tree: 96df27ebcafdf8093be7080ca4f667fab9517086 [path history] [tgz]
  1. analysis/
  2. codegen/
  3. generated/
  4. ir/
  5. lex/
  6. tracing/
  7. transform/
  8. BUILD.bazel
  9. GLSL.std.450.h
  11. sksl_compute.sksl
  12. sksl_frag.sksl
  13. sksl_gpu.sksl
  14. sksl_graphite_frag.sksl
  15. sksl_graphite_frag_es2.sksl
  16. sksl_graphite_vert.sksl
  17. sksl_graphite_vert_es2.sksl
  18. sksl_public.sksl
  19. sksl_rt_shader.sksl
  20. sksl_shared.sksl
  21. sksl_vert.sksl
  22. SkSLAnalysis.cpp
  23. SkSLAnalysis.h
  24. SkSLBuiltinTypes.cpp
  25. SkSLBuiltinTypes.h
  26. SkSLCompiler.cpp
  27. SkSLCompiler.h
  28. SkSLConstantFolder.cpp
  29. SkSLConstantFolder.h
  30. SkSLContext.cpp
  31. SkSLContext.h
  32. SkSLDefines.h
  33. SkSLErrorReporter.cpp
  34. SkSLErrorReporter.h
  35. SkSLFileOutputStream.h
  36. SkSLGLSL.h
  37. SkSLGraphiteModules.cpp
  38. SkSLGraphiteModules.h
  39. SkSLInliner.cpp
  40. SkSLInliner.h
  41. SkSLIntrinsicList.cpp
  42. SkSLIntrinsicList.h
  43. SkSLLexer.cpp
  44. SkSLLexer.h
  45. SkSLMangler.cpp
  46. SkSLMangler.h
  47. SkSLMemoryLayout.h
  48. SkSLMemoryPool.h
  49. SkSLModule.cpp
  50. SkSLModule.h
  51. SkSLModuleDataDefault.cpp
  52. SkSLModuleDataFile.cpp
  53. SkSLModuleLoader.cpp
  54. SkSLModuleLoader.h
  55. SkSLOperator.cpp
  56. SkSLOperator.h
  57. SkSLOutputStream.cpp
  58. SkSLOutputStream.h
  59. SkSLParser.cpp
  60. SkSLParser.h
  61. SkSLPool.cpp
  62. SkSLPool.h
  63. SkSLPosition.cpp
  64. SkSLPosition.h
  65. SkSLProgramKind.h
  66. SkSLProgramSettings.h
  67. SkSLSampleUsage.cpp
  68. SkSLString.cpp
  69. SkSLString.h
  70. SkSLStringStream.h
  71. SkSLUtil.cpp
  72. SkSLUtil.h
  73. spirv.h


SkSL (“Skia Shading Language”) is a variant of GLSL which is used as Skia's internal shading language. SkSL is, at its heart, a single standardized version of GLSL which avoids all of the various version and dialect differences found in GLSL “in the wild”, but it does bring a few of its own changes to the table.

Skia uses the SkSL compiler to convert SkSL code to GLSL, GLSL ES, SPIR-V, or MSL before handing it over to the graphics driver.

Differences from GLSL

  • Precision modifiers are not used. ‘float’, ‘int’, and ‘uint’ are always high precision. New types ‘half’, ‘short’, and ‘ushort’ are medium precision (we do not use low precision).

  • Vector types are named , so float2 instead of vec2 and bool4 instead of bvec4

  • Matrix types are named x, so float2x3 instead of mat2x3 and double4x4 instead of dmat4

  • GLSL caps can be referenced via the syntax ‘sk_Caps.’, e.g. sk_Caps.integerSupport. The value will be a constant boolean or int, as appropriate. As SkSL supports constant folding and branch elimination, this means that an ‘if’ statement which statically queries a cap will collapse down to the chosen branch, meaning that:

    if (sk_Caps.integerSupport) do_something(); else do_something_else();

    will compile as if you had written either ‘do_something();’ or ‘do_something_else();’, depending on whether that cap is enabled or not.

  • no #version statement is required, and it will be ignored if present

  • the output color is sk_FragColor (do not declare it)

  • use sk_Position instead of gl_Position. sk_Position is in device coordinates rather than normalized coordinates.

  • use sk_PointSize instead of gl_PointSize

  • use sk_VertexID instead of gl_VertexID

  • use sk_InstanceID instead of gl_InstanceID

  • the fragment coordinate is sk_FragCoord, and is always relative to the upper left.

  • use sk_Clockwise instead of gl_FrontFacing. This is always relative to an upper left origin.

  • you do not need to include “.0” to make a number a float (meaning that “float2(x, y) * 4” is perfectly legal in SkSL, unlike GLSL where it would often have to be expressed “float2(x, y) * 4.0”. There is no performance penalty for this, as the number is converted to a float at compile time)

  • type suffixes on numbers (1.0f, 0xFFu) are both unnecessary and unsupported

  • creating a smaller vector from a larger vector (e.g. float2(float3(1))) is intentionally disallowed, as it is just a wordier way of performing a swizzle. Use swizzles instead.

  • Swizzle components, in addition to the normal rgba / xyzw components, can also be LTRB (meaning “left/top/right/bottom”, for when we store rectangles in vectors), and may also be the constants ‘0’ or ‘1’ to produce a constant 0 or 1 in that channel instead of selecting anything from the source vector. foo.rgb1 is equivalent to float4(foo.rgb, 1).

  • All texture functions are named “sample”, e.g. sample(sampler2D, float3) is equivalent to GLSL's textureProj(sampler2D, float3).

  • Functions support the ‘inline’ modifier, which causes the compiler to ignore its normal inlining heuristics and inline the function if at all possible

  • some built-in functions and one or two rarely-used language features are not yet supported (sorry!)

Synchronization Primitives

SkSL offers atomic operations and synchronization primitives geared towards GPU compute programs. These primitives are designed to abstract over the capabilities provided by MSL, SPIR-V, and WGSL, and differ from the corresponding primitives in GLSL.


SkSL provides the atomicUint type. This is an opaque type that requires the use of an atomic intrinsic (such as atomicLoad, atomicStore, and atomicAdd) to act on its value (which is of type uint).

A variable with the atomicUint type must be declared inside a writable storage buffer block or as a workgroup-shared variable. When declared inside a buffer block, it is guaranteed to conform to the same size and stride as a uint.

workgroup atomicUint myLocalAtomicUint;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer mySSBO {
    atomicUint myGlobalAtomicUint;

An atomicUint can be declared as a struct member or the element type of an array, provided that the struct/array type is only instantiated in a workgroup-shared or storage buffer block variable.

Backend considerations and differences from GLSL

atomicUint should not be confused with the GLSL atomic_uint (aka Atomic Counter) type. The semantics provided by atomicUint are more similar to GLSL “Atomic Memory Functions” (see GLSL Spec v4.3, 8.11 “Atomic Memory Functions”). The key difference is that SkSL atomic operations only operate on a variable of type atomicUint while GLSL Atomic Memory Functions can operate over arbitrary memory locations (such as a component of a vector).

  • The semantics of atomicUint are similar to Metal‘s atomic<uint> and WGSL’s atomic<u32>. These are the types that an atomicUint is translated to when targeting Metal and WGSL.
  • When translated to Metal, the atomic intrinsics use relaxed memory order semantics.
  • When translated to SPIR-V, the atomic intrinsics use relaxed memory semantics (i.e. 0x0 None). The memory scope is either 1 Device or 2 Workgroup depending on whether the atomicUint is declared in a buffer block or workgroup variable.


SkSL provides two barrier intrinsics: workgroupBarrier() and storageBarrier(). These functions are only available in compute programs and synchronize access to workgroup-shared and storage buffer memory between invocations in the same workgroup. They provide the same semantics as the equivalent WGSL Synchronization Built-in Functions. More specifically:

  • Both functions execute a control barrier with Acquire/Release memory ordering.
  • Both functions use a Workgroup execution and memory scope. This means that a coherent memory view is only guaranteed between invocations in the same workgroup and NOT across workgroups in a given compute pipeline dispatch. If multiple workgroups require a synchronized coherent view over the same shared mutable state, their access must be synchronized via other means (such as a pipeline barrier between multiple dispatches).

Backend considerations

  • The closest GLSL equivalent for workgroupBarrier() is the barrier() intrinsic. Both workgroupBarrier() and storageBarrier() can be defined as the following invocations of the controlBarrier intrinsic defined in GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics:
// workgroupBarrier():

// storageBarrier():
  • In Metal, workgroupBarrier() is equivalent to threadgroup_barrier(mem_flags::mem_threadgroup). storageBarrier() is equivalent to threadgroup_barrier(mem_flags::mem_device).

  • In Vulkan SPIR-V, workgroupBarrier() is equivalent to OpControlBarrier with Workgroup execution and memory scope, and AcquireRelease | WorkgroupMemory memory semantics.

    storageBarrier() is equivalent to OpControlBarrier with Workgroup execution and memory scope, and AcquireRelease | UniformMemory memory semantics.