(GrD3DGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
int sampleCnt,
const GrD3DTextureResourceInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrD3DResourceState> layout,
const GrD3DTextureResourceInfo& msaaInfo,
sk_sp<GrD3DResourceState> msaaLayout,
GrD3DRenderTarget(GrD3DGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
const GrD3DTextureResourceInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrD3DResourceState> layout,
void onAbandon() override;
void onRelease() override;
// This accounts for the texture's memory and any MSAA renderbuffer's memory.
size_t onGpuMemorySize() const override {
int numColorSamples = this->numSamples();
if (numColorSamples > 1) {
// Add one to account for the resolved VkImage.
numColorSamples += 1;
const GrCaps& caps = *this->getGpu()->caps();
return GrSurface::ComputeSize(caps, this->backendFormat(), this->dimensions(),
numColorSamples, GrMipMapped::kNo);
GrD3DRenderTarget(GrD3DGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
int sampleCnt,
const GrD3DTextureResourceInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrD3DResourceState> state,
const GrD3DTextureResourceInfo& msaaInfo,
sk_sp<GrD3DResourceState> msaaState);
GrD3DRenderTarget(GrD3DGpu* gpu,
SkISize dimensions,
const GrD3DTextureResourceInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrD3DResourceState> state);
GrD3DGpu* getD3DGpu() const;
bool completeStencilAttachment() override { /* TODO */ return false; }
// In Direct3D we call the release proc after we are finished with the underlying
// GrD3DTextureResource::Resource object (which occurs after the GPU finishes all work on it).
void onSetRelease(sk_sp<GrRefCntedCallback> releaseHelper) override {
// Forward the release proc on to GrD3DTextureResource
void releaseInternalObjects();
std::unique_ptr<GrD3DTextureResource> fMSAATextureResource;