Motivation: Test an Android device‘s GPU and OpenGLES & Vulkan drivers with Skia and Skia’s existing unit & rendering tests.

How To Use SkQP on your Android device:

  1. To build SkQP you need to install the Android NDK.

  2. Checkout depot_tools and Skia, then go to Skia's source directory:

  3. Configure and build Skia for your device's architecture:

    arch='arm64'  # Also valid: 'arm', 'x68', 'x64'
    android_ndk="${HOME}/ndk"  # Or wherever you installed the NDK.
    mkdir -p out/${arch}-rel
    cat > out/${arch}-rel/ << EOF
        ndk = "$android_ndk"
        ndk_api = 24
        target_cpu = "$arch"
        skia_embed_resources = true
        is_debug = false
    bin/gn gen out/${arch}-rel
    ninja -C out/${arch}-rel skqp_lib
  4. Download meta.json from . This is the data used to build the validation model.

  5. Generate the validation model data:

    go get
    go run tools/skqp/make_gmkb.go ~/Downloads/meta.json \

Run as an executable

  1. Build the SkQP program, load files on the device, and run skqp:

    ninja -C out/${arch}-rel skqp
    adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp; rm -rf gmkb report"
    adb push platform_tools/android/apps/skqp/src/main/assets/gmkb \
    adb push out/${arch}-rel/skqp /data/local/tmp/
    adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp; ./skqp gmkb report"
  2. Get the error report if there are errors:

    if adb shell test -d /data/local/tmp/report; then
        adb pull /data/local/tmp/report /tmp/
        tools/skqp/ /tmp/report/report.html

Run as an APK

  1. Install the Android SDK.

    mkdir ~/android-sdk
    ( cd ~/android-sdk; unzip ~/Downloads/sdk-tools-*.zip )
    yes | ~/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses
    export ANDROID_HOME=~/android-sdk
  2. Build the skqp.apk, load it on the device, and run the tests

    platform_tools/android/bin/android_build_app -C out/${arch}-rel skqp
    adb install -r out/${arch}-rel/skqp.apk
    adb shell am instrument -w \
  3. Retrieve the report if there are any errors:

    adb backup -f /tmp/skqp.ab org.skia.skqp
    # Must unlock phone and verify backup.
    tools/skqp/ /tmp/skqp.ab